Author Topic: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!  (Read 30324 times)

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2014, 09:53:01 pm »
Daww I love her already! x3 Accepted and feel free to post.)

In RP:
It is 12:30 pm on a friday in July.
Unknown to the Brink's inhabitents the gas is due to be released in four days.
Also I should have said this, people in the City do know when the gas is released as they are also warned and have a shelter in the center of the city just in case.

Tomoko ?

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2014, 12:04:55 am »
I finished my app. :P It's not much but yeah.))

Amazing siggy by Rita! Thank you floof!
The amazing Derp!
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Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2014, 12:06:56 am »
Accepted ^^ feel free to begin posting guys))

Tomoko ?

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2014, 01:59:31 am »
Thanks floof. I'll post soon!))

Amazing siggy by Rita! Thank you floof!
The amazing Derp!
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Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2014, 08:23:54 am »
Thank you! This seems like an interesting roleplay ^.^))

Blair Carter
"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."

After the warning, most would find the city's streets deserted. Most would run to safety even though the gas would be released in four day's time. Most would start to collect food and provisions for the shelter, taking extra precautions 'just in case'. Mrs Dreder, the elderly lady living next door to Blair, always carried around a gas mask. Not that that would help. Rumor has it that the gas can get into your system just by touching your bare skin. Blair, however, spent most of her time before the gas either at the orphanage or at the gates surrounding the Brink. She often tried as hard as she could to warn the Brink of the gas; but the guards would normally drag her away. The last time she had done so had been her final warning. The next time, they warned, she will be thrown into the Brink. Then Blair would mutter an apology, a sweet farewell and head off to the orphanage.

The orphanage was always a saddening sight. In a city of luxurious riches, it was sickening to see how a tiny children's home in the centre of it could be left so rundown. The inhabitants always seemed to be last warned of the gas, so Blair would often run there as soon as she heard the news. The children were always glad to see her, but upon seeing her expression, the workers' smiles quickly faded. Some of the workers there lived in the Brink, but Blair was not allowed to talk to them. She would warn them quietly, quickly, out of earshot from the children. They would come up with a story that they would be going on a field trip in four day's time with the rest of the city. Martha, the owner of the orphanage, was the only living soul that knew of Blair's plans to run away. "You're not gonna do it, are you? Run away? This close to the gas releasing?" Martha's tone, as always, was lined with stress and worry, but it held a type of courage that Blair only heard in her voice. "Sorry, Martha. I am doing it. Today. I am fed up with people telling me I can't do things because they're not lady-like or respectable for a woman as young as me." Blair's tone was soft, reserved and well-spoken, but had a layer of stubbornness no one could conquer. She had made up her mind. She was leaving the city.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline Stuck in Limbo

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2014, 08:58:09 am »
On phone))
Kensue happened to be in the city at the time of the warning but at the time she was underground, in the sewage pipes dealing with a blocking so she didn't hear, unfortunately. Why people felt the need to flush such rubbish down their toilets was beyond her. At least they had toilets but she didn't want to think about it. It was dark with only a small lamp on the top of her helmet providing her with light. The stench stings her eyes as she digs a spade into the mass of god-knows-what which was blocking the pipe. She could hear the rumbling of the water behind it trying to get through.

The girl growls as she stabs it again with such a force that it gets stuck in the mass. Despite her strength she is unable to yank it free. She looks at her hands which were now in the spotlight from her lamp, they were blistered and filthy, just like the rest of her. Kensue lets out a frustrated growl as she begins cclawing at the mass with her hands. This practice would usually make someone sick but she was used to this by now so she was disgruntled and annoyed  rather than gagging.

Kensue hears a final rumble from the pipes before the sewage blasts through the mass. The girl lets out a yell as she is soon ingulfed in it. She was only wearing denim jeans, a denim jacket and a crop top which were all soaking afterwards. She is finally able to stand up, caughing and spitting stuff from her mouth but now the pipe was clear and her job had been done. The girl lets out a frustrated sigh, she was been working at that thing for three hours and she'd better be well paid for this.

Kensue knocks on the manhole cover with her knuckles, she is almost blinded as it is opened. As she clamours out, many passing citizens cover their noses or make harsh comments but Kensue knew she could retaliate or she'd risk a beating from the guards. Groaning, she runs her hands against her filthy jeans as she approaches her boss who had thrown her down there in the first place. "O'rigjy ah cleaned the bloody thing, where's mah pay?" she growls at him, holding out a hand. That ungrateful gut better have it. Her eyes widen as she is handed- "a quater? Ah did all tha' for a frickin' quater!?" she snarls at him "Ya said ya had a dollar!" The man says something about her 'not being fast enough for the full pay'. Kensue raises her fist, intending to hit the man. But she suddenly feels a painful vibe under her arm. The girl howls in pain as she turns to see a guard with a cattle prod which was flicking blue electricity at the tip.

"Be thankful for what he has given, lass." he snarls at her before leaving. Kensue snarls as she decides that she can't win so she stuffs the quater in her pocket and starts storming down the street toward the gate to the Brink. She gets a lot of looks from passers-by most likely due got her smell of appearance. In her frustration, she is unaware of some running around for supplies.

Tomoko ?

