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Topics - angelcake12

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Back, it feels like forever! lol
« on: July 20, 2017, 10:56:49 pm »
(First post on a forum XD) Hi! I guess I should Introduce myself. I am a old user who decided to come back after over a year and nearly two. Although, it feels longer than that. By the way, it is nice to be back and meet you all!

Why I left?

Because, middle school and people getting me down about Feral Heart made me stressed and depressed to the point I left. As well, as everyone when I was on, to me, was afk or just quiet. I guess back then I was way to shy. Even online to the point I only talked to one person on there in 2016.  (I was very shy and sensitive back then lel)

Anyway past the reason why I was gone. I decided to come back because a game I was in reminded me of Feral Heart and I missed it alot. So, I came back with a friend of mine who too was gone for a long time. Also, That was the best decision in my life! Boi, I'm glad I came back. This community, people, and lively hood of Fh is amazing! The details too, dang! Love it! I guess, I really did miss this place alot.  Anyway, about me.

About meh-

I am a junior highschooler who is very determined. No, srsly, very determined lol. Playful, active, outgoing, generous, and crafty. As well as, a artist, funny, furry, selfie spammer, advice giving person, a ranter sometimes, a writer, rper, and social. Furthermore, a person in alot of fandoms. (I would say alot more about me but it would equal a story XD)

Before, I end this hello. I just wanted to say. glad to be back. Nice to meet you all and can't wait to play with you all again as my oc Caleb! ^W^

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