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Topics - Chknsoup

Pages: [1]
Ask Me / Ask Chkn!
« on: July 12, 2016, 01:38:56 am »
hey everyone! i thought it would be fun to make a ask thread, just to see what people may ask! all questions are welcome so go crazy< 3

Introduction / Back again!
« on: July 08, 2016, 04:43:10 am »
Hey guys! I'm not new to Feral Heart, i've actually been her for a while maybe a few years but i've never bothered to be active on the forums or post any on here! I've decided to try and become active on here <3
I've wanted to recently try to meet more people on this wonderful community and make more friends and becoming active on the forums is one way to do that, i've already been trying to become a helpful person by taking part in help threads!

i've met tons of people on feral heart, and i plan to meet tons more and make great memories with you all!
You can call me Chkn or Mihi : )

Media / . :Chknsoup's Playlists: .
« on: July 05, 2016, 08:21:23 pm »
Chknsoup's Playlists!

I hope this is the right place to post this thread-
move please if it isnt

Hey guys! So i've recently gotten into useing 8tracks for my playlists
for some of characters ingame!
I wanted to share some of those with everyone~

Some of these playlists have to deal with some OC's I have ingame and relate to there personallity, I hope you
guys enjoy them!

Playlist #1
"Lovey Dovey"
This playlist is for one of my OC's who has a p cute relationship with someone inside her pack, hope you like the chessy romantic music-

Playlist #2
Feelin' like a bo$$
are you feeling down? like nothing can possible bring your mood up?
heres a good playlist to help w that!
conquer your sadness with some goood ol' confidence jams!

Hope you enjoy some good jams! If you would like to keep
up with me on 8trackers heres my link:


Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / .:Mystic Islands:. *WIP MAP*
« on: July 05, 2016, 04:22:00 pm »
Hello Everyone! I've recently had a burst of creativity to make a map, and here I am!
I've been working on it for a couple of weeks and its coming along pretty nicely. The map is basically a bunch of
scattered islands with different and unique things on each one, it has a lot to do with fantasy.
I haven't worked or made maps for awhile and it's exciting to get back on it! :)
I plan on making this map public as well, enjoy some screenies!

. : M Y S T I C   I S L A N D S : .


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