Author Topic: FeralHeart Guide: How to Make A Realistic Character  (Read 7190 times)

Offline ~Stargazer~

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FeralHeart Guide: How to Make A Realistic Character
« on: December 04, 2013, 08:30:40 pm »

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Offline ~Stargazer~

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Re: FeralHeart Guide: How to Make A Realistic Character
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2013, 08:32:19 pm »
Warrior Cats

Oh. My. God.
I cannot tell you how many things that are wrong about Warriors (I love the books but the people on FH that make them >.<). Let's get on with it shall we?


Fur color on cats can range from tan to grey-blue. It's kinda hard to get it wrong but now let's talk about generics.
White cats that don't have blue eyes are pretty much generically impossible (correct me if I'm wrong). White cats with blue eyes are also very prone to being deaf, but not always. Rusty/Orange cats have to have tabby stripes. Even if it's faint, they have stripes. Always. If you don't have the Mass Markings pack, I suggest downloading it. It has many markings that you could find on a cat.


Lion sized warrior cats. No. If you want to be realistic then the largest domestic cat would be default. Yes, I know. It's sad to think that Tigerstar was never a lion sized cat. But that's realism. Also, you don't have to be on the largest size to prove your strength. Scourge was a tiny cat, he killed Tigerstar in one blow (that power player xD).

Creator Sliders

Muzzle: Smallest Size
Chin: Smallest Size
Eyes: Largest Size (For me personally, you can do whatever)
Ears: Smaller or default
Everything else: Default

When I can I'll add a Picture for Visual People

If you still need help I suggest looking up pictures of cats to look at.


There aren't as many things wrong that users do with this animal, but it needs to be worked on a bit.


Let's get this point across, foxes are NOT neon orange. It's as simple as that. No buts, you will never find a neon orange fox. Ever. Foxes can range from a rusty colored orange or red to sliver or white. Look up pictures if they're needed. Be creative! But not neon.


I made this mistake too. Don't make a fox above default. Foxes are generally small canines. Small, but vicious. I've seen a fox before (not in a zoo), sadly it was not the size of a wolf. My recommendation would be to keep it default at the largest size.

Terms and Behavior

Vixen: Female fox
Dog: Male fox
Troops; Earths; Leash; Skulk: A group of foxes (Notice how they're not called packs)
They hate humans (but don't attack! They run!)

Creator Sliders

Muzzle: Shortest Size
Cheeks: Largest Size (Fluffeh :3)
Eyes: Largest size (For me)
Everything else: Default


No, that's not a typo. The official spelling is H-Y-A-E-N-A. Which I think is stupid, but anyway. People tend to mess these creatures up a lot. Without even realizing.


Hyaenas. Are. Not. Grey.
No species of hyaena is grey. Not even one.

"But the ones in the Lion King were grey!"

No! They're not grey! Look at pictures!

It's just the lighting if you ask me. And even if it's not the lighting, it doesn't change the fact that Hyaenas aren't grey. Tan, sandy, bark colored, anything but grey. I say again, look at pictures! They can have spots, stripes, blotches and speckles. Be creative! Don't just stick with spots!


About ranging from small to default.

Creator Sliders

Muzzle: Smallest
Cheeks: Largest
Eyes: Largest (For me)
Tail: Anything but Sickle, Hyaenas DO NOT have curled tails

Terms and Behavior

Cubs: A baby hyaena (No, it's not a pup, it's a cub)
Clan: A group of Hyaenas (Not a pack, a clan)


Made using the wolf model.


Depending on the species, deer either can or cannot have spots when they're in adult hood. Bambi is a pretty well known movie, he had spots. Not when he was older though. Try looking at pictures, that might help.


Guys, deers are NOT tiny (unless they're the roe deer which is the smallest deer). They are HUGE. I've seen one myself. I was probably up to its shoulder (no exaggeration). Make it the largest size please.

