Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168014 times)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #630 on: August 17, 2013, 05:58:10 pm »
LordSuragaha.. you are telling people not to 'make claims', correct? But, aren't YOU doing the same thing yourself? You are 'making claims' that it is NOT the majority of FH that wants General back, although you can clearly see how many people want it.

Never once have I claimed that most of the community doesn't want general back I clearly stated multiple times even when you guys mentioned polls that there is no accurate way to determine exactly how many people are against or for generals removal. Here's my exact quote:

Let's also not make claims that the entire or most of the community are against the removal of general. None of you can prove that and not to mention there are quite the number of posts here that are made by the same user using multiple accounts. Those who are for the removal of general wouldn't have much reason or desire to write here so there really is no accurate way to see exactly how the entire community feels about this. So many of you need to stop throwing things around as if they are fact.

You're the one that continues to push your belief that everyone wants general back & that we should be able to see that because of the number of the posts in this thread etc. You said:

 There are now 62 pages, and most of the comments don't like this change. The majority of the community who have commented wants General back, so why not give it to them?

The amount of people commenting in this thread are FAR from the majority of this community. This thread alone was also never a place to see statistics it's just a place to share feedback about general's removal. There is no accurate way to use this thread or even a poll attached to determine how many people want or don't want general back. Why?

1.) Not everyone uses the site
2.) Many people are using multiple accounts to post as "different" people to keep pushing their individual points across in this thread.
3.) The numerous posts on this thread aren't from masses of people who hate general's removal as you claim. In fact many pages in this thread are just the same user or groups of users posting numerous time and thus increasing the page count. If we cut the extra posts down and really counted up exactly who was posting what you'll see it's really not that many people yet alone most of the community.
4.) Most people who either like the removal of general or just don't care wouldn't have much reason to come post here. Only people with strong feelings against the removal of general would take the time to post here, therefore making it seem as though most of the posts here are just people against it.

I made no claim other than that we will never have an accurate understanding of everyone's opinion on general's removal unless the entire community was to come online and vote on a poll here.

You are also making claims that General chat has benefited FH, and continue to argue that point. You make your claim that General's removal has caused mostly benefits. Yet, when we 'make claims' that most of the people here want Gen-gen back, you tell us to stop making claims. Or, when we say that the removal was bad, you still tell us that.

I have never claimed that the removal of general was solely good. What I have said was that many benefits have come with the removal of general as well as sacrafices. We staff are well aware of the sacrafices because we are making them just the same way you are. I stated:

The choice to remove general was no different. We had plenty discussions together of it's pros & cons and ways to help everyone since we know plenty of the good users like the RPers had to make sacrafices as well as the people who used general respectfully to chat etc.

I even mentioned both the pros and the cons in one of my first posts in this thread. Here read it if you don't believe me:

Well I can see a major plus side to this such as the points Delay made but I have some concerns when it comes to the RPers not being able to advertise to the masses in gen anymore. Removing the general chat seems a major killing point especially since this game's genre is focused although not solely but mainly on RP. It's bad enough that it's hard to find good RPs or get users to join your own these days. Sure RP groups can continue advertising by using the movie clips but it's not the same as simply reading an RP ad scrolling through Gen. If a user was looking to join an RP they'd have to now click the movie clips and it's like a random chance you'll see a movie clip that is advertising an RP they'd be interested in yet alone advertising a RP in general. Let's also not forget how fast the chats stream by... It was hard enough trying to read the ads in General chat but now imagine trying to clicking a one line movie clip in a speeding chat in a crowded map like Bonfire Island.

Another issue is advertising at landmarks as Raz suggested. There are already alot of users that bunch up at common land marks like the Stone Bridge & the Cape Portal... Imagine now how many additional individuals & groups will gather at these areas without Gen chat now. These users will now crowd and fuss over advertisement spots... Sure removing Gen kills a host of issues but now pop up a whole new bit of them.

