Author Topic: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]  (Read 13579 times)

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2014, 07:17:05 pm »

Analyse Mcallister

She goes by the name of Analyse Mcallister, she is of the female. Analyse is a young woman who is the age of 21 years olf. She does travel these parts 'alone' as some might say but she is accompanied by her two canines- Condren and Fletcher. She is currently located in a building and soon moves into the streets.
Health: 18/20
Injuried: a few scratches and a few bruises
Company: Fletcher her merle German Shepherd|Male. Condren her Catahoula Leopard dog|Male.

A sigh blew bast the brunettes lips as she alertly clambered across fallen buildings that lined the cracked streets. The scratches on her cheek, forehead and knee stung from the day she had gotten them - without a first aid kit she was unable to fix them up, but luckily they had begun to scab over. Raising a hand she wiped the tips of her fingers across her head roughtly, getting rid of an itch that had irritably appeared.

Her green eyes scanned her surroundings, she hadn't seen any of those 'mythical' creatures in days and when she did she had always went unnoticed - eventhough this was a good thing she wouldn't mind having an interaction by one - not phyiscally touch one or anything, that would just be stupid. But an encounter that lasten longer than a few seconds.

Giving her head a brisk shake Analys cursed at herself under her breath, being out in the streets wasn't really a good time to be getting lost in her thoughts - especially with certain dangerous creatures and not to mention a dangerous gang she had seen not to long ago, whether they were bandits or just plain slaughterers they didn't seem like nice people and the least she could do was stay away from them. Her two comapnions had now completely gone out of sight - which did worry her slightly. Pouting her lips she managed to quietly whistle and as predicted her two companions came bouncing back. Smiling, she crouched down and grabbed both dogs in either arm petting them roughly "Stay close you two" she ordered and thatust what them did. The streets remained silent and rather creepy, the dark skies not making it any easier to deal with.

But the sound of a sudden shriek caused the young female to gasp and whip around, something large had landed on the ground near by causing the groud to shake - stretching out her arms and flattening her hands in order to keep herself balanced. Then it was, she noticed this greature was those known as 'serpents or something. It was long and black, looked like a snake - but somehow this one dropped from a building? What ever it was she wasn't sticking around. As the creature continued to shriek and flip around something in the air she assembled her two companions to follow. Pressed against the walls in the shadows Analyse was now attempting to go unseen to a more safer place - but the crumbling buildings were making this a challange.

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2014, 10:12:35 pm »
Shilow's body tensed and she stepped back when he pointed a gun at her. She shook her head in an irritated manner. "The names Shilow, now can ya please lower that thing before it goes off." She snapped irritably. She took a step closer, grabbing hold of her bag and pulling out a bottle of water. "I have water if you need it." She sated. "And before you even bother asking, no im not removing my weapons." She said glancing at him. "Now are you going to accept the help, or are you gonna be stupid and turn it down?"

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2014, 11:05:08 pm »

Njal Sverrsson

Health: 18/20
Injuries: A little bruised/beaten up.

Just as Njal was about to get up and try to see the girl clearer, the sound of the door opening quickly and shutting caught his attention. He raised his gun back up, muzzle this time pointing at the door, where a woman and her dog stood. The worrying part was how he noticed that this woman wielded a knife as well. She could be just a random stranger, but it was most likely she was a member of Conquest. Whether she was willingly or not, he didn't know. He narrowed his eyes, shifting slightly to a half-crouch, ready to stand if a fight broke out.

At the sound of a growl, he cast his gaze to the lady's dog, but found that it wasn't looking at him, but rather at the girl. He looked between the two females, until the youngest person in the room stood and walked out where they could see her better. Njal couldn't hide his smile when she spoke - He always had a strange soft spot for children.

He did startle slightly when the girl's dog suddenly let out a loud bark that echoed around the otherwise quiet room. It made him realise that the other two people had a dog with them. He didn't get Vendla, for their greyhound was currently leashed and trapped in one of the sleeping quarters. Their dog had bitten Kenneth before so it didn't come as a surprise when their dog would be forcefully kept in a room - and sometimes muzzled - while Kenneth dealt with the brothers in another place. He winced, regretting not fetching the dog. First thing Kolr would want was Vendla. He made a small note to himself to get the greyhound later, once he had done what he could to help his younger brother. He shifted again, nodding to the girl. "...Alright then. You're welcome to stay here." He mumbled. Not like he could tell her to get out, this building basically belonged to Kenneth.

