Author Topic: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming) [Inactive since 14/10/2012]  (Read 13019 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2012, 12:14:30 am »
(Ehh...I guess I'm with you since I was talking to you last =3=' For some weird reason, I have the urge to make my character act like Naruto....
I'll probably post just to make things not dead).

Kurami hadn't realised it, but she had tagged along with their little group for a while. She had heard one of the blonde dudes begin to say her name, but Kuroko had silenced him. What he was going to say really itched at her. What was he going to say about her? In fact, how did he even know her name?

Well, aside from that, Kurami was about to express how much of an honour it was to meet the Shukaku, but Kuroko-kun had already taken off. On her own, she decided to tag along and chat a little with his team as they made their way to the training field. However, the walk was rather silent....

When they arrived at the training field, she heard Kuroko-kun's sensei scold them. She had no choice but to wait it out since he spoke even faster than her, and she really had no placed to talk over them. She felt as if it was kind of her fault she was late, so she decided to take full responsibility.

'Excuse me, sensei, I do not wish to be rude, but it is not their fault they are late. Oblivious to their curfew, I had stopped to speak with them for a second-it is not everyday I see Sand Ninja. They seem like very skilled ninja, at that. If it had not been for them, they would have arrived on the dot. Oh, how rude of me...'

A great smile spread across her face, her visage rather Naruto-ish.

'My name is Himitsu Kurami, traveling ninja, originally from the Kirigakure. It is a pleasure to meet you.'

The ninja bowed deeply, in deep respect to a sensei.

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2012, 01:00:43 am »
Kuroko blinked in surprise at the girl taking the blame for them. Sensei himself looked surprised and a bit embarrassed on that note. Putting his hands behind his back, he spoke nervously, "Well hmm, I guess I'll let them off the hook this time.. But Kuroko, if you're late one more time, consider yourself finding another team."
The shaggy red-head just rolled 'his' eyes and looked elsewhere. Snorting, the eldest of them began explaining the training plan for the day.

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2012, 02:13:31 am »
((My post really sucked-I must be tired. ~flails arms~))


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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2012, 05:53:53 am »
(Hmm, I'd like to join this~ XP I have a really, really, really cool character I made up! XP.
Please take note though that I've seen quite little of Shippuden! Just heard alot about it- that includes how downhill it went, so I didn't watch much or read it- cause' I don't wanna lose interest. XDD.

(Tis' a slight WIP- But if you see it to be good, then Accept~ XDDD)

Name: Jay Hyuga

Home Village: The Village she orginates from is still abit unknown, Considering her past.
(Really, I just can't figure anything out. xDDD)

Gender: Female

Age: Eleven

Number of Tails: One! ;D

Special Ancestors?: Hmm, well, since she is of the Hyuga Clan, I suppose Neji and Hinata? Nyah, I'm confused abit TT-TT

Siblings:  None that she sort of knows of. TT.TT

Description/pic: Jay, of course has the White pupiless eyes- the Byakugan. She wears a navy and white checkered-patterned jacket almost all the times, and usually wears simple crimson sandles along with black shorts. Her hair is a blackish-navy colour that has a white and cyan streak in it.
Sometimes she even has a jay feather in hand, even when there are no birds in sight. .

Kekkei Genkai : Byakugan

Level: Genin

Past: Jay's past is abit unknown- though it is obvious that because of the Byakugan she is of the Hyuga Clan. Really, she can't even remember her name- but was called Jay since she had a feather in hand at the moment. Some people say she fell from the sky while trying to talk to the Jays- let's say they got most part of it right, that's the sky part.

Personality: Jay is abit arrogant and disrespectful towards those younger or weaker than herself. She can even be slightly self-concieted at times, but manages to keep a warm heart towards her friends, allies, and comrades. Jay tends to keep away from anything related to romance. That's just, quote-'disgusting.' Of course, she's abit on the lazy side, and sort of fails really hard when it comes to learning new things, which is why she tends to do things her own way rather than struggle with other methods she 'doesn't need.'

