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Messages - Pawfreak

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Game Discussion / Re: Is it worth creating a pack?
« on: November 24, 2018, 07:31:50 pm »
Depends. Most wolf packs die fast, but from what I know and noticed, the reasons seems to  be the same. The game is pretty much overrun of canine oriented groups, whenever you enter a map, there is bound to be at least 1 pack roleplaying, or nothing. So this means there would be a lot of competition, right?

Unfortunately not. One of the main reasons I leave wolf packs (and stopped roleplaying in packs too) is that normally they rather only roleplay between themselves.
So this means most groups only focus in, well, 1 group, and rather not meddle with other groups (having allies/rivals),
and that's a major downside.
One of the most exciting things about wolf packs, for me, is their relationship with other animals/wolves. But most groups nowadays? Prefer not to have to talk with anyone but their own members. Since there is no confrotation, they mostly roleplay their lazily laying around or pretending to catch a NPC prey. All I have to say about this, is... BORING! If there are no danger, or anything to waste all of the adrenaline rush, them it's only a "Lay around simulator" for me. And you know how many FH RPs are "lay around simulators"? A lot. Really. When I want to join a animal roleplay I'm not looking to sit near the den and socialize with other members. Normally I'm looking to act as an animal, feel hunger, thirst, having to confront and compete for territory and food. And in the middle of all that action, socialize. This is one of the few things I like in warrior cats groups, since they are clan-oriented, there will always be confrotation between clans. It's a shame I'm not a fan of housecats, really.

Another issue is originality. Since there are a lot of wolf packs, repeating ideas was bound to happen. Which means you can easily hop in groups with not much change. So if you want your members to stick to your group, you will have to offer something unique.

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Canine Species
« on: November 17, 2018, 06:09:45 pm »
Maned wolves. Long bois, with fox heads, deer legs and wolf body? Hell yes!

Also, they look awkward and shy. Just like me.

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Feline Species
« on: November 17, 2018, 06:06:43 pm »
That would be the Jaguar. They are the jack-of-all-trades of the Panthera family.

Likes to Swim? Tigers and Jaguars.
Likes to climb? Leopards and Jaguars.
Likes to pounce? Snow Leopards and Jaguars.
Likes to hide? Leopards, Tigers and Jaguars.
Likes to bite? Jaguars. Really, Jaguars are the only big cat that doesn't bite directly at their prey's neck, they can bite through their skull!

I guess the only thing they don't have, is the sociability of lions. But hell, they don't need to form prides, and since they are the only Panthera from the America, no competitivity.

Request Other Mods/Creations / Deer/Reindeer .MP3 file for Roar/Howl
« on: November 17, 2018, 01:21:55 pm »
The subject is quite explanatory. I need a mp3 for deer or caribou to substitute the default howl and roar. If anyone know a mod that does that, link me please.

Game Discussion / Discord-Only Vs. FH Roleplays
« on: November 11, 2018, 12:51:26 pm »
So, there is something that have been bothering me a lot.

As time has passed, more and more people has been opting for Discord based roleplays, where all the roleplaying happens within the more convenient, non-limiting chatbox of the software/website. Which well, I don't blame then, in-game Roleplaying can be hard, and being able to post during a trip or in the work does have it's advantages.

Warning: If you don't want to see my rant, don't click the spoiler button
But let me say one thing I've been seeing A LOT.

So it's Saturday. You are finally free and have been craving some good RP, so you go to the forum ingame and search in the roleplay advertising section. And oh! It's that one obscure fandom you really love, and it is hosting about your favourite series! You can't lose the opportunity!

 So you read all the paragraphs about the roleplay, check their website and starts to explode in excitement. I can't wait to join!
 But then, you scroll down and see the following words...


Well, I guess if you like Discord rps, you won't mind. But if you're someone like me, who joined FH to be able to roleplay with some graphical representation, it's tiring.

Well, why did I even search on the forums anyway? I should go in game and wait for the recruiter, this time I couldn't go wrong!

So it's Sunday, and you hop on FH and find a nice spot to sit back and wait for a video adv. After some long hours resisting the temptation to just tab out or go to Cherika, a group that has interested you starts advertising!
 Oh my, that's unique! I would love to apply for your grou...


Well... Now, it can be tiring to go through the Roleplaying advertisment section and all the rps that interest you being discord-only, but hoping IN-GAME, so you join a group that doesn't EVEN play the game actively?

Well, If no groups play in-game, then I guess I would have to make my own, right?

