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Topics - Azurain

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Praise / Decided to dump this on Calvary
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:20:42 am »
Y'all...Calvary is a precious bean that is so nice and lovable. Everyone should heckin cherish this person. She's so heckin nice and helpful, and honestly I'm so heckin happy to know her. I really hope her and I continue to be friends for a long time yet! And I also hope she becomes a friend to the whole community! ^^

Sorry it's not all...big and fancy...I suck at talking...heh.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Community Helper
« on: October 14, 2018, 02:35:33 pm »
Now, I know what you all are thinking: "Azura...MOTS is basically your community helper role..."

In a way, yes, MOTS can be considered the community helper role, but what I"m suggesting is a tad different. The community helper role could be for the people who help around the forums and game, and help the staff with events and other things. Community helpers can be past MOTS when their seasonal titles are over with, and people who are all around helpful (you wouldn't have to be MOTS, past or present, to be a community helper). I feel this could really help the people who otherwise don't qualify to be a MOTS or have already been MOTS before(I sort of think that if you are a CH, along with staff, you can't be chosen to be a MOTS).

The downfalls I see of course to this thing is...clutter. It could clutter the forums with a new color and possibly confuse people, but if there is a post explaining such a thing, that can be cleared up fine. Community helpers of course would not be moderators, they will have no powers on the forum or in game. And another downfall is the fact it's similar to MOTS and most people may not even see a need for such a role.

It's honestly an odd idea but....I thought I'd at least put it out there. Feel free to discuss and add your own ideas! I'd honestly love to see what you guys think and maybe even refine it enough for it to become a thing here! ^^

Praise / Just a little sumthin
« on: October 06, 2018, 07:32:47 pm »
There are a few people I want to thank in this community. I think I've made a post like this long ago but I think with everything that has happened, i need to make a new one. xD

I want to thank all of the former FeralHeart staff. From the beginning of FH's time till now. You guys broke your backs to keep this game going, to keep it happy and safe for members then and to come.

I want to thank Morgra....for everything she has done for FeralHeart. This person gave her soul to the game and without her...FeralHeart wouldn't be the same. My life wouldn't be the same without this girl in my life either. I've put her through hell but there she is, strong as always. If more people could be like her....the world would be a much better fricken place that's for sure. She should be someone anyone would be proud to look up to. I know I am.

LordSuragaha and Nynx, whether they see this or not, I want to thank them too. For everything they have done as well and for them guiding me to be a better person. I hope someone shows them this and I hope that they know just how much I love and appreciate them.

Esarosa, for being a good friend through thick and thin, despite some differences we've had in the past. This is another person that has given a lot to to the community and we should cherish her as well.

And the community as a whole...for just....keeping the game's heartblood pumping...despite anything that happens.

I suck at talking kill meeeeee

But to everyone....thank you. I love you all. <3

Request a Preset/Marking / Got a rather simple preset request...
« on: October 06, 2018, 06:09:10 pm »
I mean...the design itself is easy. The only difficult part is the face scars (trying to get them to line up is very difficult, I always had that problem when making Az's old preset. xD)

But anyway, the only reason I'm asking is because I no longer have a way to make presets myself anymore, so looking for someone that can maybe help me out!

Here is the ref:

No rush at all, and willing to commission and pay for this preset! Thank you for looking!

Introduction / Might as well throw this out...
« on: September 30, 2018, 06:15:39 pm »
Don't know if anyone noticed I was gone anyway, but after a well deserved break, I came back in the midst of chaos. But honestly, I'm used to chaotic things in my life.

Anyway, I'm Azura. Been here on FeralHeart since 2014, used to be a well respected member of the community till I ruined that of course. But what's in the past is in the past. I'm back now with a new attitude that I hope I keep with me (I say as I throw sass in my intro post...) and I'm going to go back to helping the community like I did when I started a couple of years ago!

So...hi all?!

Praise / It'll be ok
« on: September 25, 2018, 07:25:49 am »
I probably don't have a place to say this but....I'm just going to's going to be ok. And do you know why?

It's because of this community. This community and its staff are is what will make everything ok. We've all been through thick and thin with this game, and came out just fine. Hopefully this is no different!

I couldn't be more proud of all of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for just...making the world a better place for many people. FeralHeart has been a light for me in my life and without this game I wouldn't be here, with my wonderful friends, the love of my life, and a place to call home.

All of you just keep being you. The path of this game may be shrouded in darkness, but with all of us a community...we can light it again. Don't give up hope lovelies! <3

Game Help / Sup guys
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:24:52 pm »
Need someone to be a doll and give me the Mediafire link for the Feralheart download. Would be really appreciated!.

Ask Me / I'm always bored so...doing an ask me!
« on: June 11, 2018, 09:08:07 pm »
Basically as the title says. My old one got lost and I really don't want to track it down and bring it back up. Plus things have changed since so let's start fresh! Just ask away!