Creator Sliders

Muzzle: Small to default
Cheeks: Small to default
Eyes: Largest (For me)
Tail: Lynx

Terms and Behavior

Fawn: A baby deer
Doe: A female deer
Buck; Stag: A male deer
When it's not mating deer stay in gender organized groups (All the boys stay in one place, all the girls stay in another)


This animal uses the wolf model. A lot of people mess up in one particular place, can you guess which one?


Horses are pretty straight forward. It's pretty hard to mess this up. Or is it?
Time for a generics lesson!
There cannot be a grey horse with black stockings, it is generically impossible. I'm also pretty sure a white horse with a black mane isn't possible either (I'm not certain because one of my games has a white horse with black mane xD). Pay attention to what is possible and what is not, look up pictures if needed.


Horses are huge, you do not need anymore information.

Creator Sliders

Muzzle: Longest
Cheeks: Shortest
Eyes: Large (Horse eyes are gigantic)
Ears: Can very depending on taste but not the largest and not the smallest
Weight: Make. It. Fat.
Height: Tallest

Terms and Behavior

Foal: A baby horse
Filly: A female baby horse
Colt: A male baby horse

Stallion, The one who protects the herd emphasis on protects. Not leads. Protects.
Bonfire RPers, hear me out. Everything you've been told is a lie. Stallions don't lead the herd. The oldest mare leads it.


Nope, no he doesn't, he protects it. When Spirit was captured his mother lead the herd to watch, she was the one that dispersed the herd when she realized all was hopeless. She guided the herd. Where to drink, where to graze, where to sleep. Everything. All while the stallion stays alert and protects the herd c:

They hate humans, Spirit hated humans, wild horses hate humans. Why do I still see humans hanging out with wild horses?! Explain this to me Bonfire. Stay away from the humans....

What have you learned from this tutorial? I hope it has helped you in some way.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 04:24:01 am by ~Stargazer~ »

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Re: FeralHeart Guide: How to Make A Realistic Character
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2013, 01:15:09 am »
This is a good tutorial.

However I would like to note that when it comes to hyenas, I always use sickle tail. Hyena tails may not be curly, but they are also not as nearly as long as wolf/cat/thin tails. The sickle tail is the closest to the possible proportions.
Also, with horses. Horses have incredibly long muzzles. Even the shortest muzzled horses have muzzles much longer than any wolf or canid. But you said to make the muzzle length short as it could go??? I find horses look most realistic with the muzzle size as long as could be.

However I agree with everything else, and I bet people will find this helpful.

Offline Abomine

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Re: FeralHeart Guide: How to Make A Realistic Character
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2013, 01:41:47 am »
I see you've been checking out Abarai's FeralHeart Guides. ;)

Knowledge like this needs to be spread throughout all of FeralHeart, so that one may never have to look at a gray hyena or white-maned black stallion ever again. So, thank you for spreading the knowledge. ;D

Though I am a little confused as to why you suggested the shortest muzzle possible for horses. Horse muzzles are MASSIVE (at least compared to wolves or lions).

« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 01:44:32 am by Abomine »

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Re: FeralHeart Guide: How to Make A Realistic Character
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2013, 04:19:51 am »
I see you've been checking out Abarai's FeralHeart Guides. ;)

Knowledge like this needs to be spread throughout all of FeralHeart, so that one may never have to look at a gray hyena or white-maned black stallion ever again. So, thank you for spreading the knowledge. ;D

Though I am a little confused as to why you suggested the shortest muzzle possible for horses. Horse muzzles are MASSIVE (at least compared to wolves or lions).

Lol, oops xD when I said shortest possible muzzle, I actually had the FH window open. When I went to full screen it, it distorted everything and stretched it out, making everything in game appear longer than it should have been xD Made the short muzzles look long. Thanks for a waring me of this, I'll fix it~

And yeah, I did take Abarai's examples as a small guide c: I just did the warrior cats one, surprised she hasn't made a guide about that yet. I decided to take some of the information and put it on here. Not everybody's seen her guide, I thought it would be noticed a bit more here :3
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 04:22:02 am by ~Stargazer~ »

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