Author Topic: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-  (Read 11104 times)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2013, 08:13:22 pm »
[[Almost accepted. The "Species" means--for you--you put "sauropod". The "Sub-Species" is for the type of sauropod. Such as Apatosaurus or Saltosaurus. Also, as for the roleplay sample, just remember that sauropods can't rear too high. It's fine, just a note to remember. :3 ]]

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2013, 08:16:35 pm »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2013, 08:53:47 pm »
[[ Alright, now accepted. We can begin roleplaying, I'll do a starter: ]]

      Blue Claw walked through the thick forest, her weight causing the leaves below her to crackle noisily. She wasn't trying to be quiet; she wasn't hungry. She kept walking, trying to keep herself busy, until a noise caught her attention. She lifted her head, making a quiet, high-pitched growl. She turned her body, the spines on her head rising. She moved her head around, trying to catch a scent. It smelled of plants. Good; it wasn't a threat. Just a plant-eater.
      Blue peered closer as a brown-gray shape moved slowly around from the giant, dark-red trunk of a tree. Blue opened her jaw instinctively, showing her small, slicing teeth. She stepped around nervously as a thick body stopped, its small head lifted to stare at her. Blue hissed. The creature roared back, turning and swinging its massive tail back and forth. Ankylosaur.
       Blue hissed loudly, hopping backwards from the swinging club which was getting closer and closer. The ankylosaur was only attacking her because of instinct, and Blue was about to run off. However, something made the ankylosaur turn around, nearly hitting her with its spiked tail. Leaves crackled and a loud growl could be heard.
      Blue Claw's pupils dilated, and she couldn't move. She was too scared. A shadow covered her and a dark head floated above her. A giant allosaurus was standing there, growling at the ankylosaur. The ankylosaur was roaring back at it, swinging its clubbed tail viciously. The allosaurus cocked its massive head left and right, stepping forward and backward. Blue Claw squealed and turned to run. She sprinted through the forest, light-footed and quick.
      Loud rumblings followed her, and Blue saw a massive shadow covering her and the ground in front of her. She hissed and ran faster. She heard a loud roar. The allosaurus was chasing her. Blue panted, panicking. Suddenly, as she saw the forest cut off by vast fields, she sprinted out of the forest and skidded a turn, darting back among the trees and turning swiftly. She heard a distressed roar, and then a rumbling thud.
     Blue eventually slowed down and looked around, jaws open in a quiet pant. She shook her head and looked around, sniffing the air. Only a faint wisp of allosaurus scent. She snorted loudly and returned to her walk, constantly smelling the air. The leaves did not crackle.
     She was hungry.

Offline Celeyan

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2013, 09:58:48 pm »
[ Credit to who drew the picture. ]

"Better watch your stuff, it'll be gone as soon as you take your little eyes off of it."

.;. Raiughe .;. TheLazyMeowers .;.

Name: "Why is my name important to you? [Raiughe.]
Gender: "No, I'm obviously a female." [Male]
Species: "I'm a part of the theropod species, stupid."
Sub Species: "I'm a Ornithomimosauria, the fastest animal on the planet, have fun catching me."
Size: "Well, I don't know, I'm rather small, about 12 feet long and 5 feet tall."
Personality: "You sure like digging into my personal information, don't you?!" [Find out in the roleplay. ]
Relatives: "I don't know, nor do I care."
History: "That's it! Get out of my face and stop asking me questions!" [Find out in the roleplay.]
Other: "Nothin' much, but eh, I guess ill tell you one thing. I'm a thief. Watch your food, and your things, they'll be gone in a flash."
Roleplay Sample:

 The feathery creature gave a low, menacing laugh as he eyed his 'prey' in front of him, tasty food, now he'd wait for a chance to strike. He moved in light, silent movements, his color helping him blend into the surroundings as he inched closer towards his target, his cold eyes locked on his next meal as he stopped, watching and waiting as he swirled his tongue across his sharp teeth. The creature before him was rather large, obviously muscular and far too big for him to kill, but no, Raiughe was after something else, he was after the large creature's food. It was obviously wary, it continued glancing over in other directions before it ate, and Raiughe got a bit impatient as he waited for the larger creature to give him an opportunity. 'Come on you big dense creature!' He roared in his mind, his claws tapping against the lush, forest floor. Then suddenly, the larger creature seemed to turn to look at something, it seemed angry that something was trying to disturb his meal, whatever it was, it didn't stop the smaller dinosaur, no, it made him much happier.

This was his chance.

The fast creature darted forward at a fast speed, grabbing the meat in his jaws and giving a teasing glance at the larger dinosaur who just began to notice him. He gave a low, muffled call, as he took off at a fast rate, the wind cutting harshly against the fast one, but not slowing him down one bit as he continued to run until he lost the bigger, angrier creature who tried to give chase. Once he deemed it was safe to slow down, he began to move in light trots, but obviously not stopping as he continued on his way, the food dangling from his slightly parted jaws as he moved at a slightly faster pace, food would attract much other creatures. The male slunk along the grassy field, hiding in the vegetation as he worked himself into the forest, were he'd feel safe to eat 'his' meal.

