Author Topic: ><>< New Idea for an event~ FeralWars-Elite ><>< ((PvP)) *Public*  (Read 1478 times)

Offline 0nyxSevai

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><>< New Idea for an event~ FeralWars-Elite ><>< ((PvP)) *Public*
« on: September 19, 2015, 08:22:42 am »
><>< F E R A L W A R S - E L I T E ><><


FeralWars-Elite is a new game I am building in mind right now. It is about two groups that are created strictly to go into war with each other over vast regions(Preferably large fields like the +/Cross Roads), from wither it be mapped and/or not(Preferably not as most cannot download maps.) The groups are expected to be massive(At least 10 Charas strong) and Elite(Semi-Literate to Literate) in order for FeralWars to be completed without delay of Godmodding, Pawerplaying, and unfair advantages((As in People logging off, leaving 3-5 to fight against 6-10, ect)).

((TIP)): There can be 5 - 20 Players, but if you have an odd number of players, then you can go for an all out Brawl. Every Canid/Feline for themselves. ;u; ... That's always fun too, but it can be more challenging as you'd be fighting multiple masses at one setting. See on number VII ~ Brawls.

><How To Play><

((Another Tip)): Most of this is all up to the Game Host and what He/She want's, but what is down here are just simple instructions on what would make the game go by easier for all players involved.~ ;)

I. When one is wishing to start their own FeralWars-Elite session, they are to state their desires by recruiting as such. Be sure to state the name of the game, the kind of Roleplayers you want; If not Elite(Semi-Literate to Literate), then try Average; The game will only be called FeralWars-Average without the Elite addition. Once you get 10-20 players(If Not 20 then go for a good 10. That way you can divide the groups equally; 5 vs 5, or the beloved 10 vs 10), You are good to go. Every player that joins a Feralwar, as if they were joining a pack, will have to give the Leader an RP sample to test out their Literacy((RP sample topic: Preferably and obviously a Fight Scenario)). The name of the groups created by numerous Game Hosters can be anything but it needs to have 'FeralWar' entitled into it so it will avoid confusion. After a Feralwar has been complete, the group is to be disbanded so it doesn't spam the group's list, and it gives other players a chance to use the name however they'd like.

II. /!Do Not Use A Beloved Main Character For These Battles!/ You have a high chance of that main chara's unfortunate demise. If you want to use your main Chara, you are free to gamble with that risk as you please, but don't blame the game for your loss.  ;) Make your own warrior(Instructed from the Game Host) to join the battle and stick by them till the end. *OR* The Game host has the power to make it where players all have to use their 'main' character and it's characteristics,  but the War will merely just be a gigantic Spar to avoid the loss of people's beloved Characters. It will also be interesting to see people's main chars spar it out o-o which one/team would win, however..

III. Tags. Make sure both groups are tagged with their own marks. It doesn't have to be fancy, just something like a simple; (II, Lol, Omg, Swag, Senpai) Doesn't really matter what the Tag is, as long as the groups can distinguish which team member is theirs so their chara will not provoke friendly striking.

IV. The players can name their characters whatever they wish to name them, just make sure they are short and simple so other people can RP their name without a hassle on having to spell out; "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" ...

V. "Can I be a Lion? o-o", "Can I be a canine? ;u;" "I Wanna Be An Alien!" ... It's all up to the Game leader. Does he/she want just all Canines? Maybe all Felines..? Or possibly a Canine VS feline war... It's all up to the Host of the Game.~ Game hosts can also choose if they'd like a multi-species War with people whom created their own species.

VI. Sizes! Here's the fun part... Size DOES matter in this game. Does the Game host want to see massive species clash it together in an all out Brawl or Vs like King Kong & Godzilla?(NotThatLarge;-;) Or does he/she wanna see cute little small lupines/Kits/Cubs run and clash at it. Size is all up to the Leader.  //When The Game Host Chooses A Size, All Players Must Be that Same Size. Why?; So some people don't come in like ^ Godzilla/King Kong and destroys everyone in one setting with just the earthquake of their paw-steps alone.// The game HAS to be fair for all sides. The only thing that will make you succeed in this war is how you Roleplay and/or how your team(UnlessItsaBrawl) works together.

