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Messages - Silhouette

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Forum Discussion / Re: How is that possible
« on: November 15, 2013, 12:22:17 am »
You claim that it drives you insane when someone debates against you, they get many supporters, and you say it makes you look like an idiot. You wonder why someone argues against you in one topic then agrees with you in another... and you say it drives you insane, yet you claim you don't take it personally?

......How is that even possible?

Are you looking for a specific explination here?

What I meant was, I don't take it personally, but when I think about how they just tried to make me look like a fool, and then, 'Support' me in something else, as if they never disagreed with me ever.
This is what I had meant.

The fact that you think about it after the fact on a completely irrelevant thread means you're taking it personally.

 If you DO find yourself thinking about "Well he/she said/did in the other thread about......-insert topic here- and didn't agree with me." Then you /are/ taking it personally. Its overreacting about something that /does not matter./ You can't over-think it.

If I go on one thread and disagree with you and agree with you on the next, would saying something to effect of bringing up how I disagreed with you in another topic make a whole lot of sense? No. It would just be bringing an off-topic conversation to the thread. Would refusing to post because "Oh he/she posted there, so even though I agree I'm not going to say anything/I'm not going to post." make sense either? Of course not.

So really the only thing that DOES make sense is to state your option on the 2nd topic, whether you agree/disagree with the person and that's it. No more. You don't talk about some other random thread or act hostile toward a person because they disagree with you on some other thread, that's childish and bratty.

And let me ask you, what exactly /are/ you mad at the person for anyway? You say "they make me look like a fool." Okay.....How?  How are they making you look like a fool in a completely fair argument? By doing what? By stating their opinion? By backing up facts with evidence?  By doing everything that they have a /right/ to do just as you do?

Now while I can't be certain how old you are, and though I highly doubt it, you may be older than me. But I'll say this anyway. In the adult world, people expect you to know how to present ideas and your thoughts and how to not be a sore loser or take things personally.

 Lets say Joe and Jill are trying to get a promotion. Both have the same resources at their fingertips and the same amount of time to gather up their ideas. Their co-workers will vote for who's ideas seem the most beneficial to the company. The one with the most votes wins the promotion

If Jill proposes a fantastic case that make's Joe's case look pitiful by comparison and she gets the promotion instead, guess what Joe's boss will expect him to do? It doesn't matter how "well thought out" Joe's ideas were, or how long he spent on them in comparison to Jill, or how it "seemed like a great idea at the time," Joe's boss is STILL going to expect him to come into work Monday morning with a smile and acknowledge Jill respectfully as his new supervisor. Joe's boss isn't going to want to hear his whining about Jill's new position and "woe is me, life's not fair." That's a quick ticket to getting fired or in the very least, irritating your boss.

 Jill was never "out to get him." She didn't cheat. She won fair and square and her coworkers ONLY voted for/supported her because she had the best argument/ideas.The only thing for Joe to do at that point is admit a loss, get a stiff upper lip, get over it, and try to do better next time. Not to whine. Not to take it personally. Not to glare at Jill at the next company banquet or disrespect her because she beat him. The only thing to do is to get over it and do better next time.

Its no different in an online argument and its NOT a big deal. I mean come on, think about it, you're on the internet with tons of total strangers. Should you /really/ care about what they think? No.

What I meant was, I don't take it personally, but when I think about how they just tried to make me look like a fool, and then, 'Support' me in something else, as if they never disagreed with me ever.
This is what I had meant.

Oh... I see.

Well to answer you question of "How is that possible?" it just is. As Silhoutte explained before, they aren't trying to make you look like a fool in the discussion where they don't agree with you. It's probably not their intention to make you look stupid. They are just trying to share their little imput with you.

I can't really explain to you on how it's possible. It just is. It happens all the time here on these forums.

Try not to dwell on it.

And this, too. :/

Game Discussion / Re: Is Always Winning Really That Important?
« on: November 14, 2013, 03:49:58 pm »
Irk. I don't see the point in people constantly trying to win the fights either. How on earth does that do any for you, much less develop your character? Most of the time, when I RP with friends its something to the tune of this,

Antagonist finds a means of wrecking havoc, protagonists try to stop it. Protagonists fail due to either inexperience, lack of strategy, or being caught off guard.
Protagonists move away to  "lick their wounds"
Antagonist returns in another RP randomly without warning (though its anticipated by the players that said antagonist will return at some random point), protagonist or antagonist may reap the benefits but its usually not much and the fight fizzles out
Antagonist makes a final return/Protagonist characters seek out the antagonist with a potential solution and either the protagonist wins or if that doesnt turn out and they lose, they go away to "lick their wounds" again and return again when they have another solution. Sooner or later or though, the proper solution is found and the antagonist is removed from the picture, either he/she is killed, banished, whatever.

