Author Topic: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. [Inactive since 22/02/2013]  (Read 6042 times)

Offline Bunnehz8D

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.:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. [Inactive since 22/02/2013]
« on: December 02, 2012, 07:52:59 pm »
                                                  THE  HUNGER  GAMES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Peacekeepers shove you into the tube, locking the clear door. You whip around
                                and press your hands against the thick glass, staring at your crew and stylist with
                                             pleading eyes as they meet your gaze. You feel yourself being slowly
                                      launched upward, you wave goodbye to your friends as they slowly disappear behind
                                 the silver walls. You are being launched into the arena. Since this is the first
                                     Hunger Games ever in existence, you know nothing about The Games,
                                               so you don't know what to do. You finally arrive in a forest,
                                       you can see a mountain in the distance and a river. You look at the other 23
                                  tributes, they look just as terrified and confused as you are. You hear the announcer,
                                   "Welcome to the very first Annual Hunger Games! After the countdown is over,
                                        you must run away, or to the Cornucopia, and may the odds be ever in your favor!"
                                           He finished and the countdown begins. "60, 59, 58, 57...." You swing your head
                                        to the side to meet the gaze of the tribute from your district. You blink and they
                                    nod. 'What? What are they trying to say?' You think. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The announcer
                                is back. "Let the very first annual Hunger Games begin!" He says as the gong sounds,
                                     and you take off running.

                                                      Welcome to

                                  THE HUNGER GAMES

                  Have you seen the movie? Read the books? Don't you wish there was a
                            Hunger Games video game? I have. That's why I'm starting this RP, to encourage
                               somebody to maybe make a game for Suzanne Collins Best-selling Series,
                                                           THE HUNGER GAMES

                             This RP follows after Suzanne Collins's Best-selling series,
                                   The Hunger Games. I read the series and saw the movie and I'm
                                 waiting, like every othe THG fan, for November 22nd 2013 when
                                 Catching Fire The movie, is released. I hope you enjoy this RP,
                                   I'm doing my best to get it as great as possible.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 12:19:41 pm by Scallywag »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games *In progress*
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 04:01:35 pm »

  • No names from the movie, please. Who doesn't like being creative? Don't be lazy and just choose a name from the movie,
           be creative and think up a name of your own. I know it's hard to think of a good name, but everyone should have
               different names.
  • No Gary or Marys please. There's no such thing as a perfect tribute. And it gets really annoying when people start God
            Modding or Power-playing. Nobody likes Power-players, so just follow the rules please and don't act like your the
              best/ most perfect tribute in The Games. There is no best tribute. Whoever wins, wins.
  • Please don't try to stop the games or something like what the rescuers did in Catching Fire. That gets really
          annoying and it's unfair to the other tributes. So please, no escaping.
  • If your tribute dies, just wait until there is a victor and you may participate in the next Hunger Games. If you want to,
         anyways. But it must be a completely different tribute. If your character is a tribute, you can continue on by being
          a mentor and such or choose a new tribute and play in the games again but you must be a mentor at least
           once before you become a new tribute.
  • Don't Insta-kill. It is unfair and you don't even give the other player a chance to respond to your post.
        Don't do this- The tribute from district one grabbed his spear and threw it at the girl from 5, he ran over and
          retrieved his spear from her cold, stiff body, as he had killed her.
          That is very unfair and the player didnt even give the other tribute a chance to dodge.
           You may do this- The girl from 3 grabbed an arrow from her quiver and attached it to her bow, she
         pulled back the string, aiming at the boy from for and let go, relaxing her fingers as she did and the arrow
          flew towards him.
                This is acceptable because it gives the other player a chance to respond.[In extra, type I am ready for The Games!
                   to prove you have read all the rules.

Thank you for your patience of reading the rules. -Bunnehz8D

« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 05:42:12 pm by Bunnehz8D »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games *In progress*
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 04:33:53 pm »

This is the character application so you can fill out your application for your character.

Please fill out the Application below.

Code: [Select]
[Character's picture here]

[color=maroon]Rank:[ex: Capitol Citizen][/color][color=red][/color]
[color=maroon]RP Sample:[/color][color=red][/color]






Name:Swift Erianta
Personality:Shy, Quiet, Skiddish, Intelligent, Brave, and Cautious.
Appearance:A Lovely teenage girl with beautiful long, black hair that sparkles like the night sky. She has Beautiful bright aqua-blue eyes with sky-blue rimming her pupils and midnight-blue lining the outside edges. She has pale white skin and glossy pink lips and thin, straight eyebrows and long, dark, eyelashes.Games outfit: Swift wears a silver jacket with blue sparkling lining and a snow-white t-shirt. She has aqua-blue shorts and white knee-high socks and she wears small silver boots with white furs. And her hair is down with her bangs pushed to the left side.
Interview outfit: Swift has a snow-white sparkling dress with an aqua blue strap/belt around the waist and rimmed on the top of the dress and the bottom. She has white leggings under the knee and aqua-blue flats. She wears a silver necklace with the number 8 on it. Her black hair is put up in a sausage curled loose bun with some hair to the side and she has mascara on and eye liner and light pink lipstick with body glitter.

Skills:Stealth:30 Swimming:10 Fighting:10 Speed:30 Climbing:10 Camouflage:10 Bow & Arrows, Spear, and Knives.
RP Sample:Swift winced in pain as she felt the needle prick he finger as the peacekeeper pressed her finger on some paper and her finger print lie on the paper, drawn with her blood. "Next!" The lady called and Swift walk into the girl's group. She glared as the Announcer walked onto the stage "Welcome to the very first Annual Hunger Games Reaping! And may the odds be EVER in your favor!" They said with a big grin on their face and clicked a button on a remote and a video played about the war of District 13. When the video was done, the announcer smiled and said "Ladies first!" and stuck their hand into the ball. They grabbed a slip and opened it up. "Swift Erianta!" They said and looked around. Swift froze in shock. She doubted she would ever be in the games. Nobody volunteered. She stared walking up to the stage "Well, come on." The announcer said "Come on up." Swift climbed slowly up the stairs. Eyes were staring at her she shuffled her feet and looked down. She saw her mother sobbing into her father's chest. "And now, for the boys." the announcer said.
Extra:I am ready for The Games!



« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 05:37:24 pm by Bunnehz8D »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games *In progress*
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 05:39:09 pm »
The Annual The Hunger Games Roleplay is now officially open!

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2013, 04:02:15 pm »

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2013, 05:49:32 pm »
*Shall make an app later*

No longer active on the forums, though I do check back once in a while.

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2013, 07:33:07 pm »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2013, 01:28:35 am »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2013, 01:50:40 pm »
Bump-- -_- Somebody please join.))

Offline Zarorah

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Re: .:.:: The Hunger Games ::.:. The First Annual Hunger Games OPEN
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 12:04:24 am »
Lemme put my form up for another RP then I'll get my HG char c:
[Insert some kind of image that still needs to be made here]