Author Topic: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)  (Read 18949 times)


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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2012, 02:08:25 am »
"Nothing Much, I just go here every once in a while, usualy alone, but Sessomuro makes that impossible now." She said then motioned toward the Staraptor, who had nestled onto the Raichu's head, he chirped merrily at the motion, and jumped onto Hannah. "It's impossible to go anywere, without him closley trailing behind me." she explained then stroked the back of Sessomuro's neck, he seemed to purr in reply then dived down beside her to nestle in between her legs. "Does your Raichu have a name? I find it essential to give pokemon names." she said sofly, still stroking Sessomoru.

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2012, 02:18:54 am »
Ambrosia shook her head. "I haven't given her a name yet," she responded, tipping her head slightly to one side. Raichu jumped on her shoulder again and started nibbling on a paw, her tail draping over Amber's other shoulder. "I've been thinking of calling her Electra." The Raichu's ear twitched and she let out a small approving cry, then continued nibbling on her paws.

(I might have to go soon. I'm getting tired... xD)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 05:25:24 pm by ~.Christina.~ »

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2012, 05:16:51 am »
(Aww, Okay :3)

"It's a good name for a Raichu." she nodded in approval, then continued to stroke Sessomoru. "This Staraptor's name is Sessomuro, nice name for a Staraptor isn't it?" she questioned, Sessomoru glared at her, he hated it when she refered to him as "Staraptor" instead of Sessomoru. "I haven't seen you before down at the school...are you new?" she continued to stroke Sessomoru who brushed up agaisnt her happily. "Eh, you must be." she mumbled, then took out her Stylus, she pretended to draw circled around the Raichu who happily chased after the light-blue beams of light that flashed werever she pointed the device. Sessomoru looked up with a blank expression on his face, after a short hesitation, he joined the Raichu in the chase.

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2012, 09:18:21 am »
((Sorry for my slowness~))

A Meowth and a Riolu faced off, each standing in opposite directions as they awaited for the other to make a move. A feline and a canine, both stood on hind legs. Though this was the natural stance for the Riolu, it wasn't very common for a Meowth to do so. Uncommon, but not impossible. The Pokemon glared at each other with complete focus, oblivious to anything else around them, the Riolu with one hand closer to its chest while the other was stretched out with the palm of the hand directed at the cat Pokemon, legs spread apart in a fighting stance. The Meowth had a similar stance, but claws were unsheathed in both paws.

Finally the Riolu moved. In a blink of an eye, it dashed right toward the Meowth. The blue Pokemon raised his hand to perform a Force Palm attack, but the Meowth saw it coming. No match against a fighting type move, it bent its legs and jumped out of the way. Riolu's attack met with thin air, but that didn't phase him. Using the momentum from the run, he spun on one leg while raising the other, directing a plain kick to the Meowth. Unable to dodge it, the feline was struck and went sailing through the air. Recovering himself, Meowth was able to land on all fours before reaching the ground, and then dashed forward. Drawing an arm back, it began to glow and he directed it right at the Riolu. Trying to regain his own composure from the kick he delivered, Riolu was hit directly by the move known as Aerial Ace. A cry escaped him and it was his turn to skid through the air. But though damaged, he caught himself and dashed back toward the Meowth. Now both Pokemon faced off with plain scratches, kicks, and punches, dodging one another while trying to get as many hits in. At one point Riolu saw an opening. The tips of his "fingers" on one hand grew to a dark purple color, and he gave a Poison Jab right to the Meowth's chest. A grunt escaped the cat, falling backward, and with the opposite hand Riolu gave him a Force Palm. Releasing a cry of his own, the feline fell back and landed on the ground, but quickly turned over back to his feet. About to make a counter move, a voice stopped their fighting.

"Alright you two, that's enough training for one day."

A young male of about 15 stepped away from a tree he had been sitting under, crossing his arms and looking to the two Pokemon with a half-hearted frown. "I told you two you could train on your own if you didn't get carried away again, but as always you didn't listen."

