Author Topic: Unique Character Names: Why make a big deal about the way it's spelled?!  (Read 12381 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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You may be wondering, "What do you mean by that?"  :-\

Well to put it this way, lately some of my characters in Feral-Heart maps have been getting attention all because of the way I spelled their names. For example, I have a fox character that I called "Kopper". Now I spelled her name with a "K" instead of a "C" for a reason. I was NOT trying to spell out the word, "Copper". I meant to spell it as "Kopper". I got that name from a little doggie I used to own. However, some random people have come up to me and blurt out "That's not how you spell copper, you illiterate idiot!" or "Copper is spelled with a C not a K. NAME FAIL!!!"  >:(  
I try to explain it to them that it was spelled with a "K" on purpose, some appologize while others just "roll their eyes" and call me illiterate. Spelling a name a different way does NOT make someone illiterate! It makes the name somewhat unique. I like giving my characters unique names that you don't see very often around FH... spelling them a different way is one way I do it. There are several names that can be spelled different ways.

I also have a warrior cat character with a different name that some people have harrassed me over. I have a queen-rank cat with the name of CoffeeCream, and some of these so called "warrior cat experts" have come up and told me... "A cat would no NOTHING about coffee or cream! NAME FAIL!!" Often times I tell them that this character used to be a house-pet at one time with the name of "Coffee". It usually shuts them up.... and I get to keep my awesome name ^^

So the question is, should people be harrassing other people over the names of their characters? I think NOT. If you think they missplled the name on their character, think AGAIN! It may be spelled like that for a reason. IF they did spell it incorectly by mistake, give them a helpfull and polite suggestion on how to spell it correctly.
Do say: "Excuse me? Did you mean to spell it like that? If not, the correct way to spell it is ......"  
DON'T say: "You moron, you spelled ..... all WRONG! Do it like this.....!!"   That will only cause trouble and tension.  

Besides, there is nothing wrong with someone wanting to name their character something different from everyone elses. I see alot of common names like, Shadow, Raven, Lilly, Angel, Sarah, etc, etc. I have seen some people with names that can be spelled in different ways... like Kristen: it can be spelled like Christan, Kristan, Cristan, etc. Or Jacualin: Jaquallyn, Jacualynn, Jaquallin, and so on and so forth. But I've seen some players harrass each other over it. "It should be spelled like this..." "No, it should be spelled like this!..." What does it matter?! -.-

**The only character names that people should REALLY worry about are the inappropriate, rule-breaking names. I have seen some players give their characters really nasty names that were really offensive and considered against the rules.  :o I won't give a list of what names I have seen, but you get my point.**

All in all, the way names are spelled, pronounced, etc, does not matter to me. If you want to name you character something unique and original, I say go for it. Don't let others tell you how you should spell it or what it should be. It ain't up to them, its up to YOU. After all, it is your character, you made it so you call it whatever you want (as long as it's appropriate).  ;)

Yours Truly, Alizarin

Enough with the ranting, let's talk about unique character names. Do you have any character names that are made up, of another language, or spelled another way? What kind of names have you come up with your characters?  :D
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 12:17:42 am by Alizarin »

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2012, 01:00:43 am »
Yeah users are just going to be like hits, I am afraid there is really no way to stop them, just ignore them. I understand what you are feeling, it is indeed wrong for this to happen, and I do not think behaviour like this should be allowed. Though, it may just be a mistake for some people, they may just be trying to help, even if they do sound rude. I love your names, very creative, just keep up the roleplaying, and creativeness. Ignore what people have to say, and keep going! Do not let it bug you, thank you for bringing this up dear. <3

Offline Ruby1234

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2012, 01:06:14 am »
You really shouldn't let these people bother you. I've done things like that to add a little uniqueness to my character's names too. Now, granted, I've never had anyone challenge me about it, but it's quite funny when it does happen. Especially when I've seen a "Shadow," call someone out on that, then fight with another "shadow," about name stealing.  ::)

Though, one thing that's happened to me, is people think that my character "Syria," is one of those country characters running around, like Japan, China, America, when really, it's just a name I came up with a long time ago. xD

But really, just ignore them. If they can't tell the difference between typo and unique, maybe they aren't worth talking to anyway. xD


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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2012, 09:19:27 am »
I will no longer be active on this account. Please read my latest post.

