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Messages - Pawfreak

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 20,000
« on: July 26, 2018, 06:40:02 pm »

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: July 23, 2018, 01:04:38 pm »
Lucky true, I just got into Discord!
The next poster is an artist!

Screenshots / Re: Pawfreak's nest
« on: July 22, 2018, 03:37:10 pm »
This is very heartwarming oh my gosh <3 Thank you very much! I didn't know you approved it that much<3 I really appreciate this!
I hope you'll be there next time too, and I'm happy to see you had the time of your life <3

Sometimes I may come off as cold or uninterested, but that's because I'm not a natural English speaker so I'm worried that if I express myself too much, I may come off as rude (which happened a lot of times in the past), so most of the time I avoid talking unless necessary! But don't worry, is not that I didn't like it! It's visible how much work and passion you put on Mr.Lumius! Not only with all the coding, preset making, but the design of the character ~~

I hope to see you in the next party too!

Screenshots / Re: Pawfreak's nest
« on: July 22, 2018, 03:06:26 pm »

Henlo, my fellow fluffers! these are the screenshots I took during the summer party (07/21/2018), so I won't number these screenshots as it is part of a special event~~

First, let's start with the beaultiful map!

Obligatory group pic

AAAND, photobomb.

The group dance

And jumping!

Aaand, there is a LOT happening in this pic that I won't even comment.

Special thanks to our DJ Morgra for the awesome beats and thanks for starting right off the bat with P H I L   C O L L I N S

Also, group buffet (Also, can you spot the hidden Guaraná?

And, can we talk about Ellen's Beaultiful preset: MR. LUMIUS?

(And bonus Kuri)

~~ Guaraná and post-party antics ~~

Kuri spotted



Me and Universe ^

Bonus Ratoo! (PocketMutt)

And that's it! from a total of 217 screenshots, these are the ones I found the best to post! also...

Bonus Suragaha!

Screenshots / Re: Pawfreak's nest
« on: July 13, 2018, 10:58:31 pm »
Thanks! I was actually planning her design while drinking guarana Juice, so I thought it would suit her well! (being red, energetic and South American)

Screenshots / Pawfreak's nest
« on: July 13, 2018, 10:21:12 pm »
Henlo my frens!

As you probably never met me before, I'll introduce myself now: I go by the username Pawfreak, and my main "wolf" goes by the name Guaraná (Captain Guarana in the game, Feral heart is hostile with... Unicode characters...) and I'm a NEW MEMBER! In fact, never played Feral Heart before! Unlike most here, that seems to have played the game for a while.

So, Enough with the introductions, because this isn't the introduction board! Let's go down to business the screenshots! So I'll explain: the reason why I have "wolf" in quotes is that I actually ain't one (Ohh, but that's not even a big deal!) But nor I am a canine or horse or a human or giant floof ball... I am a:


Which does not seem to be a common option around here... Seeing my kind so under appreciated makes me fell so lonely! So I decided to do parrot thingys to show to all of you, so maybe more people will appreciate us!

First off, I'll introduce you to Guaraná (Captain Guaraná):

Guaraná is my main character, and she adds to the psitaccine AND Scarlet Macaw (Ara Macao) population! The Scarlet Macaw is one of my favourite birds and my favourite parrot.

So, as you can see, bird aren't really... a option, in Feral Heart, So I when I first joined the game last month, I was pretty bummed by it. But after I discovered the magic of           P r e s e t s, I HAD to make a Scarlet Macaw character... So I... Tried and I failed but I'm content, for my first try it's not that bad... Right...?

Well, the thing is, since the game models are made for canines and felines, I had quite the difficult to make a bird and of course, there are some "unparrot" things that were unavoidable, like:
Guaraná flying looks like bird of prey
Guaraná walking looks like a rainbow chicken
And Guaraná laying looks like a ded bird

But you know what? THAT'S THE BEST PART OF IT, my parrot flies like a majestic chicken of prey!

OBS: The date system used here is MM/DD/YYYY

So here I'll post any screenshots that I take in the game, and birds that I plan making in the future!

1 - This was Guarana's second official design! When she wasn't "Captain Guarana" and I attempted to do the preset by copying parts of a real Scarlet Macaw and pasting. Guarana's atual design is hand drawn! Taken: 07/11/2018

2 - This is a non-Guaraná screenshot! instead it features another of my characters (Galaxy, nowadays their name is Supernova) Taken: 07/11/2018

3 - Another Supernova screenshot, this one was taken yesterday during a campfire history telling with my friends ~ Taken: 07/12/2018

4 -This one I think a few members here may know! This picture was taken 07/12/2018 during a trip through the Eastern pass, where everyone walked together to Bonfire islands! special thanks to Universe for leading again!

5 - This is Fantasy, one of the first characters that I did, and is the ONLY character that is a "normal" lion! (He's a Liger though) Taken: 07/01/2018

6 - Guaraná FIRST EVER DESIGN! She looked really colorful, but too plain and simple! Taken: 07/09/2018

7 - And this was MY FIRST EVER SCREENSHOT in the game! AND my first created character (aaaand it was neither a lion or wolf... Surprisingly, most of my characters don't have paws) His name used to be Mirage! Taken: 07/01/2018

8 - And this is Mirage today, his name is Cappucino now! Taken:07/13/2018 (RIGHT NOW!)

There will be more Screenshots soon!

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: July 13, 2018, 01:05:00 pm »
X is for Xanthic

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: July 10, 2018, 01:45:38 pm »
The next poster isn't a natural english speaker

Forum Games / Re: Battle of the Zodiacs!
« on: July 09, 2018, 02:07:22 am »

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