Author Topic: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?  (Read 7684 times)

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Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« on: June 29, 2016, 11:33:36 am »
Does FeralHeart make you a furry?

The title may seem odd, but this is something that has been on my mind for a while.

What I want to know is how many of you actually consider themselves a furry.
There has been numberous of discussions between me and my friends whether playing FeralHeart makes you a furry or not.

In my opinion, I do not consider myself a furry. Nor do many of my friends on FeralHeart. I don't believe there's anything wrong with wanting art of the character you have on FH that represents yourself.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being a furry, that's not why I'm making this thread.
The reason is simple curiousity as to how many people on here do not consider themselves a furry, even though the game is seen as a furry game.

There are multiple people out there who argues that "You're playing a furry game, therefore you're a furry."
For people like me, that's not the case at all. I may be on the game and I enjoy it, yes.
I've grown attached to my characters and I enjoy making more, because I have had some of them for approximately 4 years now.
I have characters that represent myself, some may call it OC or fursona. I honestly haven't grasped the terms properly because I've never been interested in these things before I found FeralHeart.

I am here for the community and the people for various of reasons.
I enjoy the looks of my characters, but I leave it there.
Yes, I see my characters as my own creations and that they belong to me because they represent me.

Do I really have to have a discussion/argument with people because they claim I'm a furry even though I don't consider myself as one? If I felt like I was a furry, I'd admit that?

I know I'm not alone in this..
So. I have a few questions.

What is a furry to you?
Do you consider yourself as a furry?
Do you have friends who play FeralHeart that don't consider themselves as a furry?
Do you believe playing FeralHeart makes you a furry?
Why do YOU enjoy FeralHeart?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 12:22:20 pm by PrettyReckless »


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Re: Are you a furry?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2016, 11:49:40 am »
1. To me, a furry is someone who has another identity, that identity being an animal.
2. I don't really consider myself a furry even though I have a fursona.
3. Quite a few.
4. No I do not. This is a game. Just because the character you are playing happens to be an animal, that doesn't make you a furry. Pretty sure people just say all of that just to try and start things...
5. I enjoy FeralHeart because I love hanging out with friends, helping out others, and just sitting around and relaxing. ^^

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Re: Are you a furry?
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2016, 12:04:01 pm »
In the loosest definition of the word, I am, although I don't consider myself to be.

1. A furry is someone who either fursuits and/or likes anthropromorphic creatures.

2. please no i don't want to think that anymore

3. yes

4. no

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2016, 02:15:24 pm »
I don't reeeeally consider myself a /furry/, or not at least a complete one, but i do like furries and my sable antelope fursona has a furry "phase" herself :)

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2016, 02:24:11 pm »
Hng the golden question. XD

To me, a furry is someone who either feels more closely related to a certain animal, or someone who has a deep interest in the humanoid representation of an animal. Perhaps one might be a furry because they like making/wearing fursuit, or perhaps they like the anthro genre of art, etc. Honestly, there are multiple ways in which someone could identify as a furry, and I don't feel as if there is any strict detention, as long as it falls somewhere in the likes of what I mentioned above.

I don't consider myself a furry. Personally, I do not like the kind of atmosphere that surronds furries, and that's why I don't get involved with it. Not saying that there is anything wrong with those who believe that being one is alright, but it's just not my type of thing.

Plenty of friends here on FH don't consider themselves a furry. I've heard OC and fursona tossed around a lot among friends, but I've never once had a friend that mentioned being or wanting to be a furry. A lot of my friends identify with their fursona, a play on the word persona, but instead a fur-persona. Which I think is entirely different from a furry, as a fursona is more of an animal persona for your online use that simply represents you. Maybe in personality, color, design, etc.

I don't really believe playing FH obligates you or makes you into a furry. Each and every person has the right to like whatever they like, and there's nothing wrong with a non furry playing an animal MMORPG. Likewise, there's nothing wrong with a furry playing an animal MMMORPG. From IRL friends, I've heard them bash FH For being a furry game, or a game with no purpose, or an all around childish game. But really, it's quite the opposite. I think what really keeps people around in this game, or at least it was the case for me, is the possibility to create and write. You can create a character and you can develop that character as if you were writing a story. Or perhaps you can use that character to communicate with others in a certain way, or something you wouldn't be able to do as a human behind the screen. It's a different world, and it's fun and exciting to explore and delve into another universe

As to why I enjoy Feral Heart, including some of the reasons above, I do believe that the community above anything is the reason that the game is all around enjoyable. Furry or not, everyone is kind and warm and just down to earth people. I've never come across another video game with quite a community like this one, and that's what I really enjoy. Sure, the game itself, the Roleplay, and the creative side of it like presets and maps are fun on its own, but without the community, the game would lack the energetic and happy feel to it.

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2016, 04:56:32 pm »
Very Interesting...

1) Basically, I think a furry is someone that has a deep connection with a animalistic / humanoid being and there's a deep connection between the person and such creature. It's not something that is forced, it's something that comes to them naturally, something that they feel comfortable with. It's a very strong and deep bond that isn't so easily to break and it's like a lifestyle or something that they can enjoy....another way to express whom they truly are in a way of 'art' and that you're getting to bring your character to life even..