Thank you for the derpy avii, Kikiveto. ;3

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2012, 01:05:56 pm »
I have to agree.
However, I suppose the reason why people get so miffed about it is because you see it so often. It's not difficult to spell something correctly especially when you have the internet to help you.
In addition, you'll find people who think they know how names are spelt in their language, but sometimes names can be spelt differently in other countries, as well as pronunciation.
I've never gotten or abused people for their apparent misspellings - but I've often stuck up for the those harassed by people considering their name.

Also, I agree with pretty much everything said on this topic, it seems like we all understand.
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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2012, 02:07:02 pm »
Exactly! Honestly, big deal if you want to spell a name your way. It makes it a little more unique.

Siggy and avi by me. PM me if you need anything, friends.

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2012, 04:21:09 pm »

 I've never had anyone challenge me about it, but it's quite funny when it does happen. Especially when I've seen a "Shadow," call someone out on that, then fight with another "shadow," about name stealing.  ::)

Ikr. I have seen some people fight over that. I find it funny because it's nothing but pointless arguing over names that are commonly used throughout FH.
One time, some troll came up to me and harrass me because one of my characters supposedly had the person's real life name. She got upset and told me "That's my name IRL. I suggest you change it right now!!" -Facepalm- I couldn't believe it. I told her that I had named my character after something else and NOT her. She eventually left me alone and went away. Some people are just so vain. -.-  I've seen a few players run around with characters that have my actual name, but I don't say anything to them at all.

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2012, 06:42:41 pm »
It's nice to have character names spelled differently. It saves people from confusion between, perhaps another that might have the same name (but different spelling ;)). But most of my characters' names are really uncommon or improvised, so I don't have this problem very often - only once.

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Offline Ruby1234

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2012, 06:48:34 pm »
Ikr. I have seen some people fight over that. I find it funny because it's nothing but pointless arguing over names that are commonly used throughout FH.
One time, some troll came up to me and harrass me because one of my characters supposedly had the person's real life name. She got upset and told me "That's my name IRL. I suggest you change it right now!!" -Facepalm- I couldn't believe it. I told her that I had named my character after something else and NOT her. She eventually left me alone and went away. Some people are just so vain. -.-  I've seen a few players run around with characters that have my actual name, but I don't say anything to them at all.

Vain? I would have gone with looking for a reason to be mad, or just plain not smart.
If that person thinks they're the only person in the world to have that name, and that anyone that uses it is stealing, well, then. Just. Lol.

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Re: Character Names: Is it really that big of a deal to have a unique name?!
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2012, 07:19:13 pm »
Ikr. I've had people coming over to me saying I'm name stealing. It makes me laugh to THINK that they actually can't spell themselves, but i don't mention anything cause i really don't, care about what they THINK about my name. I've seen players with other players name's username's etc...I take no notice but, when people are spiteful about there words among others, it makes me THINK well maybe you need to take a break, and try saying that to another person. Cause it's hilarious to see them loosing the plot over someone that don't, give a "derp" About what they are saying, which is a good thing. When players say to others, Oh Mai Gawd! You Haz My Name! I'm like seriously..Its a name, but guys...

If people do say things about your name...Wither it be insulting or just Generally they think its, spelled wrong ignore them, they obviously, don't know the word different or changes, just ignore them when they say things. Because it will either cause havoc or chaos both meaning the same but what I'm trying to say is ignore them, don't let them pester you about a name. Even if it means the most to you.

Don't let them bother and there is a "Block" Button, so use it!