So you create a group, and struggle to gain members since it's about that obscure fandom no one but a handful people know about. But eventually, you start grow in numbers and can finally sigh in relief! But then, the new members go out their way and ask.

So, where is the group's discord?

You decide to control the urge to implode, and calmly informs the member the group has no discord. The member says they only like roleplaying with discord and leave. I guess you win some and lose others, no? ...

Well, most "active" and organized groups have a discord to list rules and rankings anyway, so maybe it won't hurt making a discord server to list the important announcements and plan when we are going to play in-game, no?

So you create a discord server, maybe even a site, to list all rules, ranks, art, announcements and yadda yadda. You go to recruit in game, they join your discord and everyone starts to mingle happily on the discord-server, talking about all those cool character and history ideas and suggestions they have for the group. Everytime is good, a lot of people joined and you can't wait to rp with them! So you call them to hop on Bonfire to play with you and then...

Wait, so we are not going to play on the RP channels?

You sigh frustatedly, talk with them but they convince you they like to play through discord and we could have both! and all of the other members agree! So, you create RP-channels so they can play there, while occasionaly you and your members can hop ingame when they can and play on FH! Nothing could go wrong, right? Why not both?

But as time passes, NO ONE even hops in-game and only play through Discord, leaving you thorn between the choice of either playing along, or leaving you to play alone.

And that's how you go back to the forums and search for another roleplay frustatedly, only to find Discord-only roleplays!


Of course, it's my opinion and if you disagree, that's fine. I just want to know if I'm the only one who's been having this problem.
So, what are your thoughts on Discord-only, or FH-only roleplays? why do you like your choice?

Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: November 04, 2018, 06:19:48 pm »
pair of socks

Pawame or Freakame

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Nunavik - Update 1
« on: November 04, 2018, 01:05:48 am »
First of all, thank to everyone here! All this positive feedback is really motivating and gives me more reason to go through this project.

To keep you updated, here is the current progress of the "Grizzly Falls":


And a little bonus:

Are you ready for the salmon run?

These falls takes part of roughly 19% of the map. A big chunk, considering the map's dimensions. When I'm done with this part, I plan on working on either the peak "Where the Light touches the Earth" OR the raccoon pinetree forest.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / [W.I.P] - Nunavik
« on: November 02, 2018, 11:50:59 pm »
This is a big project I'm working on: a 40000 width and 1000 height map!
After a short hiatus, I decided to get into map making.

Started 2nd November 2018.

Inspired on the beautiful landscape featured in Brother Bear(2003) and Brother Bear 2(2006); I'll love to present an upcoming map!

Nunavik (Ondulating Tundra in Inuktitut)

This map is being made for an upcoming Brother Bear-based RP group I've been planning with a friend. The map will include a few of the known landmarks (The 2 Inuit villages, the waterfall, the mountain where the Sky touches the Earth, the lava lands... And the Bear waterfalls!)

Currently the work done is:

[Current on hiatus]

  Terrain HeightMap - [87% - Need some tweaks]
  MapMask - [45% - Needs to tweaked for non-worked areas]
  The Northwest area - Polar Ranges [ 2% done]
  The Northern area  - (Unnamed, transition area) - 5% done
  The northeast area - Grizzly Falls [- 95% done]
  The Western area  - Inuit Village/frozen lands [- 0% done]
  The Cental area - Where the Sky touches the Earth [ - 10% done]
  The Eastern area  -  The pine forest [ - 45% done]
  The Southwest area - The wilderness falls [- 5% done]
  The Southern area   - Inuit Village, Southern forest [- 22% ]
  The Southeast area - Caribou forest, wilderness of danger and beauty [ - 12%]

A little bit of spoiler of the almost done Grizzly falls ~~
( Psst, I'm going to include a area for bears to hang out soon)
[02/11/2018 - 07:36 pm]

(Probably will change the rock texture to a non-sedimentary rock later. The current rock is a placeholder)

If you have any suggestion, I would love to hear! But keep in mind the Brother Bear story takes place in Alaska, so all elements must fit in a tundra landscape!

Game Help / Re: Presets not showing/Broken Lonely cave
« on: October 22, 2018, 01:52:17 pm »
I did reset/sent home, and that was exaclty my BIGGEST problem. When My char got stuck, I did this to fix "as usual", but the problem WAS the lonely cave, so ALL my characters got stuck because I tried to "fix it".

And normally I always put the SYNC presets on the private_Presets as a backup. The problem didn't happen just with my FH either, my friends couldn't see each other presets too.

But you may lock this thread now, my LC is working again. Technically I couldn't do anything to fix it, just wait... I don't know if the presets are working again though.

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