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Topics - Cheetos

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Mass Markings and Items
« on: May 11, 2014, 02:26:48 am »
Was just wondering where I can find the mass markings and an updated item pack to download.
And also how to install them.

Please, and thank you for your help.

Game Help / Ground textures bugged
« on: January 22, 2012, 02:18:13 am »
So. As many know I quit FH a while back. But my friends wanted me to make a map, so I came back.

But. There's a slight issue.

I had to completely reinstall FH, and the ground textures aren't working. Its all African Grass everywhere.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled FH twice and it still isn't working.

Asus netbook, 2gb ram, all up to date on everything. Anyone else have issues with this and how did you fix it?

Leaving / Cheetos is Quitting Feral Heart
« on: December 12, 2011, 06:08:17 pm »
After much personal debate and consideration of recent happenings, I've decided to officially quit feral heart.

I'll miss the community, I'll miss my chatting in general, but to be honest, there's not much else that's keeping me there.

This is my good bye, short and sweet.

If anyone wishes to contact me, my email is always open. IntelFrog (at) And my offer is always out there if anyone needs someone to talk to.

Best Wishes! DFTBA.

Game Help / Waterfall splashing / mist
« on: November 22, 2011, 06:06:55 am »
How does one get that to work? I've seen it in some custom maps but I can't get it to work in my object maker.

Please and thank you.

1- I have a music-making friend of mine and he's offered to make some music for my maps. What file type should I tell him he needs to save it in? Also, does anyone know how long the day and night is? I'd love to have the music cycle between day and night sounds.

2- How do I make an object have sound, exactly. I want waterfall noises, bird chirping to put in trees, maybe even some hyena cackling to attached to an object to put it in a outlander section.

3- How does one change the color of the crystal glow? Is there an ultra-detailed walkthrough of how to make the effects maker work? I haven't figured it out... Maybe someone could walk us all through making Hammy's bee-hive work if there isn't one in the forums that I've just missed?

4- Is there a walkthrough of how to link maps together? And is it possible to have the maps all linked together /without/ there being an extra portal on the cape? like how Red has The Grounds, and then from there you can go other places?

Game Help / Two Questions Concerning Maps/portals
« on: August 10, 2011, 08:52:25 pm »
1-  I have a lot of duplicate portals of maps I made, can I delete some of these so I can clear up the Cape a bit?

2- I am trying to save a map, and I've never had issues with an Invalid Map Name before {except when I accidentally hit it and there was no map name there to begin with} but now no matter what I put in, I'm getting the "invalid Map Name" error message. Is there a certain format that is supposed to be put there or a character limit that I've never noticed before?

Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.

Game Help / Texture help?
« on: August 03, 2011, 08:00:20 pm »
I'm trying to find some new ground textures and new textures that I can use for the trees... but I'm sure how. Can someone give me a quick walk-through of how to make my own materials and terrains?

Game Help / Couple sky/weather questions for custom maps
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:19:42 am »
And one terrain mask question.

1- How do I get a custom sky into a map? I've been trying to figure it out and I just... can't. TT; I am silly sometimes, it's probably ridiculously easy! Same thing with weather.

2- While playing with sky maker, I noticed that you can change the material for the moon... I assume this can be used to give the moon a phase, and not just have it full all the time? Is it possible - at all - to change the material to make it appear as if there are -two- moons? I would kill to have two moons on my demon map!

3- Duel terrain masks. How does one get a duel terrain mask to work? I've tried all sorts of combinations and I haven't been able to figure it out. Or is it still glitching so it won't work at all? Transparency. That's the key. Thanks Ruby!

And that's all I can figure out. Thanks for helping me out, I look forward to your aid!

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