 It will be interesting to see how removing the general chat impacts the community but I don't think it's the best idea right now, however you have my support regardless. Sometimes changes are hard to accept at first but eventually we learn to live with them so I'm up for the test. Hopefully the rest of the community will be just as patient & understanding during this time. Positive constructive feedback is much appreciate & thank you both Delay & Raz for the update.

So no I have never claimed that general's removal has mostly benefited FH. I have stated that there are benefits as well as sacrafices. The difference between what you and I are posting is that although I was against generals removal I can live without it and I can support general's removal and see mostly the benefits because there is no use complaining about things that we can easily learn to adapt to and improve with or without general.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #631 on: August 17, 2013, 06:15:32 pm »
  :-\ You call this calm? Look, Zelos, your taking this the wrong way. I do not see any evidence of any MOD claiming.We just need to cool it. I said this a million times. Take a break or something! Just be calm. Ok? Calm. Caaaaaallmmmm.

lol. XD.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #632 on: August 17, 2013, 06:22:28 pm »
To be honest now that I look at this situation right I see this is a rather wise decision the staff made.
And to be honest, there's way more pros than that.
No more spam in General!
No more conversation that floods the chat.
No more trolls that abuse the huge chat.
No more.... *cough* 'filthy' conversations all across maps.
No more advantage of hurting others across the map with certain topics.

There's actually a lot of pros to this situation along with cons. Do I care about General being removed? No.
I think it's rather childish to blame so much on the moderators just for the sake of a simple chat.
Well, let's take a look at who has the experience to moderate the game. Them.

No. I don't care if General comes back honestly. Why are people usually complaining about General being removed from just public maps? It's rather frustrating to see people keep on complaining sometimes just because of a simple chat.

Sure, sure, it was different from most chats. But aren't all chats different? We don't need General in that way, people. We can just find a way to chat with other people like in Local or Party. Simple.

Guys, please learn to live with this situation. >_<

Rant over. :I *Sorry if I'm sort of spamming this thread with my opinion, lol* Just ignore this if it's unneeded.

(Currently continuing to stalk this thread every time someone posts)

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #633 on: August 17, 2013, 06:34:40 pm »
Listen I'm sure KovuLKD would appreciate this. We need to enjoy the game as it is. We don't need to be making such a fuss over one stupid old chat. Is that who we are? No! We are supposed to be a friendly, calm, warm and welcoming community. Right now we are arguing and making he MODs have negative feelings.

Ok the only worrying CON I see is this:

Less likely to catch rule-breakers

But so what?

One more thing.


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #634 on: August 17, 2013, 06:42:42 pm »
:I Okay, fine.. I have another thing to say:

You say this is a test, correct? Well, guess what. This is a 'test' that has been going on for TWO MONTHS already. How much longer do you plan to keep this up? Three months? Four? 7? A year? Two years? I don't think it's fair to just keep us waiting. I think this 'test' should end already. It's been two months. If it is REALLY a test, then why should it last for so long? Go ahead and end it. Give us your final answer:
Is General returning?
Or is it gone forever.
Just give us the answer, and end the 'test'. Two months is long enough.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #635 on: August 17, 2013, 06:53:45 pm »
Forgive me for butting in... I've only been watching this thread on and off but it looks like the same arguments are circulating over and over again.
Can we not agree on something or are we agreeing to disagree with one another?
Although I never had much to do with general chat to begin with, I do sometimes miss seeing those little green letters. But the decision to remove it from public maps was a wise one in my opinion. I know, general had its uses, but sometimes sacrifices must be made and it wasn't the only thing you could use for advertising, chatting or whatever it is people do. It not as if it's vital for the existence of FH or the users. Want to chat with people? Make a party conversation or actually go to them and talk in local. Want to advertise something? Use the movie clips, or the advertising board in the roleplay section. There are always alternatives.
I've noticed there's been less spam and less of the chat rule breaking too since general was removed. Isn't that a good thing? Who actually liked watching people swear or verbally abuse others? No one, I should hope.
Can we not agree that this was a good decision, and/or respect that decision? Cause really, ranting and whinging about how it was wrong isn't go to do anyone any favours.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 06:55:18 pm by DoctorFlob »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #636 on: August 17, 2013, 07:02:33 pm »
I agree with Flob. Just want to say that no matter where you are, you will find swearing. Exceptfor lonelycave. But yeah. I was insulted many times. At cape someone swore 2 times and I told them they should not be doing that and then that floofie said it wasonly 2 words and then he called me a Psy. I also had someone call me a B. That hurt my feelings and got me angry. So I got carried away. So I don't know if this removal has changed any thing. Looks like it. Kinda. Lets see what you think of this.