He turned his gaze to the other standing at the door, mouth opening to ask what she was doing, when a small groan behind him stopped his words.

Kolr Sverrsson

Health: 11/20
Injuries: Heavily beaten up. Has a lot of bruises, a black eye, and a few fractured ribs.

The first thing he felt was pain, blooming across his torso and throbbing in his head, especially his left eye. Kolr swallowed a cry of agony and instead cracked open the other eye, letting his gaze wander about the room.

He immediately noticed the big bulk in front of him that was his brother, back currently facing him. In front of him was a young girl, and even though he couldn't see, he knee there was something else at the door - Njal was looking at that spot, and there was a growl emitting from the place. Upon seeing the other two people in the room, Kolr instinctively tensed, though he regretted the decision when the pain in his torso just worsened. He fell limp, a groan forcing it's way past his lips as his fingers dug into the mattress underneath. He faintly heard his name being called and a large hand that grabbed his arm, both belonging to his brother.


(Was rushing, forgive me for any mistakes.~)

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2014, 05:23:01 pm »

Natalia Sofress
Health: 19/20
Injuries: Split lip and knuckles.

Although she did not mean for it to, a soft smile arose on her lips as the young girl came into view. It had been a while since she had seen someone so young still alive, she dropped her arm that held the knife and scratched behind Jakub's ear, who was now silent yet still guarded. Natalia turned her icy gaze back to the two figures in the center of the room, her posture was still rigid as she let out a slow breath as if she had been holding it in.

"... Alright then. You're welcome to stay here." A mumble escaped the conscious man's lips, referring to the little girl. Natalia was just beginning to consider facing Kenneth rather than be in this socially awkward situation when a low groan sounded from the man lying on the ground. It was a groan filled with agony. She couldn't help it. She had to help, to do what was right. Digging her good hand into her deep jacket pocket, she pulled out a roll of bandages and an unused ice pack. After a moment of hesitation, she crouched down and thrusted her arm forward in a neat arm and let go of the two items. They slid across the slightly uneven ground- landing a few inches short of the two men.

-Sorry for the shortness, I'm feeling quite illiterate today xD-
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2014, 05:37:24 pm »

Ava Collins
Health; 15/20 Currently unconscious. Health deteriorating.

Jake Williams
Health; 17/20 Scraped and bruised.

The distant clattering of falling concrete and bars rang about in the building. Jake's tensed arm raised higher, aiming the gun more direct at the stranger. Her smart remarks and quick tongue drove an irritated groan from Jake. He had little patience for snarky remarks, or insistant figures. His eyes examined the girl as she slippee out water, offering her help. Jake hesitated, before lowering his weapon and reaching behind him in his own bag. He held up the bottle of water, shaking it weakl "I suppose I'm going to be stupid and reject your help." He turned on his heels, placing the water beside the unconscious girl. He had one ignorant survivor on his hands, he didn't need two. He kept his gun close at hand, lifting the girls head to feel her pulse. It was slow, she was rested. Well, he had little more to do than begin a fire. "There's an abandoned military camp two miles down, I came from there. Left behind supplies if you require any. I'm sure you can get there fine on your own." He called out, not bothering to glance back at the girl. He flicked his two rocks together against the small pile of sticks he had bundled together. A spark ignited, and the fire caught on. It was small, but it would do. He leaned back against the fallen column that the girl laid upon, resting an elbow upon his knee. The sun was falling, and soon the streets would be far more dangerous than now.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline FallingStars

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2014, 08:17:23 pm »
"Who would have that someone could be so stupid?" She muttered. She shrugged and then turned on her heels. "But you won't last very long with that sort of attitude." She said, smeking at him then walking to the exit. "I suppose I could see what you left behind." She muttered and exited te building, not waiting for another word. She made her way down the road and towards the said spot. She hoped she'd make it their before the sun set quite frankly because there were perticular monsters that came out st that time and preferred not to get into anything with.

Pardon shortness/mistakes. I'm in a hurry.))

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2014, 02:36:52 pm »
(I made a new character for those who don't have anybody to interact with. c: )

Lynn Nivalderr




Lynn is usually pretty quiet everywhere she goes, but when she does speak she can be either sassy or snappy. Either response is always sarcastic. She's stubborn and likes to do things her way, and has a habit of changing plans at the last minute. She has a great amount of patience and is very calm. When she does lose her temper, however, she can be quite the violent creature. Many people see her as a tough and unbreakable person, but she's just like everyone else and has a soft side.