Riolu and Meowth both breathed heavily from the fight, both standing before the other but no longer making fighting stances. Instead, both balled one paw into a fist and then placed them in the open palm of the opposite paw, dipping their heads slightly giving a bow to one another. They then grinned at each other and went to the black-haired male, who waited patiently for them. Shaking his head as if disappointed, but really amused, he tried his best to hide a smile and raised a Pokeball. "Alright, Riolu, time for you to get some rest." A red light shot out from the contraption and enveloped the canine-like Pokemon, and in an instant he was gone. Returning the Pokeball on his belt, he sat under the tree once more and braced his back to it. The Meowth crawled over (no longer fighting, he went back to walking on all fours), curling up under the shade to have a nice nap.

((Sorry about that ^.^'))
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2012, 12:03:05 pm »
Name (opt): Nightshade
Sepcies: Zoura
Gender: Female
Age: Only about a few months
Level: 2
Extra: Pokemans! Anyways, she wears a small red amulet.

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~Pacific Rim~
Gipsy Danger Characters I'm usually on: Helia Wyght Yeva Monroe Rosalva Arce


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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2012, 03:58:33 pm »
It's Kay Katsa, and accepted iceheart  :3

Ciel walked out of the Lacitora City's gym , he had failed several times agaisnt it's leader, even though the gym leader was the weakest of the eight in the Ishu region.
"If he wasn't packed with fighting-type poke'mon we could easily beat him on, right Kutsu?" he questioned the eevee who slowly walked behind him, the normal type Poke'mon had been beaten several times in the battle agaisnt the same Trainer, it had grown weary of the constant battle wich he would lose every time. Kutsu nodded in reply then continued to keep pace with Ciel. "Maybe if you went up a few levels we could beat him, it would be easy if you were five levels ahead of his Riolu, that is his strongest Pokemon after all."
He added then continued toward Akamaturo Forest, were he and Kutsu would continue training. He stepped through the tall grass, were pokemon would usualy hide, then strike either a trainer or another Poke'mon. "It might also help if we had another Poke'mon" he muttered then continued stepping caustiosly through the thick forest of Oak, Hemlock, Birch, and ever-green trees.

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2012, 05:24:56 pm »
Amber watched her Raichu in amusement as it persued the Styler's blue light. She stifled a snicker as the yellow-orange Pokemon tried to jump on the light. Ambrosia blinked and stared at the sky, her cyan-blue gaze unwavering as she went deep in thought for a moment or two.

(Sorry for shortness, and I might make a Pokemon character soon, if that's okay. It's just that I have too many favorites to choose from... *Flail* xD)

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2012, 05:54:53 pm »
(Its Kay :3)

"Your Raichu is playful" Hannah said then pulled away from the two pokemon just before the clashed together. She chuckled then placed her stylus in her bag again. "I suppose me and Sessomoru should be off now, isn't that correct Sesshomoru?" she directed the question toward Sessomoru, he nodded in agreement and alowed Hannah to climb onto his back, he ruffled his feathers then soared off toward the Trainer School.

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2012, 06:19:34 pm »
Ambrosia dipped her head. "Have a good day," she responded, eyes shining. Her Raichu hopped onto her shoulder and waved. Then Amber looked at her Pokemon. "Should I call you Electra?" she asked, laughing when the Raichu nodded and chewed on her hand gently. Amber smiled and stroked Electra on the head; the Raichu let out a deep purring noise and hopped from her perch on the Ranger's shoulder and went to chase her tail.

ヌ - ド ル

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Re: ~Pokemon Light & Dark~ (A Pokemon Roleplay)
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2012, 10:02:34 pm »
The Zoura sniffed around, not caring much for the humans that noticed her. The pendant was her main form of defense against being attaked by trainers. She had found it not too long ago, it was most likely dropped by an absent minded trainer. Finally finding a berry, she began to much on it. Stupid humans and their strange ways, she thought to herself. They just drop stuff and fight pokemon, drop stuff and fight pokemon. Stupid pokemon, for wanting to always fight humans. I dont really care if i get stronger or not. Once she was finished with the berry, she curled up a patch of sunligt-warmed grass, soon falling asleep.

Find me in-game as:
~Pacific Rim~
Gipsy Danger Characters I'm usually on: Helia Wyght Yeva Monroe Rosalva Arce