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Topics - Silhouette

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Game Discussion / Nice and/or Amusing Warrior Cat Names
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:51:56 am »
Okay. Now let me start off by saying.... everyone is entitled to name their character whatever they want? Okay? Ok. Now, with that in mind, I must say that I have found a great deal of humor in some of the warrior cat names Ive found. Some of them are rather respectable choices however after speaking to several people as well as making my own observations, I have come to the conclusion that many people do not really think about the implications of a warrior name when they name their characters. Given that some players are sometimes easily identified by a warrior name, I do not wish to single anyone out SO, I will simply use names I have seen across MANY players or JUST refer to the prefix.

Deathkit. Now there is one I have seen from MANY players. Or DeathPaw, or Deathfur, or Deathstar, whatever. It all leads back to a "Deathkit." Now, if this name had some thought put into it as far as the history goes... like perhaps it was thought to be a stillborn or something, and wasnt, I can understand.

Shredded-Insert Suffix. Shredded Paw... Um... ouch? Shredded Pelt? Ouch again? Shredded Star? Thats not too bad but ......Dare I ask what this cat's KIT name was? SHREDDED KIT? My goodness. Did his mother give birth under a RUNNING LAWN MOWER? If it was a renamed elder... then maybe I could understand.

Burning-Insert suffix. O.O I think this one speaks for itself. Burningstar sounds like a cool name but.... roasted feet and kittens? D:

The last one is the ones who have a prefix of "Star, Kit, or Paw" ....Kitkit, Starstar, and Pawpaw? Really?

What are some other warrior pre-fixes have you found that are either nice and sensible, or perhaps not that you find amusing? I personally like the prefix "petal" and it makes sense to me because some of the cats are named after plants/flowers or parts of them.

Remember everyone has a right to their own opinions and these are just a few of mine. I personally dont see anything wrong with these names so much, they just make me wonder what was supposed to inspire the "mother" to name them.

Game Discussion / Learn to Read Between The Lines.
« on: December 28, 2012, 10:12:30 pm »
Alright, so the "Feeling ignored in a RP" thread made me think of this. Now here, Im not talking about being ignored. This is concerning RPs that are agreed upon by two people. And Ill go ahead and say, Im going to struggle to explain what I'm trying to say here so if some things do not come across clearly I will do my best to clarify them.

So let me make this clear upfront, yes, some characters are oblivious due to it being their nature. There are derpy characters, clumsy characters, and characters that zone out or purposefully ignore others. That's pretty expected. However...

...What about the rest of them that /arent/ supposed to be this way? Somehow I think some players don't really process the information in someone elses post. Its as if something needs to be upfront and in their face for their character to notice. And its not just that. The players do not even acknowledge what your character is doing inside of your post. [And understand, this is between a VERY small group or only two people so its not like the player of the other character has anything to do or look at that might incline them to ignore you.]

For example, if you and another person were alone in a room and one of them begins shouting and you're half asleep when they begin shouting.... odds are, you're going to react to that in some way, shape, or form. Maybe you'll perk up, maybe you'll ask them what they're shouting about or ask them to stop, maybe you would tell them to flat out shut up, or.... maybe even you'll just kinda look at them before nodding off again. The point being YOU WOULD NOTICE.  This particular example may overlap with the "ignoring" bit so let me back up with another example.

Your character is sneaking from cover to cover to assasinate another character. They're a little nervous, they dont exactly want to, but theyre going to because for one reason or another, they think they have to.

....The other character does'nt notice your character's sneaking around until after several posts. Fair enough, that makes perfect sense. EXCEPT..... their character does'nt question why your character is sneaking around, dose'nt wonder why your character is'nt making eye contact and is stuttering, or why they have something hidden behind their back. And it is not until your character acctually attempts to strike out or kill them that they show ANY sign of curiosity or suspicion. [Ok, extreme and not-so-great example there.] But come ON. I know SOME characters are like that  but seriously, not everyone [or rather, every character] in the world is overtrusting or oblivious like that.

 There are times in real life where you may not necesarily be speaking but you would react. Heres one final, and probably crazier example but I feel its effective here. If a lunatic went screaming across the mall running as fast as he could waving his arms. You're not going to keep reading your magazine. You're going to at /least/ look up if not move away. Why do some of these roleplays make me think that if yourcharacter was in that position that the lunatic would have to speak TO them or run and plow directly INTO them for them to take notice? I mean really. 8/

 And I tend to see behavior like this common among the more iliterate players but I've seen it in literate players just the same. If you agreed to roleplay with me, why do I have to plant a big neon-green sign in your character's face BEFORE they acknowledge my character's actions? It drains a lot of the fun out of a roleplay, having to spell things out. I suppose I'm just annoyed at the large number of people who are unwilling to read between the lines even the slightest bit. 8/

Finished Maps / Bridgeston City Ruins! [PUBLIC]
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:57:32 pm »
Due to the high demand for these maps and the fact that my friends and I will no longer be roleplaying in them as frequently as we used to, I have decided to allow the public gain access to them. I ask you read EVERYTHING before you download and use the map, (My rules may be a bit different from other's rules so READ them, do NOT skim because of some similarities) otherwise you're liable to get blocked as well as promote my consideration for keeping my maps private from here on out. These maps were used privately for a very long time and I can turn them into such again, but right now Im having a little faith in other players to behave themselves.