Once safe, he trotted out of the clearing, moving into the denser part of the forest and finally slowing down, turning to warily look about before chomping down on the food, growling hungrily and feeling satisfied and quite smug.  

[If accepted, thats my post. xD]

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #14 on: March 14, 2013, 10:23:22 pm »
[[ Accepted, Meower. Extraordinary rp sample, and nice touch of personality to your Ornithomimosauria XP
 I shall add you to the Current Dinos when I have time. ]]

Offline pyroraptor1

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2013, 11:10:48 am »
User: pyroraptor1
Name: Karkus
Gender: Male
Species: Dromaesauridae
Sub-species: Gigantoraptor

Size: Lenght: 9 metres, heigh: 5 metres
Personality: see in rp
Relatives: I dont know, what that means
History: He's the last known Giant of the species Gigantoraptor.
Other: Nothin' Much
Roleplay Sample:
The Giant raptor search a new victim. Then he saw a Edmontosaur. Karkus ducks and approaches slowly. Then he attacked the Herbivor. He kills it very fast.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2013, 11:29:26 am »

Giant's round feet molded into the soft earth, as he stopped at a tall, old Tree. Leaves hardly hanged on it, but Giant was rather hungry, so he teared some off. He crunched the green leaves, it making a crunchy sound in his mouth. His tail flicked from side to side, keeping other Sauropods away from his food. When he finished eating, he spun around, walking slowly with loud thumps. The giant creature stalked back to his dad, his body filling with pride. "Dad, no one stole my food!" He snorted in a happy way, holding his head up high. "Good job my son." He  said, in a wise voice.

A couple of many minutes or half a hour a later, Giant started to hang around with the babies. He played with them, and chased them around, making the ground near him shake a bit. The babies giggled, stumbling about while the huge Sauropod tried to catch them. Soon, he came upon Heart, King's mate. "Hi Heart, hows the Dino!"  Giant asked, wondering when his baby sister will be born!

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2013, 02:20:19 pm »
[[ Almost accepted, Pyro. Just a few notes:
 "Relatives" means family members, or anyone related to you. Such as mother, father, sister, uncle, etc
  I'm not sure what you mean by "the last known Giant of the species Gigantoraptor."
  And just a little English tip: try to keep the tenses the same. What I mean by that is you either use words that mean the past, or use words that mean the present. Past-Did, has, said, walked, talked, growled, hunted, hissed, etc. Present-does, walks, says, talks, growls, hunts, hisses, etc.
 Other than that, good application. Just explain and/or fix some things and you're golden! :) ]]

Blue Claw shook her head and looked around. No food. Hungry. Need Food. Those were the only thoughts running in her small head. She hopped onto a rock out on the field, listening and smelling intently. Sauropods! More specifically, a massive herd of saltosauruses. She crouched down and followed the scent, running swiftly through the grassy plains.
 Finally she reached them. A whole herd of them; some were talking, others busily chewing ferns. Blue hissed lowly. The saltosauruses were completely aware that she was there because of her obvious scent, but small breeds of raptors were no threat to them, so they ignored her. But the small sauropods...those were a different story. They were only a little larger than her, still little babies. Blue hissed and stalked towards a group of them, keeping low and quiet.
 Suddenly, when most of the adult sauropods were looking away, she sprinted out of the foliage and ran towards the smallest calf. The calf moaned in distress, trying to catch the adult's attention--even though it might be hard for them to hear the baby with their heads so high. Blue snapped at its neck, which it continuously tried to pull away from her jaws. She hissed with frustration and finally just aimed for its side, leaping on the small calf.
 She attempted to claw it so much that it would bleed to death--that is assuming the adults wouldn't suddenly decide to help the calf.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2013, 04:43:34 pm »

''Ah, she's fine." Heart answered, looking at the other babies. Giant looked towards them to, and saw a Saltosaurus, that wasn't to rare. He left it be, while staring at a little one, gnawing on some fresh grass. Then something caught his brown eye,the Saltosaurus was attacking something. Lowering his head a bit, he heard a baby Sauropod moan, "Daddy! Help!" Even the Giant wasn't her father, he wanted to help.

He panicked for a minute maybe, but then thought he could beat a tiny animal. He gave a loud roar type moan, towards the creature attacking Petal. He spun around, facing his tail near the Saltosaurus. Lots of the times, these animals didn't harm the gentle creatures, but this was a different story. Almost all of his nice personality drained out of him, and he flicked his tail to the animal, giving a might blow. If it hit it, maybe it would give a few broken bones, but if it hit him on the head... Then it would probably die... But then there was another thing, Blue could dodge it. He made sure that the bleeding calf wouldn't get hurt if he missed or Blue got hit... Then suddenly, lots of the herd noticed, and started to roar in anger. Petal's mother stood right next to her calf, and gave a almighty roar for a female!

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Celeyan

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Re: ~Prehistoric Wonders~ [A dinosaur rp] -Open and Accepting-
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2013, 08:11:34 pm »
My post is my roleplay sample I guess, lets just say he darted past the others, I guess, giving someone a chance to follow?))