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Messages - OutofBreath

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64] 65
Stories / Short Story
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:55:14 pm »
Eggy pecked and scratched the dirt, eating worms, slugs, grubs, beetles, spiders, fruit flies, mosquitoes, flies, grass, flowers, clovers, dandilions, crane flies, dragon flies, bees, wasps, and grapes as she moved along the garden.
Henrietta pecked and scratched the dirt, eating worms, slugs, beetles, spiders, fruit flies, mosquitoes, flies, grass, flowers, clovers, dandilions, crane flies, dragon flies, bees, wasps, and grapes as she moved along the garden.
Noodles pecked and scratched the ground, eating worms, slugs, beetles, spiders, fruit flies, mosquitoes, flies, grass, flowers, clovers, dandilions, crane flies, dragon flies, bees, wasps, and grapes as she moved along the garden.
Sprinkles pecked and scratched the ground, eating worms, slugs, beetles, spiders, fruit flies, mosquitoes, flies, grass, flowers, clovers, dandilions, crane flies, dragon flies, bees, wasps, and grapes as she moved along the garden.
They all met in the middle, seeing a single beetle. They all dove at it at once and whamed their heads together. They started arguing. While they argued, the beetle ran away

               ThE End

It's a really short story about my pet chickens.

Art Gallery / Re: Some Art
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:31:08 pm »
Aw, your drawing technique is really cute and lovable, I love how you do your drawings. <3 Keep up the good work and I'd love to see some more from you, maybe even request if you're open to them. ^^'
Thank you! I've never taken a request, though I can do them. :D

Art Gallery / Some Art
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:24:51 pm »

Characters / OutofBreath's Characters
« on: February 09, 2016, 04:09:25 am »

~ H E N R I E T T A ~

Name: Henrietta, Hetta, Hettie, Hattie, Henri.
Age: 1 1/2 years old.
Flock: Chickens of Fluorite
Rank: Lead Hen
~ Female/Hen
~ Ameraucana
Henrietta is a very friendly hen. She accepts everyone
in her flock as a friend, and anyone outside of the flock she offers them to join.
Though, if needed, she will attack to protect the flock.
Henrietta is a black ameraucana chicken with a puffy beard and mufflings. Her eyes are
dark brown, and her comb a red pea comb. Her legs and beak are a darker black
than her feathers.
Friends: Anyone in the flock
Enemies: Predators, turkeys.
Likes: Leading the flock well, polite chickens,
beetles, setting on eggs, looking for food,
Dislikes: Predators, turkeys, fighting,
high places, getting wet.
Henrietta lived on a farm with a flock of a few other chickens, in the henhouse.
Noodles was the leader from the start, and was quite bossy.
The chickens there always tried to escape, despite the fact that they were treated
very well by the owners of the farm. Though, the fence that went around
the yard kept them from wandering far.
Henrietta was quite content there, with her sister, Agatha the silkie.
She was the lowest in the pecking order, but she didn't mind too much.
One day, there was a huge wind storm on the farm, and the fence lost a few boards
in it. Enough boards for a chicken to squeeze through.
So Noodles lead them out, saying that it was their chance to escape and be free.
Henrietta didn't really want to leave, but she had to follow Noodles.
So they all marched out of the yard, despite the wind blowing them to and fro.
They traveled aimlessly, not knowing where they were going at all.
Eventually they landed upon a tall, ancient oak tree, partly hollow near the base.
They squeezed through the small opening that lead inside and hid from the wind there.
After the wind died down, Noodles claimed the nest inside as her own and refused to share it.
She created a new, unique pecking order, with different jobs for different chickens.
She made Henrietta the lowest rank which she called the Omega.
Henrietta eventually challenged Noodles for her rank, which was accepted.
Noodles lost in the battle, and was made a Nurse chicken, who was basically
the doctor of the flock.
Noodles, however, didn't like this, and promptly left the flock to start her own again,
some where far away.
Battles Fought: A battle with Noodles, and three battles with a turkey.
Other: Egg color is greenish-blue. Henrietta is my pet chicken in real life.

