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Topics - Abomine

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Leaving / So Long, Farewell...
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:44:03 am »
I don't like goodbyes, so I'll try to make this short and sweet.

I've been gravitating away from FeralHeart recently, both in-game and here on the forums. This does not mean that I'm severing myself from FH entirely; it just means that I won't be on here much from now on. I'll pop in every now and then to say hi, but I'm moving on to new things.

You have been a lovely community, and I have enjoyed my time here.

If you want to keep in touch, you can find me on Last Moon. Thank you for all of the fun times and I'll see y'all later. ;)

Discussion Board / Animal Documentaries
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:57:12 am »
So I've been hoarding collecting animal documentaries on Pinterest...and I feel so alone because nobody I know seems to really enjoy watching them, except for me.  :'(

If you have some particular favorites that you'd like to share, post 'em here! I'll post mine, too, if folks are interested in this topic.

And if you're in the mood for animal documentaries, but don't know where to start, talk about it here. And you can always try YouTube. YouTube is full of complete animal documentaries. All of the documentaries I've collected in my Pinterest folder are ones that I've found on YouTube.

This may also help to inspire some interesting rp ideas. Turns out that * le gasp!* wolves and lions and warrior cats are not the only socially complex/roleplay-worthy animals out there! Check these cool critters out.

So anywho...reassure me that I'm not alone, that you animal-loving folks here on FH enjoy your critter-docs too!  ;D

Poems / Abomine Wrote Poems
« on: November 08, 2013, 04:51:42 am »

Game Discussion / "Rogue" and "Rouge"
« on: September 22, 2013, 07:19:41 pm »
Lion King rpers on FeralHeart always seem to be getting the terms "rogue" and "rouge" confused. What started as a simple spelling error has since grown into a whole new way of (incorrectly) spelling a term.

To put an end to this ridiculousness once and for all, here is the difference between a "rogue" and a "rouge".

Definition of the Word "Rogue"
rogue Noun /r?g/

adjective: roguish
verb: swindle, cheat, shark
noun: rascal, scoundrel, villain, knave, swindler, scamp, blackguard, crook

rogues plural
A dishonest or unprincipled man
you are a rogue and an embezzler
A person whose behavior one disapproves of but who is nonetheless likable or attractive (often used as a playful term of reproof)
Cenzo, you old rogue!
An elephant or other large wild animal driven away or living apart from the herd and having savage or destructive tendencies
a rogue elephant
A person or thing that behaves in an aberrant, faulty, or unpredictable way
he hacked into data and ran rogue programs
An inferior or defective specimen among many satisfactory ones, esp. a seedling or plant deviating from the standard variety

Some Examples of a Rogue

Definition of the Word "Rouge"
rouge Noun /ro?oZH/

noun: lipstick
A red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for coloring the cheeks or lips

rouge Verb /ro?oZH/

rouged past tense; rouged past participle; rouges 3rd person singular present; rouging present participle
Color with rouge
her brightly rouged cheeks
Apply rouge to one's cheeks

Some Examples of a Rouge

Game Help / FH wants to destroy my laptop...
« on: August 02, 2013, 02:18:43 am »
It's only been in the past month that FH has started doing this.

FeralHeart overheats my laptop almost every time I open it. I'll be derping around in the public maps like I usually do, and about ten minutes in, my laptop will suddenly shut itself off. I touch the bottom of my laptop, where the air blows out from the fan, and it's scalding hot. The fan seems to work fine, though. It whirrs and blows air just like it should.

My laptop has no working battery. I just plug it into the wall. It's also getting to be a little old by computer standards (two and a half years, I believe).

I also run FH on Direct3D9, which I hear is supposed to reduce the quality of the graphics (or something like that) to make FH run more smoothly for computers that can't do too much heavy-lifting.

Anything helps. Thank you for reading. :)

Game Help / FeralHeart Crashing
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:19:39 pm »
This is the first time this has ever happened to me. I try to get into Fluorite Plains from the Cape of Distant worlds, and FH crashes. I look at how many users are in the map, and it's not that the server is too crowded. 33/300 users in Fluorite isn't very crowded.

Is there something wrong on my end, or does the server just have the hiccups?

Discussion Board / Your Favorite Animals!
« on: May 04, 2013, 09:18:44 pm »
This is a thread for posting pictures, videos, etc. about your favorite animals. Bonus points if you can tell us why that animal (or animals, you can have more than one favorite animal) is your favorite.

I'll start us off with some of my favorites:

Deer in general, but especially mule deer and red deer (the animal in the picture). Deer, to me, represent everything that's powerful and beautiful about nature. For a lot of people, that's what wolves and lions represent, but for me, it's deer. Their branch-like antlers make them look like forest princes, and while deer may be pretty common animals (they've been very aptly described as 'rats with hooves' by people who live in deer country), they will still be one of my all-time favorite animals.