Its a nice way of giving players on both sides of the RP some opportunity to be the strong-hold and the wounded and have fun with it. But at the end of the day, does it really matter at all? No not really. My main character has lost as many fights as she's won. There's nothing to gain from it.

Thank you SilentFlame ^_^

Characters / Re: Kyrenia - My M.O.C
« on: November 12, 2013, 03:13:08 am »
Nice character design. ^.^ And to make it possible for other people to view your preset, you need to export it and then upload the file that appears in "presets" (NOT my presets) to a download site such as mediafire or a similar site and give the download link to your friends so they can view it. (and it will go in the "oresets" folder for them.)

Forum Discussion / Re: Story Behind Your Username
« on: November 11, 2013, 09:09:20 pm »
Back when Impressive Title did not feature accounts, I simply went by whatever my character name was. I happily told them my username from Wolfquest in order to identify myself (which most often was Dust), and that was that. During that time I had a main character that I clung to for a long time and eventually she died off, along with the chars of some of my friends. Well, about the time accounts were introduced to Impressive Title, we decided we wanted to bring them back.

So we had our characters reborn as new characters with new names. They'd discover their new identities over time. My friend's character Kiri became Ruya and my hyena Dust became "Silhouette", a winged feline. When the new accounts came out, there was a small, brief issue. The chat displays, unlike now did NOT give you the option to view the name being used in the chat (Meaning I didnt get to choose if it said I was "Silhouette" the character, it would show my username) and I found this to be rather annoying. I ended up making individual accounts for my main characters to combat this. When this bug was fixed, I then had a few different accounts, one of which was Rust (hyena) and the other, Silhouette. I ended up remaking all of my characters from the Rust (hyena) account over to the Silhouette one and I have been going by that name ever since. Bad part is, if someone even mentions the word, I'll perk up at it as if it were my own name. LOL

Forum Discussion / Re: How is that possible
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:30:40 pm »
Neither of us said this Silhouette,

And this is what I am talking about, when some one thinks they are right, they will sometimes claim that the opponent did not do they're 'Research', and even IF the opponent DID, 'Research', no one will listen to them, they will 'Flock' to the 'Winning' team, leaving the opponent in the dust, and very, very, very, Annoyed.   

You'll have to excuse me for being exceptionally blunt here and for once I kind of wish there was a softer way to phrase it but what it sounds to me like is that you take losing an argument /way/ too personally. o_o.

If you have solid research, that is to say, you ACTUALLY provide a link to a legitimate source like a scholarly website or news source, not or some random website like ""

 If you refer back to the Wolfspeaker thread (I'm using this because its probably the easiest to make an example out of) you'll see why there is a difference in opinion. There is nothing to support that wolf-speak phrases are actual words being used in that context. If you look up the word "banner" yeah, you'll find a definition in the dictionary which /is/ a reliable source /however/ nowhere does it say the word "banner" is defined as "tail." That's simply a fact that can't be denied. If someone presents a fact like this as evidence, and the opposing party does not have anything solid (that is to say, something from an equally reliable source like the dictionary) for their side of the argument, they lose. That's how an argument works. This is why you find most people find wolfspeak improper. Real words being used with incorrect/nonexistant definitions. Does that make sense?

People will believe and consequently, support (or according to the term you used "flock to") the most convincing person and if that doesn't turn out to be you, you need to suck it up and go on, rather than get bent out of shape about it.

Yes, its annoying but I hate to be the barer of bad news, that's just how it works. How else do you expect for an argument to end? Its a legitimate question, how does an argument end if one party is more convincing and the other is not other than the latter party losing? Arguments usually only end three ways.

Side A wins, Side B loses
Side A loses, Side B wins
or both have an equal amount of support and it comes to a standstill from which neither side profits.

Forum Discussion / Re: How is that possible
« on: November 11, 2013, 05:30:42 pm »
Enugh... I know how you feel, people like that drive me insane, but then again, people will be people and try and be your best friend, even if they hate you or disagree with things.

In my opinion, I must say that to think that your friends have to agree with you on EVERYTHING and /always/ be on your side is an extremely unrealistic expectation to have about other people/the world round you.

I have plenty of friends with whom I don't agree with. And just because someone disagrees with you and proves you wrong does not mean that they hate you, either. I've had a friend for several years with whom I agree with about the subject of abortion and whether or not its right or wrong but we disagree about whether or not birth control is right or wrong. I don't expect her to agree with me on every little thing. That would be like a two year old throwing a tantrum because he can't have his way.

Forum Discussion / Re: How is that possible
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:10:25 am »
You know how you feel like there is that one person who goes out of their way on a thread to make you look like the biggest idiot, and gets supported?  And then the next thread you go to they act totally as if you two never argued and agrees with you 'Totally'

^ Yeah, not the best Ex, but you get the gist of it.

How is that even possible?  it Drives me INSANE!