Member Bio & Journals / Val's bio!
« on: June 11, 2018, 09:06:20 pm »
It's been....a very long time since I've done one of these, and my original is probably LOOOOONG gone by now, so a new one is being made! Yippie!

Little bit about me
Name: Azura (Not giving out my real name H A H it'suglyanyway)
Age: 22 (Ew I'm old)
Birthday: July 28th
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance: 5'5, more on the heavy side (too many noodles) but not obese, fair skin that turns to bacon in the sun, gray eyes, and extremely frizzy curly hair that's naturally a brownish color but currently has it colored a more strawberry blonde. Also covered in tons of freckles. Polka dotted basically.
Personality: For the most part, very immature and likes to have fun. But can be very hot tempered and have explosive outburts and can be just plain mean. So run while you still can. Also no self confidence, anxious, depressed, blah blah blah.
Hobbies: Mostly likes to stay outside and read, walk, swim, play with the cats, play games...and that's about it. Boring person right here.
Pets: I have a dog named Lily, two cats named Tarja and Smudge, and a rat named Mink.

Likes & Dislikes
Books (Preferably Warriors but I do read other things)
Food (favorite foods being anything with rice or pasta)
Anything that glows
Cool weather
Misty mornings

Rude people
Most beans
Long car rides
Getting scared
Getting mad
Anxiety and panic attacks
The ocean and most ocean critters
Most bugs (especially spiders)

Fun facts:
1. I have two tattoos. One I got after I turned 18 (it's a Star Trek one) and one I recently got started that's covering most of my arm. It's morning glories and moonflowers and they're going to be against a night sky.
2. I'm supposed to wear glasses but I don't and then regret it when I get headaches.
3. I used to have a backwards sleep schedule. I'd sleep during the day and stay up all night.
4. I've tried a turkey heart and calf liver. Never again.
5. I like freshwater fish but not saltwater fish.
6. I can literally live on just pasta and rice alone. I never get tired of it.
7. I adapt strangely well when it comes to food. If I don't have much in the house I invent stuff. Like the PopTart ice cream sandwich (I don't eat it much though because I'm eating healthier and trying to lose weight)
8. I have a bit of a punk streak in me, I just hardly show it.
9. I have a scar on my temple where i was hit in the head by a toy bus when I was 5
10. Speaking of buses, when I was little I had a weird fascination with school buses. My favorite color was yellow, I had toy buses everywhere, and I watched the Magic School Bus for hours everyday.
11. Also speaking of when I was younger, I actually scared the person that screened me for Kindergarten because I was a 5 year old that could read on a 2nd and 3rd grade level. Yes, I actually used to be smart.
12. In 7th grade I shocked my English teacher when my AR scores registered at a 12.9. I was reading on a college level at the start of middle school.
13. I read so much in school that I slacked on my work and failed a lot. I've even been put in ISS and was banned from the library in 5th grade.

Well, that's about all! I'm also going to be putting a journal entry out every Saturday to tell everyone about the week's things! Maybe some pictures of pets will be included in that as well!

Introduction / Oh god not again.
« on: June 11, 2018, 03:09:50 am »
Yeah yeah I know. It's only been a month. This is probably the....-counts on fingers- 500th time I've done this. Y'all are probably rolling your eyes, sighing, and/or cringing but yup. I'm popping back in. For the past month I've been secretly snooping around (moooostly cause I had joined a wolfpack and couldn't leave them. Sounds like an excuse but it's not, I promise.) and then the other day, if you forum users noticed, I've been getting really salty and snapping out some rather...unwise responses on a couple of threads, probably further ruining what little good rep I have left in the FH community. So I tried totally blocking the website, uninstalling the game, and guess what. Failed miserably. Whoops. Because once again, I had the chance to cool off and actually think about what I had been doing (Y'know it would be amazing if I would think BEFORE I hecking act) and noticed that honestly it really isn't bad here. That doesn't mean that here in a few weeks I'll get bitter again and take off. But if that happens, I'll actually just try taking a cool off period instead of becoming bitter and nasty and doing stuff like this.

I know this is sounding cliche at this point, but I love this game. I have bad memories that still haunt me and I hurt. But I have good ones too. It's just like I said in my thread "What makes this game so irresistible?" when I said I had met someone I have come to love and friends I have to this day still. That's...what makes it so irresistible to me, despite what many probably think I'm actually here for (and we all know what that is, I won't even need to say it.)

And once again, I want to apologize to everyone I've treated badly over the years. Everyone. I don't know how much my apologies mean to anyone anymore since I've done it so many times now, but I'm once again sincerely sorry for everything. I let things get to my head and in my quest to achieve one thing, I've become mean and bitter. I've pushed friends away. I've let the game down more than I ever thought possible. And I want to change that. I really honestly want to change. I want to just be a member of the community where I'm happy and loved, and I'll get there again. IT may take a bit and I may have drawbacks, but I'll get there eventually. 

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