Teacher: Dunno yet XP.

Team Members: Same as above.

Extra Info: Because she simply adores cats and birds- often in combat, her Chakra takes the form of the 'Spirit Cat', or the more powerful 'Spirit Bird'. Because she uses most of her Chakara on these complicated structures OUTSIDE her body at all times- she cannot last long, maybe an hour at the most. Of course- she can always push herself, but that means almost certain death for her. Her strong attacks make up for the little time she can last out on battle field.
Also, because she uses up so much Chakra- she sort of has this special feature where if she sleeps for two or more days, she might be able to recover some- of course, her sleep must go UNDISTURBED. Hyper People, keep away BI.

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2012, 04:32:58 pm »
Please choose a different number of tails >A<. I mean, it's okay to have maybe two of the same tail, but I think three is just too much (considering there's usually only one). Other than that, your character's great. I can't help but be a little jealous since I made mine on the spot >.>


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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2012, 04:52:41 pm »
Nyaah~ I'll have Jay have three tails den~ XP. I never noticed that there was other people with one, I guess I should read through applications carefully more often!

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2012, 06:18:17 pm »
Suggestion, Find their names, picture, and number of tails XD Makes things much easier =P Welcome To The Rp!! Also, Radio how many characters can a person have?

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2012, 08:06:46 pm »
I'd prefer one, but you can have two if you really want >.>

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2012, 03:09:54 am »
Well read his Bio, then decide <=3
Name: Miwa Tsukiko (Tsuki for short)
Home Village: Iwa? Sort-of....
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Number of Tails: 5
Special Ancestors?: Deidara (Yesh yesh I know >.<)
Siblings: Older Half-Brother: Muriko Juria (Deceased)

His eyes are a light blueish green color, and his bangs go in front of his eyes most of the time, till he cuts them shorter at a later date. He's usually wearing that shirt (which ends at his stomach) with bandages wrapped around his mid-section and then a black jacket, with black anbu pants.
Kekkei Genkai (if any): Explosion Release (Basically, Deidara's)
Level : Genin/Aspiring Chunin
Past (if you wish to share it):
Tsukiko was born to the much younger sister of Deidara, long after he was gone. (Tsuki's mother was born to a different father than Deidara's) He was disliked greatly in Iwagakure because he looked remarkably alike to Deidara, until he cut his hair short, and overall changed himself completely to not represent his half-uncle. He has a deep dislike for Deidara and most if not all of his relatives. After a comment from his teammate (they didn't like each other much) about Tsukiko being just like Deidara, the blonde promptly tried to blow him up. And half-succeeded. His teammate was now missing one arm, and would probably never walk again. Anyway, Tsuki was then put under trial, found guilty and put in prison for about 4 years (So basically since he was 11) He then promptly escaped from the prison, using lots and lots of explosives. He once again changed his appearance (Looking as he does in the picture) and is hiding in Konoha.
Teacher: None
Team Members: None (Yet)
Extra Info: Tsukiko is somewhat alike Deidara, personality wise. He has very hot-temper, but is more cold to people, after all no when in Iwa really liked him, and he was locked in prison. He is rather blunt and oblivious to some obvious things in day-to-day life. Tsuki tends to disengage himself from people's conversations, and basically any social event. However, he is very true-to his word, and doesn't back down on any promises he makes (Much like Naruto) and if one become his friend, he would go to any-lengths to help them, being very protective and loyal. He hates Iwa and the Akatsuki with a passion, and has no clue how he became a jinchurika.  He really hates being called Kiko, and the last person to do so got a broken arm -3-

There we go! Tell me whatcha think!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 03:13:51 am by Laughless »

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2012, 03:35:02 am »
He seems very creative nd he's accepted c: Try to keep an equal balance between your characters, though, if possible.

All of this kind of makes me want to make a second character ;w;

Bumps for people who haven't posted yet.