Offline Luna FreeFaller

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2014, 12:56:47 pm »
Thanks Rumble ^.^ I'll post now and my internet is down so on my phone))

The day was warm and most people in the Brink were outside. Many sat on the tin roofs of their 'houses' if you call them that, while some sit under the roofs to get out of the rays. Others were at their stands, desperately trying to sell their products but seeing how no one seemed to have money, business wasn't booming. The air was filled with the smoke from people's fires or cigarettes and the usual stink which the Brink usually had, it was always worse when it was hot.

Although a number of people were disgruntled by the heat or anything else, young Hananya didn't seem to be. She was skipping through one of the many puddles playfully, making the most of the heat. The puddle was muddy but she didn't care that much, her legs up to her knees were caked in dried in mud and she only wore a tatty red dress which had faded in colour. Some people who had been watching see her antics and even smiled a little. The youngster saw basically everyone in the Brink as an extended family as they would often help each other. Except for if the gas is released. No one had fully explained the gas to little Hananya so she was fairly innocent towards it. As she danced down one of the roads -which is nothing but a mud path- she notices several people packing things into boxes and looking tense. She ignores this though and skips on.

Her playing led her towards the main gates which separates the Brink from Gauze City. The youngster had never been out of the Brink before and was usually intrigued as to who was on the other side of those gates. She had asked some of the elderly in  the Brink but she was always told that little girls don't ask questions like that. This didn't stifle the girl's curiosity however. She looks at the pair of guards at the gate who had their backs to her. She tilts her head, did they ever move?

Well that question was answered as the guards suddenly stood erect as a girl with black hair approached the gates, the youngster starts jumping up and down as she recognises the female "Kensue!" she squeals, fidgeting on the spot, eager to see her.
Mother its cold here. Father thy will be done.
Thunder and lightening are crashing down.
They got me on the run, direct me to the sun.
Redemption keeps my covers clean tonight.
Baby we can start again.
Only the young can break away.

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2014, 06:04:04 pm »
((Sorry if mine is a bit bad, I just woke up so my mind isn't all too clear right now xD))


The woman sat on the muddy ground, her pants and her shirt soaked by the water and the splashes from people walking by. She sighed, crossing her arms as she looked towards the city. Their towers seemed to glare down at them, the nice, shiny white material covering the tower seeming to be a dark grey to her. She didn't envy the ones living there with a perfect life as much as others in the Brink did, she saw them as selfish, greedy, and stupid. Even though it meant no money, she was glad that she didn't have to stay around those people.

She leaned back chuckling to herself.
That'd be funny! You could chuck one of those selfish woman from there into the Brink, and they'd probably die within a few minutes. That's where we have the advantage. We know how to survive, we know life is tough and that it can get even tougher, while the people in Gauze City (I hope that's the name, I'm too lazy to check xD) are used to perfection and everything being given to them.

She was interrupted by a small jab and a bark, and turning her head she saw one of the many strays that lived in the Brink. Hadhi hadn't known too many dog species, but that was the least of their worries here. All she knew is that it was a mutt that lived here, and like almost everyone here was innocently looking for food. Most strays weren't as tame as this one, though, it most likely was abandoned by someone in the city.

Growing impatient, it whined a few times before pushing her arm with it's muzzle. Hadhi sighed and gestured for it to go away.
"I've got nothing, now go on, keep looking," she said in a gentle voice, and seeming to understand the dog walked away from her and laid down in a cardboard box a few feet from her, watching all the people walk by.

Hadhi gave out a small huff, waiting for Fredie to return from the city. She was happy for him, recently he had gotten a better job in the city and was told it would be better paying, well, at least to the ones in the Brink. Since Fredie wasn't quick to fight and tried to keep himself as clean as he could, he was able to get a better job, even though it wouldn't be too fun. Not many jobs given to the people of the Brink were fun at all, mostly things the people of the city couldn't do since they were so worried that they'd get dirty or something stupid like that.

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2014, 07:19:07 pm »
I'm gonna edit this later.))

Amazing siggy by Rita! Thank you floof!
The amazing Derp!
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Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: From the Brink of Death|Post Apocalypse|Open and Accepting!
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2014, 08:18:49 pm »

Blair Carter
"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside."

Blair had packed a small bag full of things that she thought would help her out in the Brink. A small first-aid kit, a small pouch of money and some dried fruit. She was not naive, so she knew that somehow she would 'lose' her things in the first day. She contemplated on bringing Angus; but with it being so close to the gas release! the horses would have been long taken away to shelter. Everyone knew that the animals contracted the symptoms of poisoning first. She frustratedly blew a strand of hair out of her eyes as she cleaned her dagger, running a cloth up and down the blade dangerously close to her fingers.
The 20 year old's attention was caught by a commotion outside. A woman, roughly the same age as Blair, was demanding money in the tongue of those that lived in the Brink often used. Most of the time, Blair couldn't understand it. But she caught onto what the fuss was about pretty quickly. People working in the city from the Brink weren't often paid that much. It did anger Blair, but she understood the fact that the harder jobs needed to be done. As the woman stormed off, the guard that had spoken to the woman began to make his way up Blair's yard. "Great. Visitors at the best of times." She muttered, sliding the dagger back into its sheath and slipping it into her pocket.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3