2) Although I don't really see myself as a furry because I haven't been too involved with them nor have I really put fort effort towards it, I can't help but actually feel intrigued about it. The things they do and some things that my friends have shown me seems very fun, especially the suits and the dancing.

3) Quite a few, yes.

4) If this was the case, then every animal MMORPG / Games in general will instantly make you a furry regardless of the style in gameplay, which isn't the case.I don't see how the type of game you play, shapes you into the person you are today because even Feral-Heart doesn't really cover the 'whole' concept of a furry. Yes we have 'talking animals' and that you can be that creature you are, but unless you want to put forth the effort and such, the variety is limited and even then it's not enough. Some people just like this style of gameplay, some just enjoy the fact that you're's a fascination, not a very strong and 'spiritual' bond ( unless you're like me and others that can't help but fall in love with their characters ) but I don't see how it can even be enough. So no, you playing Feral-Heart alone doesn't necessarily make you a furry. There needs to be something more, something stronger than that in my opinion.
5) I simply enjoy Feral-Heart because of the interesting gameplay and the welcoming community. I wanted a new way of gameplay ( since I just loooove me some games ) and u was starting to grow weary from the same ol' routine. Not only do I love they style of the game, I also love what this community has to offer. From modding to animations... To the artwork and just a helpful and talented floofs all around, even though the creator left, this place has pretty much brought something new to the table ( or at least try to ) to keep this community pretty interesting and I can't help but stay hooked each time. There might've been some other community out there that us probably like this, but I have yet to find it.
This place is also diverse with floofs with different backgrounds / histories, I love that the most. We're one big family basically and it's... Well to be honest, it's hard to say into words, but it's just a good feeling that has kept me interested since day one and that's why I truly enjoy it.

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2016, 04:56:52 pm »
Very interesting question. I've thought about this m'self a lot of times.

No, I don't quite consider m'self a furry. As said above, I b'lieve furries are ones who identify themselves with an animal. I don't think dressing up in a fursuit particularly makes ye a furry. I happen to make fursuits and 'ave a red fox one that I wear occasionally f'er costume parties and whatnot, but that doesn't make me a furry because I do not associate m'self with being a red fox. 'Tis like making an OC f'er a movie like Zootopia. Just b'cause ye made an OC that's anthropomorphic and is an animal and dress ye up as it f'er fun or events, doesn't mean ye are a furry.

I mean, some people wear mascots/fursuits f'er a living. That doesn't actually make them a furry.

And FH f'er me is just y'er normal RPG game. I also sometimes view it as an animal simulator. I don't see this as a furry game.

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2016, 06:11:31 pm »
1. To me, being a furry isn't some deep type of kin connection to animals (that's a whole other thing, although some people are wolfkin/etc), it's just a like for animals. Anyone can be a furry if they consider themselves one, whether or not they draw/enjoy bipedal, anthropomorphic animals. People are allowed to identify as furries because of whatever reason they want, even if they only like quadruped animals with natural anatomy. It's not up to people who don't identify as furries to define what those who do are.

2. I've never truly identified with it myself, but, sure, I guess so? I don't have a fursona.

3. Of course. While, generally outside of FH, the term "fursona" is almost always strictly associated with furries (hence the fur in the word itself), I have seen the term being used very very loosely in this community.

4. No, people are allowed to identify however they want (unless it's harmful or something) and it's really not up to us to tell them what they are. Feral Heart is not a furry game. It's a Lion King game with canines.

5. I don't know, I guess I like talking to people and roleplaying. The community is really problematic sometimes and it gets on my nerves when people refuse to recognize that. After four (soon to be five) years of playing this game, I think I am now truly starting to edge away from it, but we'll have to see where that goes, because I don't really have anything else to do in my free time.

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2016, 06:43:51 pm »
1. To me a furry is someone who loves animal a lot, it doesn't always have to be animals with characteristics, or someone who has a deep connection with them. Also a furry to me is someone who pretends to be a animal.

2. No I do not consider myself a furry.

3. Yes I do.

4. No it doesn't make you a furry because they are not anthropomorphic animals.

5. I enjoy Feralheart because it lets me express myself. I also enjoy it because of my friends on there, and it is fun hanging out with them everyday. I enjoy it because of the role plays, and mostly because of the community. I will never stop loving Feralheart, and I will play it until the end. I also enjoy it because it gets rid of my stress when I am having a bad day.

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Re: Does FeralHeart make you a furry?
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2016, 07:51:57 pm »
What is a furry to you?

- A furry is someone who loves anthropomorphic animals. Or likes to wear fursuits

Do you consider yourself as a furry?

- I do

Do you have friends who play FeralHeart that don't consider themselves as a furry?

- Don't have that many FH friends

Do you believe playing FeralHeart makes you a furry?

- Nope.

Why do YOU enjoy FeralHeart?

- Meeting new people