The characters in the screenshots of the hotel belong to their respective players, and I thank all of them for their help with allowing me to take pictures to put up on the walls. And a special thanks to Graciegirl_23 for the color recomendations of the hotel. Nearly all of the objects in the maps were either FROM the game /OR/ built out of shape meshes from the game and retextured either using textures that I made OR were from the game. The ONLY exception to this is the low poly waterfall created by Hamilton. So those planes, houses, etc and stuff you see were built in object maker, not downloaded.

1. Basic rules of the game apply here. And for heaven's sake, no mating in this map. If you want your characters to have offspring it will not kill you to skip that part. We all know where babies come from, and we don't need to hear nor see it. Do not godmod or powerplay. [And I would prefer you not autohit, but Ill leave that between you and the person you RP with] I will add more rules here as becomes necessary so its your responsibility to check back on them.

2. REALIZE that these maps were used for a roleplay before. Originally these maps were a set of six, rather than twelve and they were "uncursed" and through the course of the RP, I acctually "remade" the original six in their current state and made six more. Things happened here before to get these maps to the state that theyre in. That said, if your character enters these maps and they were not apart of that RP, they're not going to know what happened here.

Your character can THINK they know what happened all you want them to, but they can't KNOW unless they speak to another character who [truthfully!] has been there before and has knowledge of what took place and the odds of that happening are relatively slim because those who escape usually do not have the reason nor intention of coming back. There are, however, a VERY small few that may. Do not assume you know what happened here in Bridgesteon. It was'nt a disease, it was'nt a takeover by aliens, and it certainly was not an apocalypse either. Any cities around Bridgeston would have been perfectly fine compared to here so if your character is domestic and from a city, whatever took place in that other city, good or bad has NO relation to what has gone on here.
Moral of the story: YOUR CHARACTERS KNOW NOTHING UPON WALKING INTO THE MAPS. I know which characters took place in this role play because I know their players.

3. You characters can NOT have lived here "before the tragedy struck" or "all of their lives" or "for a very long time"  OR have "owners who used to be in the city" Why? Because that would suggest your character should know something about what happened, and that drags us straight back to rule number two.  

4. THIS CITY IS VOID OF HUMAN NPCS. [Non-player characters that you "pretend" are there. There are NO human NPCS.] What does this mean? There are no "dog catchers" or "scientsits out to catch little doggies to expirement on" because theyre NOT HERE. Those sort of folks were not here to begin with anyway and virtually all of mankind [And most other animals!] have beat a hasty retreat out of here, and the rest of them have fought their way out so they are G O N E. You CAN pretend to have your character find corpses of either humans or animas (domestic dogs, coyotes, domestic cats and other urban animals) but they wont provide much evidence to the cause of their demise as theyve likely decayed by now. Moral of the story: Unless an ACTUAL REAL player brings a human character into the map, there are no humans here. Not even your regular "everyday passerby" Everyone is GONE.

5. I don't mind what method of RPing you prefer be it script or para-RPing, you will at least make an effort to be somewhat literate, either in character or out of character. I understand some people have legitimate issues with reading and writing but the majority does not. I don't expect you know how to spell all of your words but it is not too much to ask you to capitalize your I's, the start of a sentence, and end with a period.

6. I don't mind what species you bring to RP here so long as it is not a flat-out herbivore. All of the plant life is virtually dead anyway so there's nothing for those sort of critters around here. There's hardly anything for carnivores to begin with, given that information. All of the same rules apply to any species be it wolf, dragon, cat, whatever.

7. You can bring a group in here if you like although Im not sure why anyone [IC anyway] would want to stay here. You can RP here as long as you want but if you plan to claim an area, Im a bit apprehensive about that so you just need to talk to me about it through a private message first. I dont bite. ^^;

8. You may notice the "pictures" hanging up in the hotel as well as in the Subway as well as the eggs in the airfield. These were all used as easter eggs or ways of decorating the walls. The screenshots are of the characters of some of my friends on here. I did'nt intend for them to be used as part of anyone's roleplay. I don't care if your character acknowledges that there is a picture on the wall but please, dont have your character going around "recognizing" people from the walls a RP because while in character, those images would be something different/irelevant, or at least thats how I intended it.

9. Comments encouraged and appreciated!

The smell of Bridgeston is the smell of rot. A dark eerie haze hangs over the sky, discoloring it permanently to a sickening green or bloody crimson shades during what should have been daylight hours. However, here is no daylight here. The few trees that remain standing are fragile to the touch, their bark wasting away in flakes. Most of the wood that remains in the collapsed houses creaks and the bricks are anything but stable. The spirit of the lands around the city has long since fled, leaving in her wake the remains of the damage that it and so many others had struggled in vain to stop.

