Author Topic: dawn of ascension ➳ a warrior cat rp | offsite | proboards rp  (Read 2085 times)

Offline DawnOfAscension

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Many moons ago, the original four clans, ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan thrived within the great forest that held them and many generations before. Over time, they began to sink into complete corruption, losing sight of StarClan and finding themselves in the unshakable grasp of The Dark Forest. The clans found themselves in constant recurring bloodshed with no times of peace between the next slaughtering. The leaders weren't in it for the clans anymore, only caring about themselves and their ability to obtain power over those that followed them. The majority of cats had become numb to all of it in the end, the death of loved ones becoming an everyday thing, the pain blocked out by orders of war. Water was stained with the tangy, sharp taste of blood now, and the sheer amount of evil present within the forest made the few pure souls that remained completely sick to their stomachs, trapped in the unholy place that none of them dared to call home anymore.

On a moonless night, an individual from each clan, that still clung to a sliver of hope and belief in StarClan, received a prophecy in their sleep. The sign alerted them, telling them of the danger and doom that was soon to come if they didn't convince their clans to change ways. Of course, each of these cats took this omen seriously, fearing for their lives more than ever before, bringing their concerns to their respective leaders. Unsurprisingly, the four dishonorable rulers only shrugged it off, some believing that if StarClan had anything to say, they would have gotten the warning personally and that if there would be doom, it would be to the other clans. The desperate cats didn't take this lightly from their leaders, and over the course of the next few days, each had managed to sift through the other clan members to round up a few cats from their own group that still believed in the holy clan above. Once the believers were located, all of them left in order to escape the downfall they were certain to face if they stayed.

The journey for these groups of cats had been long and tough, but they were able to get reassurance from StarClan, knowing that this is what they'd want for them. While some worried about what would happen to their brain-washed loved ones, many didn't bat an eye, never looking back at the clans that held an evil grip on them. Finally after moons had passed, the survivors made it to the forest where they would make their new homes to pass on to generations after them. The cats from ThunderClan created DewClan, taken from the dewdrops that covered every blade of grass, every morning, in the meadow just on the outskirts of the forest. RiverClan cats settled into the new title of WillowClan, derived from the willow trees scattered across the territory they had claimed. ShadowClan became EchoClan, inspired by the way noises bounced off of the walls that made up their new, secluded camp. And lastly, WindClan chose to be called SwiftClan, due to the more open territory they had acquired, along with the skill of swiftness required to navigate the tunnel to the camp.

> We have been in the making since 2016, and DoA is essentially CotR 2.0.
> We are expected to open on 5/20/18. If there are any delays and issues with that date, we will update it asap.
> In order to join, you must fill out our application form.
> We currently have 2 leading positions, 4 deputy, 4 medicine cat, and 4 medicine cat apprentice positions open.
> Despite that, you can still join as cats from the clans that do not currently have leaders.
> We are discorded, and also have a skype group and a tumblr in which we plan on posting updates to.
> As of now, we're strictly proboards.
> We have very enriched, detailed plots set for the near future, as well as potential prophecies.
> The roleplay is based on the original four clans.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please either pm DawnOfAscension on here, send a pm to @admin on the site, comment below, or whisper DawnOfAscension if you see us on Feralheart!
« Last Edit: May 18, 2018, 09:43:54 pm by DawnOfAscension »