This is everywhere. Most people aren't intentionally trying to make you look stupid, but rather disagree and support their disagreement with evidence. Now consequently if you as the opposing party did not do your research and end looking like a fool, that isn't their fault. This is how the world works, be it on the internet or not.

Second, its VERY easy and certainly possible to agree with someone on one subject and disagree on another. For example, if you said (this is just a made-up example, so don't take this seriously) that you liked the fact there is bullying in school in one thread, and also said you hated dog fighting in another thread, I would disagree with you in the first thread and pile up all of my support and evidence against you and that claim, whereas in the second thread, I'd agree with you on that subject and pile up all of my evidence and examples to support you and that claim.

In either situation, people are neither trying to be your friend nor are they attacking you. They're just agreeing or disagreeing and just because the opposing party ends up presenting an argument with more support or logic that the majority agrees with doesn't make them the bully you seem to be making them out to be. It simply means you're losing the argument and either need to come back with a better case with support or you need to put on your big girl/big boy pants and acknowledge you're making a poorly supported claim, you lost, and let it go. Believe me, I've had to do the latter before, and while its certainly not easy, its just something you have to do sometimes. Can't win them all.

If ever find that you are the "odd man out" on a thread and find people are supporting what you disagree with, think about what is being said.  If you don't have evidence to back your claims, people will /never/ take you seriously, be it on the internet or in real life. Otherwise, I could photograph a horse, photoshop wings on it, and have people actually believe its a Pegasus but you and I both know that without real solid evidence (which in this case would have to be bringing them to see the "Pegasus" in person), they won't believe/agree with me and its the same sort of thing on a topic.

I've agreed with you on some threads, and not others, and when the opportunity presents itself to prove what I say is right and what you say is wrong, I will do it with every ounce of evidence and examples that I have. I would do that to anyone and so would anyone else who's ever learned how to debate properly.

These are very nice characters, Silhouette, I like each of their stories and overall character designs look great. ~ If I had to pick favorites, mine would be Katanda, Gem, and Candela.      

Thank you FoxPhilosopher and Deathstorm. ^_^ I have a lot of other characters I would love to add here but I just don't have the energy or the time. (Like Lazuli, she's Candela's mother but shes /extremely/ dificult to explain. *Flails*)

Game Discussion / Re: Sparkle Dogs/Cats/Ponies
« on: November 10, 2013, 10:59:39 pm »
Now, if you don't know what they are: Sparkle animals are characters that are multicoloured creatures that are very unrealistic and illiterate.
I take offense in this. My fursona, Kiki, is certainly not the most realistically-colored character out there, but what does that have to do with me being unrealistic and an illiterate? Kiki is completely green/teal, but I roleplay her just as how the general feline family would act. And I'm not illiterate. In roleplay posts I use correct grammar and punctuation and everything, and I write paragraphs. Just like Tariri said, don't judge a book by its cover, because you don't know them yet. ^^


 Seriously, this past year's "cling to realism" has gone so ridiculously overboard. I'm getting tired of people acting like others are breaking some sacred unspoken law by having unrealistic characters. (Yes I am including neons. And I admit I have said I personally don't like eye-burner characters for /myself/ I can't really judge someone elses color/design choices. Afterall, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and my characters probably look "stupid" to a good number of people also and I'll gladly RP with a neon so long as I can physically stand it. Its their own creative expression.)

Someone my friend knew the other day seemed shocked that her character was designed the way it was (it was unrealistic colors/design) and asked why she made the character that way rather making it realistic. Seriously, should ANY of us have to answer that question? No. Its an expression of creativity, that's what this game is for. Otherwise, if we weren't "supposed" to or "HAD" to have a reason for making our critters blue, green, yellow etc, we would not be given the option. How many months did people spend whining about wanting wings because they were in Impressive Title (and used a LOT back then I might add)? Now look at how many people use them. Almost none. I shouldn't (or anyone for that matter) have to explain myself for using the resources the game gives to make a character.

 I'm getting sick of advertising for someone to RP with me and then have them be "surprised" when they finally meet up with me because my character has wings. (You can't see wings in a movie clip, FYI). I'm also sick of having to fear advertising on some of my less realistic characters. Sometimes I'll advertise about wanting to RP with someone /then/ switch. I never tell them what type of RP it is, so they can't exactly be angry with me. Why do I do this? Because odds are, if my character isn't realistic, I'm more likely to have my advertisement ignored and be labled as a "illiterate sparkle dog/cat" when I can write/roleplay just fine. >_>; /end rant.

A person with a realistically colored character can be JUST AS (If not MORE) obnoxious as a person with an unrealistic character AND they can also be just as "illiterate".  A person's tastes in a character do NOT reflect their behavior. A troll is a troll, is a troll, be it a tawny lioness with naturally colored eyes or a neon green feline with a pink mohawk, now a /troll's/ /behavior/ is something I can agree to hate.

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