These lands are just an inch short of inhospitable. Most of the water is not suitable for consumption, the grass is dead, and the buildings have been left in ruin. Trash and broken glass litters the street and the lights have been left on in many of the buildings to sit and buzz until they shut off. Other areas have been tampered with so much that some of the lightpoles dont have power at all. Something so meaningless as a rusting car, or a collapsed house has been used as a hiding place, but now? They sit alone and cold, slowly withering away to nothing. Although its been said the causes of this tragedy have long since moved on, leaving no more than their damage in their wake, it may be in your best interest to proceed with caution...

(There are twelve maps total in this map pack. They are all interconnected and hidden within themselves meaning you will not have a dozen maps lined up along the cape. The entrance to these maps is Bridgeston Park Ruins. From there you can choose to head to Bridgeston South or North and look for other maps there. This is a set that is very easy to get lost in, so know that the way you is always going to be Bridgeston Park or your homepoint button. Also, not every map will lead to another map and on the other hand some maps will lead to other maps but they wont be blantantly obvious and easy to see. That said, you may need to search every inch of the map to get to the next one. The ones I know most people have a hard time finding is the Sewer entrance (hint: Look around the warehouse's map!), and the Housing Project (hint: Its located in the south!)) The twelve maps are the park, the south, the housing project, the gas station, downtown, the hotel parking lot, inside of the hotel, the north, the warehouse, the sewer, the subway, and the abandoned airfield.


Due to the fact that there ARE twelve maps, I have split the map into two seperat downloads. What you must do is download AND install the first download. Everything should go in exports except for the ceiling mat files and ceiling textures which will go in the "structures" folder. Once you have done everything and ONLY once youve done everything, download the second download and install it. DO NOT DO THIS OUT OF ORDER. If you do, the map set will not function properly. Its not that complicated, just do one then the other.

I KNOW some people have issues with the outside of the hotel showing up. [It looks like a portal in front of a blank space] I will post a download here with the needed file later. I forgot an FHO file for the hotel parking lot.

Download One:

Download Two:

Art Gallery / Silhouette's Entry
« on: December 12, 2012, 11:42:32 pm »

My character May in a picture I've simply titled as "I Promise" ^_^;

Other Games / Transformice [Cheese?]
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:01:43 pm »
I'm a bit curious as I've only bumped into a few players on Feral Heart that I already know who play this, does anyone play Transformice? Its a 2-D online multiplayer gamewhere you are a mouse who's main objective is to get a piece of cheese and return to the mouse hole. The only problem is.... there are lots of obstacles, traps, and even other mice in your way.

As a regular mouse, you look to the shaman mouse for help to reach the cheese. Only... heres the catch, he may or may not help you. Rather than a regular mouse, he/she is set apart by ringed markings as well as a large feather. The shaman mouse has the power to summon objects to help or kill you. The only thing is, they cannot enter the mousehole until all of the mice have either died or returned to the mousehole, so usually whoever is selected to play the shaman is pretty inclined to help you.  Usually the shaman [Or shamans as there is sometimes more than one depending on the map] will be the person with the most "points" at the end of the last level. Do be warned though, if the shaman dies, or dose'nt know how to help you before time runs out, you could be in trouble.

You can earn cheese to recolor/decorate yourself as well as start tribes. Theres many different rooms and level types, some simpler or more dangerous than others, and some are flat out trickey. The mechanics of the game prevents physical interaction between the mice themselves, however, shaman's can summon things to strike regular mice, as well as a regular mouse might set something off that might cause another regular's mouse's demise, whether intentional or not. For example, if someone is balancing on a balloon, and another mouse jumps onto it and moves it, it might make it dificult forthe first ad he/she may fall off. Or even more often, if tons of mice run out onto a bouncy bridge, if they go out in the middle, it will snap beneath them if they dont get across quickly enough/if theyre in the center of the weight.

I'm not entirely certain of the nature of the community as I do not interact with the forum so much, and I have known some people to be rude. [But thats not unusual, this is the internet afterall. You can always go to a different room with your friends and keep playing] But overall I think the game is a cute idea and I was curious if anyone else does/has played it. I stopped playing a few months ago and came back and they had re-done and added a bunch of stuff, and I feel like a total newbie again X.X

Anyway, anyone else play this? :)

Discussion Board / Flowers (Both A game, and subject)
« on: June 16, 2012, 05:34:34 pm »
I'm curious, is there anyone here who gardens? I love growing flowers in pots, particularly zinnias. I was curious if theres anyone else here who likes gardening. I thought this might be an interestng subject since no one has brought it up.

Now if you're wonder why I said its also a game, well, just recently I found where someone did a piano song over various clips from a game called "Flower." Sadly I don't have a PS3 to play it. But for those of you who have played it, I figure this is as good a place as any to put it. You take control of the wind and pick up flower petals along way, restoring the deadened and damaged areas as you go.


If you look up a  video of this game at the end of level four you'll see the game takes a darker turn. Ive only seen the videos and I found it to be unexpected and startling.

Heres a video that someone made of a little gameplay.

So... anyone ever play this game? Or garden at all?

Stories / (7/2/12 Update) May's Writing [Journals From a Guardian]
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:21:39 am »

Art Gallery / UPDATED Silhouette's Artwork ( 7/7/2013)
« on: June 09, 2012, 02:20:38 pm »

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