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Topics - floradaisylily

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Introduction / A stranger has returned!
« on: September 30, 2016, 12:03:18 am »
Hiiii!! You can call me Flora.
I was rarely active on this forum to begin with, and I doubt anyone would know me, but I have returned! And I finally updated the game. :) It's great to be back.

Game Discussion / Wolves Or Lions? :)
« on: December 11, 2014, 10:01:26 pm »
What is your favorite animal on Feral Heart, the wolf or lion? I honestly love wolves the most. They are my favorite animal and lots of my characters are wolves so... yeah XD I also really like the lions but wolves are definitely my favorite.

Game Discussion / Portal Space?
« on: June 23, 2014, 04:59:00 pm »
How much portals can you have going along in Cape of Distant Worlds? Because my sister said it goes straight off the bridge and you have to fly to go to them... does it end at the world wall or does it turn around a new direction? XD I don't have much maps but I'm just curious how much portals you can have. And if anyone is in the mood to answer a question... How much portals do YOU have? :D

Game Discussion / What is the real name of this game? XD
« on: March 17, 2014, 06:08:21 pm »
Just a random questions hahaa ok here it is:
What is this game REALLY called? Many people call it Feral Heart FeralHeart or Feral-Heart and I'd like to know which is the REAL way to show the name xD I normally say Feral Heart, but the website is Feral-Heart then the icon on my desktop or whatever is FeralHeart. HELP XD

Game Suggestions & Ideas / An Idea! :D
« on: March 17, 2014, 05:46:01 pm »
I am not sure if this will EVER be added to the game, but wouldn't it be great to have (like in Wolf Soul they have this) /lipsync *type whatever* so that you can have your lips move for music videos but not do alkdjfkl;asdjf;kladjfklas in the chat? (xD) It would be handy also instead of trying to use the Feral Heart Movie Maker so you can get more points of views of your character that Movie Maker cant do. Because people don't want to HAVE to go into a private map or Lonely Cave in order to do a video. Sometimes its great to be in a more public map so your video isn't at the same place every time.

Game Discussion / Um... Pawsome pack?
« on: January 31, 2014, 03:38:39 pm »
I got the pawsome pack but I have a question about two of the items... I didn't look at them because I didn't want to see anything bad. the items are called "I'm a Male G!" and "I'm a Male W!" Someone please tell me what they are because if they are inappropriate I'm most likely going to delete the item pack because I don't want to see them.

Game Help / Pawsome Pack Help
« on: January 21, 2014, 05:05:46 pm »
I have heard about an item pack called Pawsome Pack and I wanted to download it but i need a download link that goes to Mediafire. I am not allowed to go on Deviant Art because of the bad pictures so I cant go there to get the link. Someone please either: give me a link to another part of the forums that has a direct link for the pawsome pack to mediafire, or just give me the link. :/ (I'd prefer a link that goes to another part of the forums so that no one makes me download something bad 'cause people can be that way sometimes)

Game Help / Failed to connect to front server?
« on: January 16, 2014, 08:59:36 pm »
"Failed to connect to front server."
"Reconnecting... Failed to connect to front server."

This has been happening a lot lately. It stops working and after a few tries it works again. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME/FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!!! D"8

Game Discussion / Any werewolf RPs out there?
« on: January 16, 2014, 06:44:26 pm »
Does anyone have a good werewolf RP that is active with no bad language or inappropriateness? Its hard to find a good werewolf RP, AND if its in Bonfire they talk in local and I'll keep missing what they are saying because the chat goes by so fast. (Preferred places: Feral City or Ficho Tunnel) (I don't mind if the RP has mostly humans!) I will most likely be on this afternoon, so tell me where you will be if you have a good werewolf RP and I will meet you somewhere! (My username is floradaisylily) Or if you cant be on today tell me when you'll be on and what your username is. :3

Game Discussion / Unrealistic Lion King RPs
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:18:22 pm »
This is crazy! Lion King characters KILLING each other? They are from a little kids movie! (Yes Simba's father dies, but still... O_O) In Bonfire Island people don't RP the Lion King very well... I don't mean the quality of their speech. I mean what they are doing in the RP! Yes, I'll agree that it must be fun to twist the characters around and stuff, but still...yikes. Little kid movie characters turning into KILLERS?! (I am not saying "Everyone RP realistic like how I want" I am just saying the craziness of it all XD lol) Some powerplayers are also in the Lion King RPs killing each other as well. 8/ Ever come across an RP that is not like the movie/show?

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