Author Topic: To: Boos of the Lupine Variety || From: Someone who wishes you to be quiet  (Read 1881 times)

Offline Karakuri

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    Dear Wolfaboos,
Karakuri here, with a complaint. Yesterday I was rping on FeralHeart, as I always do, when all of the sudden, my human character was randomly mauled by rabid wolves. I presume they were of the Boo Species, since they called me an "evil hyoomin, and said that I was never supposed to have walked the Earth." Of course, spelled in worse terms than the ones I have posted here. But that's beside the point. I could have understood this attack if I have provoked the boos, maybe with a fight, maybe pretending to hunt them, or anything of that matter. However...I didn't. I was just sitting there, whispering to a friend, when all of a sudden, I'm attacked by five or more brightly colored "wolfs" that are "figting 4 there rite 2 life safly." And they for the reallies typed it like that. So, after I finished verbally debunking all of these morons' theories, I was mad. Normally, I find your kind, wolfaboo, to be hilarious. However, last night I lost four entire hours of my rping time arguing with  small children who thinks that their spirit animal is a 'wulf', that they can transform at nighttime into such, and whom wants to seriously kill of the entire human race (which is genocide, really), and spells like they have only been in school for thirty minutes, and are failing it horribly. I didn't catch the names of these morons, as I was intent on arguing, and I probably wouldn't have remembered it this morning anyways. However, I would sincerely like for you all to shut up, get a reality check, and get a life. Wolves (yes, WOLVES, not 'wolfs') are not the best animals in the world, and I do not like being verbally abused, caps-spammed, and insulted to the point of rage JUST because I love rping as a HUMAN. Now, I find myself emotionally very strong, and my feelings were not hurt at all by these b'aaaawing retards. However, think of what would happen if you idiots attacked a smaller, less confident child. Also, if you were one of the ones bullying me last night, please own up and apologize for wasting my dang time. I won't report you to a mod...just own up, and say you're sorry, so I can let bygones be bygones. Toodles, you jerks -- Kara
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 10:26:27 am by Karakuri »
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?

Offline Cecilia~

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I dont know whether to laugh or laugh xD I think just to troll i would go along with the OMG WOLF VS HYOMAN and shoot everything
i dont know anything ever at any time

Offline RavenShai

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I don't think any of the "boos" will be reading this, Kara, and judging by their spelling I doubt they would even be able to XD

I understand your anger, though, I've had hours lost that could of been spent RPing or chatting with friends to such people >.>
A more appropriate term for them would be trolls, and there isn't much we can really do about them except ignore them. My best advice to you is that if it happens again (and it is likely to happen, though in different forms) is to ignore them. They can't do much when you do. Even if they carry on with there "RP" it doesn't matter, they're not really doing anything, but if they're continuing to harass you you can keep them block for a time then remove them when you think they went away or you can walk away.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline heartsgirl99

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I agree with the poster above me, there is always a block button if someone is 'trolling you'.

Anyways, you don't have to be rude by calling so-called 'wolfaboos' jerks and accusing them. And you dont have the right to tell people to get a life, they have a life and they can love wolves whatever they like to, it's their choice, not yours. Instead of wasting four hours, you could just click on them and press the block button if there were harassing you. Those 'trolls' may not be a group of kids who are very crazy for wolves, they might be teens or even adults and few of the reasons, I think, why people 1000000% love wolves is because the mexican wolf and the red wolf are endangered but the gray wolf used to be endangered until 2009, that's when the grey wolf were taken off the endangered list and were back to normal. The two wolves, not the gray wolf, that I said that were endangered: are really endangered and people might be crazy for them more than the gray wolf, the 'famous' wolf breed. To me, I think this is more of a rant than a message but if this turns into a 'war' then I won't be in it.

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Offline RavenShai

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I think you're taking Kara's words too personally, Stephan ._.
There's no reason to get angry. I mean the "wolfaboos" were the ones "killing" her character, so if that doesn't define being a jerk I don't know what is, and as far as I could tell she wasn't criticizing them for their love of wolves but because they were criticizing her for being a human character, by "attacking" her anyway.

I don't really see how it makes her rude, either, I mean again they were the one's attacking her in the first place, not the other way around 0.o
She didn't even report them, just asking for an apology. I'm not saying either side is right, but just pointing out x3

Anyway, that's just my input, I think the message has been misread a little bit and a misunderstanding occurred XD
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Cecilia~

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Uhhmm.. you make no sense.. people dont love wolves "10000%" because there are some endangered ones. That kinda has nothing to do with this.. Anyways, no reason for you to find it rude/offensive unless you yourself are a wolfaboo.
i dont know anything ever at any time

Offline heartsgirl99

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@kat: *faceplams* I must've misunderstood and misread, please apologize for my mistake. I'm just telling Kara about this, not starting a drama.

@luzxia: I'm not a wolfaboo, I'm pointing this out to Kara.

Anyways, back on topic. I do agree on the 'wolfaboos' apologizing to kara since they attack her as a human character and harassed her for about: four hours. If your in trouble then the block button is your friend but the best thing to do is goining to a custom made map to roleplay with your friends or just block them. Please ingorge my last post since I misunderstand but I'm just saying. If they threaten you or harassed to even more then you can just take a screenshot (with the usernames) and report it to a admin/mod in PM. Well, that's the last you'll heard from me on this topic because I feel like this is turning into a rant/drama. *turns self into a frog and hops away*
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They sound quite annoying if you'd have to ask me .w.
I thinks it's terrible that they wasted about four hours of YOUR time, that you could of been roleplaying with your friends, all because you decided that "I'll Roleplay as a human in-game today."
I can most defiantly understand why you might not of used the block button, and your instead asking for an apolgogy from them. (I'm another person that doesn't like the block button.. . . . . xDDD)

I hope they manage to see this, even if they don't understand the meaning of it or even apologize.
It may put a little something called 'common sense' into their minds, even if it's just the tiniest serving of it.

Offline Karakuri

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A thousand apologies if I offended you, Stephen, I know you weren't one of the ones harassing me. I honestly NEVER rp as wolves, since I like rping as more...unusual animals on FH, such as dingoes, jackals, humans, monkeys, and I even have a parrot character. xD I honestly dislike the block button, since it kind of makes me seem like a coward. But back to the point, I don't hate people who like wolves. I semi-like them myself. I hate the people that attack other people for being 'men evel hyoomuns' and think that wolves (or 'wolfs' in their terms) need to be worshipped as gods or something. The ones that take a love of a specific animal, and take it to the ninth degree. In other words, I don't hate wolf lovers. I hate stupid, ignorant people who dislike people who want to be a little different. Catch my drift? Again, many apologies for offending you, even if I didn't mean it.
Anonimousity. It's like we're faceless...but with faces. Do I even logic?