Author Topic: Your views about love?  (Read 7747 times)

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2011, 12:11:00 pm »
I agree with Aroxy (the comment she's made) & Kah.

Seriously? Love to be a choice? I think I'm going to cry from laughing too much. Srs bzns.
Love CANNOT be a choice. As Kah said, you do not choose to love someone. It happens, whether you like it or not. In my opinion, love is even impossible to fight against without being hurt at least a bit.

Also one more thing... I think saying 'I love you' to someone after a month isn't a big deal. And it /certainly/ isn't a big deal if you have known the person from before. But saying 'I love you' after you've been dating for.. Idk, five days? A big no. x_x Mostly, people don't care about it. They like, go around saying 'I love you' to anyone.
I highly doubt it's just me, but saying 'I love you' to someone is pointless unless you really mean it. I don't mind the jokes about it though, hell I do them myself. xD

& I disagree with a statement on the comment the other person has made; "if you go through life acting as if it's a feeling then every time you say "i love you" to that boyfriend or girlfriend your giving small parts of your heart away every time.. "

I really, really disagree with that. You give your heart away /ONLY/ if you /really/ mean it when you say you love someone. And I highly doubt that someone really loved every bf/gf they had if they had about 25 relationships. x_x
But even if you do give your heart away 25 times, in the end there's this thing where someone comes and puts all your pieces back together.

It's called marriage, darlings. :]

But don't get me wrong, marriage is not the only thing that can put your broken pieces back together. I believe that with every new love experience, when you truly love someone, your pieces come back together. ;]


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2011, 12:48:03 am »
I went out with this guy who I'd only known for a few days, and he said he loved me after just a few weeks of dating. It was so awkward, I was just like 'Haha.. love you too,' but I didn't really x.x' I just didn't want to upset him.


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2011, 01:00:38 am »
I think Love is a feeling but also a choice.

Love is natural and a emotion you feel, when you love somebody. I mean, I love all my friends, even my internet friends but I love them. I mean it in a friendly way.

But The Choosing Part, is that WHO you love is the choice. You can either choose to love somebody that hates you and is manipulating you or something or You can love someone who loves you back.

That simple.

Edit: I am a Christian but I am not taking offense. I mean Sure, Some of us believe in the Soulmate Stuff but Really, It just fate to meet the person you are gonna love.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 01:07:07 am by Demonic-Angel »


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2011, 03:15:17 am »
^ Agreeing with the previous posts, I do think love is a feeling. I believe you do not really choose who you may fall for. It just kinda, happens. I think you'll know when you've found the right person ^^.  Though I, myself, have never been in love. I am 14, and don't really care much for dating right now.
  But you cannot just choose to love someone. I feel that it is sort of forcing yourself. You may like what he/she looks like, how 'popular' they are. But what about on the inside? Isn't that what really counts? In my mind, anyways. Obviously it is not 'giving pieces of your heart away.' Where'd that come from?
  You may say 'I love you' to your boy/girl friends, but I think you'll know when you really mean it. In all I do not believe love is a choice.


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2011, 03:19:14 am »
Actually, partly the opposing comment is true. I you give pieces of your heart away to your highschool sweetheart, then what is left for the real person you gotta marry when your a fully-matured adult?.


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2011, 03:24:00 am »
Well, you may love the person, but you don't have to give your heart away to them. You may love them now, but what happens when you don't anymore, and find someone new?


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2011, 03:27:18 am »
Actually, That not what girls these day think. They think their current boyfriend will be their future husband. So They give all their heart to them, sometimes, If I am allowed to say this but -content removed by moderator-. And What If That guy break her heart.

What about later on, What is left for those girls to give their perfect husband?.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 10:49:56 pm by Warriorstrike »


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2011, 03:51:39 am »
you cannot love someone you dont trust if you cant trust someone thier is no love. it takes more then a few months to love someone truely, you love your family and friends because you trust them you know when things get bad they are there for you. you build trust by interacting and caring you dont use pure emotion.  the emotion comes overtime through many factors one being time.  

Loveing someone is a matter of being able to emotionaly give yourself to that person to beable to trust them and not wonder what they want to get by saying "i love you" and yes thier is an emotional love but emotions are not a permanant state of being they come and go. but to turely love you should be able to trust them and that takes time a few month is not enough to know if that person is right for you. i have watched my older sister go through the emotion of love but it never lasted because they based everything on that emotion and not on growing closer with each other building trust and bonding. she wound up pregnant and alone so yes love is an emotion but it is also much much more.  

in simple terms love is trust, trust comes from bonds, bonds are created over time, time is what all relationships need to grow.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 03:54:04 am by Missing »


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2011, 04:01:52 am »
Actually, That not what girls these day think. They think their current boyfriend will be their future husband. So They give all their heart to them, sometimes, If I am allowed to say this but -content removed by moderator-[/url]. And What If That guy break her heart.

What about later on, What is left for those girls to give their perfect husband?.

You don't have to be 'girls these days' ^^ Be yourself. And just because of a mistake doesn't mean you can't love the one you marry.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 10:50:27 pm by Warriorstrike »

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2011, 04:18:57 am »
There is no such thing as giving your heart away, because it is always yours. You can share it with another, but you never get rid of it.
And there is also no such thing as a limited amount of love. That's kind of what you are getting at, there is a limit on how much love you can give, but that's not true, you will ALWAYS be able to give more and more love.
So what if they -content removed by moderator- to the person they think is the one? It doesn't mean they have nothing to give to the one they do ending up married to. They can still give their ENDLESS love and devotion. One does not need -content removed by moderator- to have that perfect marriage, or to give in their relationship. Yes, having your first with your husband would be special, but it is not neccessary. They give true love and affection, unlike what they gave to those in the past. Because that love faded and died, it was never anything truly special, but to be with the one you love forever is -content removed by moderator-
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 10:53:18 pm by Warriorstrike »

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