Bears, especially giant pandas and grizzly bears. The same words that I applied to deer apply to bears as well. The lion has often been labeled as 'the king of the beasts', but in my opinion, bears are much more majestic and 'kingly-looking' than lions. Doesn't this great beast look like a king? I think he does.

Octopi, expecially the Giant Pacific octopus. These intelligent, beautiful animals always inspire awe in me. They just look so otherworldly, like alien ballroom dancers in the way that they move. I saw one of these magnificent creatures at the Monterey Bay Aquarium once. It was so beautiful that I shed tears. No other animal before or since has been able to inspire such a level of emotion in me.

Vultures and condors, especially this California Condor. Vultures tend to get a bad rap because of their...unsavory eating habits and odd appearances. I personally have a deep respect for vultures, and their bald heads only make them all the more beautiful. They are incredibly majestic animals, and they serve a noble purpose in their local ecosystems. I consider myself very lucky to live in turkey vulture country, so I get to see these big beautiful guys soaring overhead on a regular basis.

Coyotes get a pretty bad rap too, often dismissed as vermin, or as the 'cowardly, wicked' cousins of wolves. I actually prefer coyotes over wolves because they're smarter and more resilient than wolves. For example, during the 1920s, gray wolves and coyotes were classified as 'vermin' in the US and were to be exterminated as such. Wolves and coyotes were shot on sight and scene. Gray wolves nearly went extinct, but coyote numbers continued to grow as if nothing was happening. The intelligence and perseverance of coyotes is legendary, rivaling even that of the beloved red fox. I live in coyote country, and it fills my heart with joy whenever I hear their raucous music in the night.

This is five-foot tall stork-vulture out of hell is a Marabou Stork. It eats frogs and small mammals, like other storks do, but it also eats carrion, hence the vulture-like bald head. A lot of people consider this bird to be monstrous and ugly, but I personally think they look rather endearing, cute even. A very different kind of cute.

So anyway, if you have a favorite animal, share the love of that favorite animal right here. I can't wait to see what kinds of interesting animals you guys have to show us! :D

Other Mods/Creations / *~Wolf's Rain Music for FH!~*
« on: April 27, 2013, 07:47:19 pm »

Hello, fellow FeralHearters! I have compiled a folder of music from the anime Wolf's Rain to be used as in-game music for FeralHeart!

Le Download:

--Copy/paste the music.cfg in the downloaded folder into your main FeralHeart folder and save it over the old music.cfg. Remember to save a copy of the old music.cfg just in case!!!
--Copy/paste all the rest of the music files into FeralHeart>Media>Music.
--Turn off and restart your FH game if it is already running.'re done! Enjoy!


Click here to download my Princess Mononoke FH Music Pack!

Click here to download my Super-Mega-Ultra-Huge FH Music Pack!

Game Help / What is [Sacred] in the FH Music.cfg? (Solved)
« on: April 27, 2013, 06:09:21 pm »
When I open the music.cfg, I notice that underneath all of the code is this word ---> [Sacred]. I'm trying to make another FH music modification, so I'm wondering what [Sacred] means, and perhaps if it is some kind of leftover from an unfinished map that never made it in-game, and if I can set music to it.

Discussion Board / Bambi (the original novel, not the Disney movie)
« on: April 14, 2013, 05:00:31 pm »
Up until recently, I had no idea that this movie:

was based on this book:

Don't get me wrong, I still love the Disney movie. It will always be one of my all-time favorites, but this book...this just blows my mind. It takes subjects that were only touched on in the movie (The Circle of Life, dealing with loss, growing up in a dangerous world, Survival of the Fittest, Nature Red in Tooth & claw, Man's role in Nature), and cranks them all the way up to eleven.

It also cranks up the violence and tragedy factor quite a bit. If you thought the death of Bambi's mom in the movie was depressing, just wait 'till you read the novel. I'm telling you, the death of Bambi's mom is only the beginning. Bambi was originally intended to be a novel for adults, until Disney made it into a relatively tame animated film, so now you always see copies of this book in the children's sections in libraries and bookstores.

Fun Fact: this book was burned by the Nazi Party when it was first published because the relationship between the poachers and the deer was seen as a commentary on the relationship between the Nazis and the Jews. And Felix Salten was Jewish, so that was just another reason to burn it. This is why first edition German copies are ridiculously hard to find.

So anyway...this book needs more fans. It is a beautiful piece of literature that everyone ought to read at least once in their lifetime.

You can read the entire ebook here: and discover the awesomeness that is Bambi for yourself! :D

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