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Messages - Pakhet

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:10:21 am »
Other stuff I've seen used:

Female: Dame
Body: Build, bodice
Eyes: Globes, spheres
Mouth: Maw
Teeth: Daggers, razors, ivories, pearls
Tail: Flag, ribbon
Legs: Pistons
Paws: Mitts
Claws: Talons, spurs
Ears: Audrey (short for auditory, I'm told)

I'm with the wolf-speakers that more synonyms for male and such would be useful, but seriously people? Unless you made a fighting rooster by accident, you don't have spurs, y'know?

Maybe you could put a list of actual synonyms in as a 'use these instead' kind of thing?

Game Help / Re: Hidden Maps
« on: February 04, 2013, 03:27:58 am »
Most of the maps you see that aren't from FH itself belong to rps. Granted a few are public, but the majority, nay. Thus, you have to join said rp before you're permitted to download their map. The owners worked hard to have a place for their group, and them alone, and don't make the maps publicly downloadable.

Right now there's a map called ElderCircle up on the bar. I'm in the group it belongs to. They have a website which they put the link on, so that it'd be hidden. Sometimes, though, groups will put the link in either the leader's or group's bio, in which case if I'm going to join, I'll usually download it in advance.

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU play Feralheart?
« on: January 31, 2013, 03:58:28 am »
Rping, though it's hard to find a good one now I'm literate and picky; making chars five at a time; talking in gen if it's interesting (politics, anyone?); and freecam stalking a random, decent looking group, then refer people asking for such-and-such rp in general to the leader, subsequently freaking them out. xD

Other Mods/Creations / Re: FeralHeart+ : Preview
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:56:03 am »
I remember when I first downloaded FH+. Was so cool. Seems like it'll be even better now, and once again populated. :D

Game Discussion / Re: The Funniest/Stupidest Things People Have Said
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:25:30 am »
There's this wolf on stone bridge right now, bright yellow with red mane, with a name of "Kopa m Lion". He's claiming to be Simba's kid, and trying to join this lion rp which won't accept him. So he starts randomly talking in the third person and just now said "I love you, Kopa m Lion."


Request Maps / Re: I need a highmap and mask of that map
« on: January 09, 2013, 08:00:47 pm »

Put in FH > Media > Terrains.

To get the yellow areas on the mask, you have to click the arrow in map maker to the fourth page. Should work, I think.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Re: Fluorspar Plains - Major WIP
« on: January 08, 2013, 04:29:26 am »
You're quite welcome. Glad to have a positive response so quickly! c:

Hey, all. Pakhet here. You know how painful it is to try over and over (and over and...) to get into Fluorite during rush hour? It's a pain in the rear. So I'm attempting to make a FP wanna-be map. I just started today (1/7), but I'm making progress and decided to start a thread. My idea is to remake Ficho and Bonfire as well, and turn this into a map pack. But for now, it's just one.

I've decided it'll be public, and thus if you have suggestions, let me know. Also, I'd like to find some beta-testers in advance. Post or PM me if you want to be one.

Alright, so this project got put on a back burner a while. Life happened. (The ER played a part. Dun ask. ._.) But! After that got cleaned up, it turns out my mask somehow got deleted. (Either that or aliens abducted it...) Thus version 1 has come out, sans mask, for beta testing. If anyone would like to take a stab at a mask, I can PM you the height map.


1/30: Version one out. Still needs mask.
1/10: Most items are in, now working on details and plants.
1/8: Height map complete. Skipping the mask until I have items in.
1/8: Decided height map was too different from FP to use, and am editing.
1/7: Replaced the N/Z and moved the Compass to an island.


- KiarasBFF98
- Woofkita


Name: Fluorspar Plains
(Didn't know this, but Fluorite is a green mineral. Another name for it is Fluorspar.)

Size: 35000 W, 1500 H

Public/private: Public

Items used: All default FH stuff, put into their own group so it doesn't mess with other maps.

Release date: Currently active for V.1

Stage in creation: Testing and working on mask


I call this the Compass, because it's composed of four arrows. (The waterfalls are on the flat backsides of the arrows.) It's on the island formerly known as Cape, however will not be replacing it. Cape is being moved southward.

The new L Island: Whale Island! Now with trees!

The Steps/Glitch dens new look. Wonder if they're still glitchy....

A little camp thing I added. It's south of the Y river, and north of the Plus.

That little heart-shaped thing NE of the N/Z. Does it even have a name?

The N/Z from the Ficho side.

The Stone Bridge.

-Pictures coming soon-
Temple's makeover,
Y river,
Stone bridge den.

I'm lazy, and I gotta keep a few secrets...

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Male & Female Character Distinction
« on: December 12, 2012, 03:22:13 am »
I don't care what gender people say I am,  but it seems to be something that makes people mad. xD Be a great way to eliminate that awkward feeling if you get it wrong and they freak out.

And I LOVE the idea of the females being smaller than the males at max size. I hate it when my maximally large, adult lion is the same size as a lioness. :| Maybe gender neutral charries would be somewhere between the full male and female size?

Really needs to be added to the game.

Game Discussion / Re: Humans in FeralHeart
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:09:45 am »
EDIT:  I posted without reading the last page, and it seems the thread's maker has ended the discussion. So, read it if you want. It's rather void now.

Here's my go at this. For the record, I rp all kinds of things; humans, wolves, lions, WCs, demon, etc. Just for want of variety.

Like lots of people have said, most of the good, human-centered games aren't free, or require money to get a good experience. I liked SecondLife, but you can't do diddly if you don't pay.

And, I like rping. Not aimless chat. And even when there happens to be a free, half-decent game, it's either so focus on fighting NPCs and leveling, it ends up being boring within the first couple hours. FH, on the other hand, has a great (mostly... >.>) community centered around rping. What else is there? Explore? Not if you've played so long you memorized the maps. Kill stuff? Nope. Not possible. Level up? See previous answer. The only viable interactions are through chatting, and everything else is accomplished by rp.

So do humans bother me? No, they don't.

To those who've said 'why play as a human? That's just replaying reality.' Look at it this way: I /could/, technically, rob a bank in real life. Or shoot someone, or do drugs, or be homeless, or tame a wolf. But in the first three examples, I'd get my butt locked up in prison. Not exactly a brilliant idea. The other two? Technically possible, but unwanted for reality or beyond my current abilities.

As a rper on here, or anywhere else, it doesn't matter what my character does. It doesn't affect me, personally. So one can do whatever they like. Make a nuke out of Windex? Why not! Chase people with a hotdog? Go for it!

In a world in which there are no lasting consequences and in which one can live a thousand lives that could happen, it's fun to experiment. Not just as the impossible fantasy of animals, but to pick and choose a human life and see it run its course.

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