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Messages - JHlN

Pages: [1]

The FogClan leader is dead.

Snowstar, the FogClan Leader, is dead. They were murdered one night in FogClan territory. No one knows who killed them, but it has left the clans in complete and utter chaos. The clans are fighting with each other constantly, a war ready to break out any second. No cat is safe from judgement; no cat is safe. Murdering a cat is a high crime among the clans and the murder of a leader is immediate death to the killer.

Read more on our tumblr!

Discord-Based || Active || Literate || Application Required

Before applying, please read about our Clans:
And please check our rules:

** We currently have 2 Leader positions, 3 Deputy positions, 3 Medicine Cat positions, and 2 Medicine Cat Apprentice positions open!

* If you wish to apply to be a Leader, please apply here:

* Apply for other roles (Deputies, Medicine Cats, Warriors, Apprentices, ETC.) here:

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. Thank you for reading. <3

Introduction / Re: I'm Back!
« on: December 24, 2017, 03:52:44 am »
I bet you guys have seen me before! With a long username appearing every time with movies or talking in general chat, it was hard to miss me~  Thank you for the warm welcomes <3

Introduction / I'm Back!
« on: December 23, 2017, 08:19:33 am »
Man, it's been a while. I've been a part of Feral Heart since it first became, well... Feral Heart! I wasn't quite around for Impressive World, but I got to experience servers based off of it, so I can only imagine. I remember being known around here for an extremely long username. ( If you're curious about that name, it was ShinyOkamiEevee. Which, I'm so grateful you guys added username changes. Because every time I noticed said extremely long username, I wanted to gouge my eyes out with forks. )

Not literally, I wouldn't do that. I like my eyes, I dig seeing stuff. And I remember when the update first came out, I was a little upset since I couldn't get it to work at first... I may have overreacted, I do thoroughly enjoy the updates and new stuff. It feels good to be back in the community that first got me into roleplaying, which is a pretty huge part of my life nowadays. It feels great to be home, even if I am too awkward and anxious to really interact with the community. Becoming part of the forum itself is a little nerve wracking. Even so, I'm thankful to be a part of it.

As for myself, I'm a lame dude who loves making puns. I love drawing, writing, and roleplaying... as well as eating food at 4 in the morning because I'm a shell of the former healthy human being I used to be. I also love Fire Emblem, League of Legends, Stardew Valley, and a bunch of other stuff that probably isn't very popular on Feral Heart-- But oh well!

Hope to see some old faces as well as new. Thanks for reading! ^^

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:41:22 pm »
I was excited to see an update but, couldn't imagine this... I don't like it. I can't even download the setup or torrent, it doesn't work for me. This means all my markings and items will be gone along with the mods that changed my interface and shading. I'm so upset with this I can't even put it into words.
And I don't like the original markings in the first place, I can never make them look realistic or how I want them too. And the mods I had made my characters look perfect.
I'm sure other people love this, but I just can't. I miss old FH.
Not like I have a choice anyway, I can't even install the new update.

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