Lynn has had a harsh story of her own. She was an orphan dumped in the streets, and was raised by a kind group of beggars. When she was around 6-7, she was forced to work in order to get money to buy food and whatnot. As a mere young child, there was hardly any proper jobs, but a man standing on the sidewalks had offered her one - to be a bird trainer and help out with entertaining the public. Despite having a great fear of birds then, she was desperate and accepted.

It took her nearly two years to fully get over her fear and properly train the troublesome young hawk she had rescued. She travelled around with the performing group, and they provided her with a home while she did. However, on one show, there was a freak accident where her pet and another bird had fought. In an attempt to break them up, the 'lead man' of the show got his eye blinded by her hawk's claws. Afraid that some crime would be on her hands (She was responsible for the hawk), She took this chaotic moment to run away, together with her avian friend.

She moved to live on the streets again, and once more desperate for money, joined a strange gang. She learnt how to handle guns and was taught how to fight. After getting over the shock of killing the first person, she forced herself to stop thinking so much and just followed the leader's orders. She stayed that way until the Earthquake hit.

She survived afterwards and started to wander around, unable to find anyone she knew, though she managed to find a few mangled bodies of her gang-members. She avoided the creatures and killed any if she had to. Lynn reunited with her avian friend after they found each other, then proceeded to join Solace when she heard of Kenneth's group. She isn't trusted all that well since she behaved as though she was someone from Conquest, so she usually does her own things alone.

Lynn has pale skin and messy raven-black hair that curls at the ends, hanging around her shoulder/chest level. She has alert grey-green eyes and stands at 5'7. Usually wears a dark red long-sleeved top and black trousers, together with a black leather jacket and grey sneakers. Wields her own knife and a small gun that belongs to Solace. She also has black gloves covering her hands.

Dovev, a trained White Hawk.

?She has a fear of thunder/lightning.
?She has a sweet tooth.
?Lynn has a weird habit of shaking her hands when she's nervous or deep in thought.

A pretty and elegant male white hawk named Dovev. He was nearly put down as he was useless to the show, born with one blind eye. Lynn stole him away and kept him however, training him properly until he could fly and move around with only one eye to use for sight. He seems to not want to leave Lynn and stays with her, though not always - He tends to fly off for fun.

Lynn Nivalderr

Health: 17/20
Injuries: A deep gash on her right shoulder and a bite on her back.

The only sound in the store was the harsh breathing of a young lady, who was currently crouching, leaning slightly on a broken vending machine. Fresh, dull red blood was splattered on her clothes, staining the black jacket and blending together with her red top. Grey-green eyes were fixated on an unmoving body of what looked like a large dead dog, jaws hanging open to reveal rows of teeth, too many to be in a mouth of a normal dog. The store was in a huge mess, the counter nearly broken in two, empty racks toppled down together with torn out pages of magazines scattered around the area.

Slowly, as if she was in a trance, Lynn tore her gaze away, instead shifting upwards to glare at a unnaturally white bird standing on a shelf that had somehow avoided the wreckage. She huffed, a hand pressing against the wall beside her to brace her as she stood up, wincing when the wound on her shoulder was jostled about. The Solace member brushed herself off, giving a final glance at the dead creature beside her. She lifted her left arm up, smirking when the white avian flew over to land on her arm, talons digging slightly into her skin to steady itself. "You're lucky you've got wings, Dovev." Lynn muttered, giving a light scratch to the hawk's neck, to which the bird replied with a small croak. Smiling slightly, she brushed back the white feathers for a moment before stepping over the corpse of the creature and continuing her raid around the store.

She silently cursed the creature for giving her wounds to deal with - it was quite a walk back to the Solace territory, she had strayed a little too far away. She stuffed a packet of bread into the small bag at her side, pursing her lips in frustration as she gave a last look around the place before stepping out of the store through the front door, making the broken bell let out a weak ring. Now she had to get back to Solace's Territory, and on the way try to find a market. Maybe they'd have fish for Dovev, if griffins and whatever creature hadnt stolen them. Sighing to herself, she looked up at the dark skies before walking away.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 02:42:14 pm by Crystwolf »

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Re: ??????. [Post-Apocolyptic Roleplay ? Open & Accepting]
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2014, 10:05:20 pm »
Sorry I haven't posted, I'm just suffering from writer's block at the moment T.T)

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