 :'( Ugh horrible memories.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #637 on: August 17, 2013, 07:19:59 pm »
People should stop telling others to "stop complaining" or "cool it."
If you do not find an issue with the removal of General, that is fine. However, other people have different opinions from you. You are neither right nor wrong in your own opinion, but this thread is a place of discussion. Let people discuss.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #638 on: August 18, 2013, 07:05:46 am »
Well this was a suggestion and a number of people backed the idea.
A number of what? 2? xD Again, as my... what, 3rd time stating this, REMOVING GENERAL WAS NOT THE BEST SOLUTION. I'm pretty sure that, now that you've removed General, Raz, the game's going down the drain. I hope there's a source code floating around when this game BOMBS badly, because that's what's going to happen if you continue making executive decisions like this without checking to see if it would affect us players, the soul of this very game... it revolves around US, not only you guys, the admins/mods... we're the ones that kept this game alive and friendly, you know, so it's about time that we got General back. It's the least you could do; the decision to "put down" General wasn't a terribly good one. I saw no need to remove General. Sure, mods and admins do their job, but so do the players by keeping it alive, and they want General back; I estimate approximately 84% of the players want back General. ROUGHLY. I'm not quite sure; there's a lot of protests of this debate. I, myself, am part of that 84%... Raz, now that you see how many protests their are against your removing of General chat, won't you consider re-adding it within the game? There honestly were no problems with it I could see; turn it off if you didn't want to see it, turn it back on when you did want to see it. Just LEARN to appreciate the player's wills, won't you, please? ~Yours truly, Quitting This Game if This "Test" Doesn't End
egg me up inside (can't egg up)

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #639 on: August 18, 2013, 07:51:17 am »
People should stop telling others to "stop complaining" or "cool it."
If you do not find an issue with the removal of General, that is fine. However, other people have different opinions from you. You are neither right nor wrong in your own opinion, but this thread is a place of discussion. Let people discuss.

Look I know its meant for disscussion. But I do not think you were reading alot of this thread lately. Some floofies were turning on the MODs and someone said that a MOD was claiming without any evidence. Look here.

Okay... I have something I wish to say here. LordSuragaha.. you are telling people not to 'make claims', correct? But, aren't YOU doing the same thing yourself? You are 'making claims' that it is NOT the majority of FH that wants General back, although you can clearly see how many people want it. You are also making claims that General chat has benefited FH, and continue to argue that point. You make your claim that General's removal has caused mostly benefits. Yet, when we 'make claims' that most of the people here want Gen-gen back, you tell us to stop making claims. Or, when we say that the removal was bad, you still tell us that. This is how I see it:

Pros- No more General trolling
No more mapwide spamming
No more bad topics that everyone can see.

Harder to get Rp members.
Fighting over members at Stone Bridge.
Can't meet as many new people without whispering random people who you have no idea whether they're friendly or not.
Rps are dying.
Many people now hate the mods and bash them.
64 pages of people who are very ticked off, and/or trying to stress that they want General back.

Can you PLEASE at least TRY to see the points the community is trying to make? The only things you are paying attention to is you and the other mods' point of view. You see what we are saying, but you are not truly LISTENING to our opinions. General has been gone for two months now, and you can see how annoyed people are with this.

I think it's time to just give General back. Honestly.

This is the kind of stuff we need to calm down about. The MODs. Its alright if we do not agree. But its not alrighf if we turn on the MODs like that. Thats why I am annoyingly saying "cool it". I won't say it anymore it annoys me as well XD.

EpicWolfie over and out to the howl...

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