~ Y A S A M I N ~

Name: Yasamin, Yasa, Yassy, Yas.
Group: Creatures of Yugure
Rank: No rank
~ Female/Hen
~ Australorp

Yasamin is a friendly hen, though her mood changes a lot. She is slightly selfish, and usually can't make up her mind. She is slightly aggressive at any sign of a threat.
Yasamin is a black chicken, her beak and legs a darker black than her feathers. Her eyes are dark brown. Her comb is a red single comb, and her wattles are of the same color.
Friends: Ferra, Zenaku Bane, Ordealis, Enoki.
Enemies: Ferra, the drones.
Likes: Shiny things, beetles,
sleeping, swimming.
Dislikes: The fact that she is unable to fly,
not having anything to make pie with.
Yasamin was hatched in a hollow log with her mother, Belle, a
black australorp hen. Yasamin grew up there, perfectly happy.
When she turned six months old, she moved out to go live on her own.
She lived in the Second Realm for a long time, on the island in the middle
of the river. One day she decided to explore some new realms.
So she packed up her little wooden box and started wandering around
until she found a portal. She hopped through, and stayed in that realm for a while,
until she found another portal which she hopped through.
She liked this realm the best, so she decided to live there.
It was the First Realm, and there were the tree houses of the gryphons
in several of the trees. Deciding she wanted one of those nice houses,
but they were too high up for her to reach, she went and asked someone to help her up.
It was Enoki she asked, who then made her a pretty staircase that lead up to the deck.
She has lived there ever since.
Battles fought: Fought Ferra twice and "won", fought the drones and won.
Other: Egg color is brown. Yasamin is my pet chicken in real life, only with a different name.

~ P I P ~

Name: Pip
Age: 1 year old
Group: Cuddle Pets
Rank: Watcher
~ Male/Rooster
~ Australorp
Pip is a quiet and shy chicken. He avoids chat most of the time.
But in general, he is friendly and will make friends when he can.
Pip is a black australorp chicken. He has a red single comb and wattles.
Strangely, he has odd darker black spots on his feathers. His beak and legs
are darker black than his feathers. His eyes are brown, and his tail is long and arched.
Friends: Error
Enemies: None
Likes: Dust bath, feather preening,
making friends, eating.
Dislikes: Rude creatures, crowded places,
talking in front of everyone.
No known backstory.
Battles Fought: None
Other: He hatched from a brown egg.

~ G R A P E F R U I T ~

Name: GrapeFruit, Grape.
Age: 2 years old.
Group: Pack of the Intrepidus.
Rank: Chief Scout.
~ Female.
~ Berry wolf.
Grape is playful and dedicated. She is super friendly
and is easy to make friends with.
A tan-golden pelt with brown markings. The markings are a splotch on her back,
around her muzzle, and a little ways down her tail. Her underfur, tail tip, and inside of ears
is creamy colored. Her eyes are bright yellow.
Friends: Lady Cazatella.
Enemies: None.
Likes: Playing, napping, laying in the sun, patrolling.
Dislikes: Rain.
Born in Fluorite Plains, joined Pack of the Intrepidus when she was a year old.
A hurricane drove the entire pack out of Fluorite Plains, so she lived in Cherika
for a while, and then a pack made them move to Kiwimbi Beach.
Battles Fought: None.
Other: Species made by me. Preset made by Legendary~Grace. Can be downloaded here.

~ J A D W I G A ~

Name: Jad, Jadwiga.
Age: Around two years old.
Group: Asgi Pack.
Rank: Pupsitter.
~ Female
~ Berry Wolf.
Jadwiga is polite and friendly,
and a little bit vain, but she still
loves to play with pups.
Jadwiga is golden or tan in color, with creamy brown
stripes on her head, tail, and body. Her eyes are yellow,
and she has brown fur on her head and down her back.
Friends: Izzy, Rolf.
Enemies: None.
Likes: Playing, pupsitting.
Dislikes: Rain.
Jadwiga was in a pack called Bramble Pack, as a pupsitter.
The pack decided to move, because of a rival pack, which kept causing trouble.
On the way to find a new territory, Jadwiga became lost in a thick forest.
After a while of calling her pack, she stopped to rest.
When she woke up, there was no way to find her pack.
Eventually she found another pack, and they accepted her in.
Her new pack was called
Asgi Pack.
Battles Fought: One.
Other: Species made by me, she wears an ear feather.

Characters / Re: Fire's Character(s)
« on: February 09, 2016, 03:42:15 am »
Pretty! :D

Characters / Re: o Haku's Characters o
« on: February 07, 2016, 06:01:56 pm »
Soo colorful!!!! Its cute and pretty! :D

Characters / Re: Ozzie's Character's [Updated 2/5]
« on: February 07, 2016, 05:58:51 pm »
Nice characters :D

Characters / Re: Amnesia
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:12:54 am »
^^ She looks pretty!

This is a nice pack! :D

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Chickens of Fluorite
« on: February 04, 2016, 06:28:44 am »
Ty guys!!

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