VII. Brawls~ I just love these ones... You may be piled on, or you may be the one joining the pile. Attacking in all directions is key, and knowing how to really move your character in & out of the fray with skill. When a Game Host prepares for a Brawl, they can assign everyone with the /same/ tag which can be FW - Feralwars(Default), or whatever the leader sees fit.

VIII. Regions~ The places these wars should take place are wide open spacious areas - Away from regular player activity. Example; the full left side of the Fluorite Plains map, The N/Z/Cross roads, Atlantis, Downloaded maps of the Game Host's choice(If the players are able to download maps), ect. If other players whom are not appart of the FeralWars group decides to intrude in, feel free to(As the Game host) Move everyone from Local into group for the war to continue.

IX. Post Cutting(For Feralwars-Elite), and being alert ... I know war can be chaotic, brawls especially, but in order to fully enjoy a war, please take the time to read what people are posting. People at times put in a lot of amazing effort into their RP posts which usually get drowned out during multi-combat. When someone just posted and they put somthing like this at the end; <c>, >>, That means they are not finished with what they are Rping so please try your best to not post cut other players because if you do, and you do so without reading, you may miss a player's RP post that was directed at you and your wolf/feline/creature may go about ignoring the action performed on them which could also be labeled as Godmodding/Cheating.

The Battle will reach its end depending on which team/player has taken down all their foes. The Victors can be rewarded however the Game Host wishes to reward them, or their doesn't really have to be a reward. Just as long as all the players enjoyed the game and had fun.


So tell me what you guys think, ask questions, correct me, ect, ect. x) I will try to get back to the lot of you when I get the chance.<3
As it says in the 'Subject', this Game is PUBLIC and I give full permission for people to start playing this game. Just DO NOT take the game as if it were your own creation... If you do, I shall send an army of Uni-Pandas after yous. ;-;

May the force be with yews! owo

« Last Edit: September 19, 2015, 08:45:23 pm by Sevvi »

Offline Vespian

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Re: ><>< New Idea for an event~ FeralWars-Elite ><>< ((PvP)) *Public*
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2015, 12:55:37 pm »
I can certainly picture this unravelin' as some role-play for there have been war-based role-plays before out there where one/two groups or more are positioned and expected to go at one another's throats. Take the Fight Hounds for example who once dotted the tunnels of Ficho. Although they focused more on 1v1 than 10v10 or higher.

But a whole event? That I cannot precisely picture. The main cause bein' yer description to this new possible upcomin' crosses I more befittin' as a bundle of organized role-play groups than a general FeralHeart event. I assume this by yer choice of title to this topic, ye see so correct me swift should I have assumed too quick.
Otherwise, perceivin' it as aforementioned, it does ring favors good and bad but me guesses every fight-based events have their cons. If this were to get out, mayhaps it'll become a new trend. Not a fan of it myself but there are lots of users out there who love nothin' more than to spar day and night to prove their worth in literacy and intellect for combat.

Ye seek corrections though so allow me to get nit picky

Pawerplaying((Unless allowed by a Game Host whom prefers a Mystical FeralWars with mages, voodoo, and such))
Powerplayin' isn't precisely one usin' supernatural abilities. Well, it is but not if it's bein' used in a reasonable manner. Powerplayin' is more along the lines of a user claimin' to be God Almighty 'n demandin' everyone on the battlefield perish right then 'n there to dust at their beckoned one-liner or a user who was killed by another still fightin' under the excuse they got turned into a zombie when all players on the field are mortal. Usin' otherworldly abilities in general so long as it's reasonable and in moderate fairness, as fair as they can get, it's merely a user with personal gifts. Just wanted to clarify.

Offline 0nyxSevai

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Re: ><>< New Idea for an event~ FeralWars-Elite ><>< ((PvP)) *Public*
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2015, 08:57:35 pm »

I thank you for stating your concerns about the game along with the 'power playing option.' As I have said before, this game is merely just an idea in the making so powerplaying doesn't have to be added. I have actually rethought that over last night after creating this post. Powerplaying can be a bit overboard and extreme, therefore I decided to remove it entirely from the game. I do not promote powerplaying, so to those whom decides to host a Feralwar event strictly around powerplaying can do so under their own judgement. I am not one to control what people do, nor am I one to judge others and their way of playing the game.
Also, this game isn't quite for everyone, just those(Like Myself<3) who enjoy the excitement of a good RP Brawl/War/Spar. This game may also help players to work on their combat skills via RP.
Again, I really thank you for your input on the game. :)