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Topics - Forest Puma

Pages: [1]
Game Help / How to remove Season Mod?
« on: May 17, 2016, 04:43:53 pm »
Heya!  It's almost summer and birds are flying... but on FH I'm still on the Winter Mod. So, how to remove it? I have no idea so that's why I ask. Or just sent me a page to a summer or spring mod( if there are any) I have saved the backup files from the media!  And textures... I guess XD So plz tell me how to remove the Season Mod!

Forum Games / Change a letter
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:30:59 am »
Change a letter
JUST change One letter in the word that the person above said and then write a new one.

Person 1: cat
Person 2: car. Like
Person 3: life. Cool.

And so on. OK I start:)


Game Help / Can't connect to front server
« on: December 29, 2015, 10:02:40 am »
I have problems... I didn't play FH for more than 30 days and I came back. But when I write much user name and password it says 'Failed to connect to front server'. What I must do? I really want my friends, characters, etc.

Pages: [1]