Author Topic: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal  (Read 15821 times)

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2020, 11:20:14 pm »
When FHU is done, I feel FH needs to be taken off life support. We'd have no use for it, really. I would like FH to stay open for atleast maybe 1 month before shutting down to make way for FHU, so we can remake some of our fave/main characters.
The staff do want to do things with it, but FHU should be the place for that.
FH is an old game, it's ready to finally be truly dead. Though I love it to bits, I have to agree with you guys (like Cilantro, Dehvina & OP.) that it's past it's death date.
i'm back cause i'm bored as hell.


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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2020, 11:25:46 pm »
I agree with DylanCheetah - allowing a game that still gets new players daily die is not the best idea in this case. Instead of letting the game die and letting everything go down the hole, we need to bridge the gap between staff and community. Now this may seem easier said than done, but it requires that both sides (staff and community) come together at the round table and discuss a lot of things to come to an idea where both sides leave happy.

As I stated, this game is getting new players every day. This is completely normal to how a game cycle works. The new players with eventually outweigh the old and the community will be "reborn." Not all games follow this, but this game is following that trend. If you go and look at the page stats (Source) on average we see about 66~67 new registrations every day, also, on average, we see around 272 posts in a day, and lasty we see around 164~165 online on average. While those numbers don't compare to the original numbers, it is still important to look at them. Those numbers also tell us that 66 new people join our community every day and make it stronger and larger.

Dylan really did hit it on the head. The staff do know about your desire for information - they are listening even if you don't think they are - and they are trying to come up with a solution. It is difficult right now to create a road map for you guys, but they do desperately want to show you something. This does mean that the community needs to have a bit of patience until they have that something to show - or until they perfect something for the community to see.

The staff really care about you guys and really want to please you all. That is why you haven't seen anything posted quite just yet. While people wanna see improvements, they want to show you finished improvements that will be implemented into the game.  If they show you something and then take it out of the game both sides feel bad. I can promise you that the staff team and development team are working extremely hard for you all and that you will get something in the future. Like I said, and I can't stress this enough, the staff love the community and want to prove to you guys that they are doing something amazing for you guys, it is just going to be a bit until they have something to show.

Edit: I'd also like to add that similar threads like this have been created in the past (when Gen was removed, the new update, etc.) and the community had thrived through that. As long as people love and support this game (which the majority of the game population do), then the game will thrive through this also.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 11:27:50 pm by SpicyDirt »

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2020, 11:26:09 pm »
People are joining and playing everyday. It's not dead. Maybe slow, but not dead. I think with some work, FeralHeart can be sparked to life. But it will have to take work from all sides, with all sides agreeing as well.


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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2020, 11:29:22 pm »
When FHU is done, I feel FH needs to be taken off life support. We'd have no use for it, really. I would like FH to stay open for atleast maybe 1 month before shutting down to make way for FHU, so we can remake some of our fave/main characters.
The staff do want to do things with it, but FHU should be the place for that.

I just want to step in and say that no to this here specifically, I don't think one should shut down for the sake of the other as they can both equally co-exist (as it should.)
we dont have any desire to "shut down" other games and i want that to be known.

that said, i'm pretty mixed with everything said here and i don't have a right answer. but i think we need to acknowledge the game is definitely on a decline and people have tried time and time again to make that known, and offer suggestions, make surveys and pour time into trying to make things better but they ultimately feel ignored. folks have only become snippy because they feel they haven't been considered, and that we're just walking into things blind-folded. there is so much that's happened to this game in it's exsistance with staff relations to the community and vice versa and that shouldn't go unaddressed by fellow community members like I see in here and the staff.
it's nothing to be ashamed of and there is really nothing wrong with improvement. but the denial that there is a problem and the refusal to apply some of the feedback (such as transparency) to the community and how things are done, it drives folks like myself away.

We are vocal not because we hate the game, or it's staff, or the community. it's because we love it to pieces and we know it could be so much more than it is now.
So please, do not call the critics negative or snippy, or even entitled. Do not turn them away.
At the very least. listen and consider what they have to say.
communication is power
« Last Edit: June 11, 2020, 11:59:31 pm by l3irdie »

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2020, 11:31:49 pm »
Exactly what Birdie said. Both games can and will run together peacefully, as it should be. There should not be any competition between them, they can both be places people can go hang out, roleplay, relax, and make friends. Neither one is better than the other, no matter how many updates, no matter how much "prettier" the other one is.

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2020, 11:37:39 pm »
When FHU is done, I feel FH needs to be taken off life support. We'd have no use for it, really. I would like FH to stay open for atleast maybe 1 month before shutting down to make way for FHU, so we can remake some of our fave/main characters.
The staff do want to do things with it, but FHU should be the place for that.

 just want to step in and say that no to this here specifically, I don't think one should shut down for the sake of the other as they can both equally co-exist (as it should.)

Gonna have to agree here. The other thing I will say as someone who is online most hours of the day and nearly everyday- the game is  not as dead as it appears. I see groups rping in Cherika, Kibou, Bonfire Islands, Eastern Pass, and even The Grounds ALL the time . FHU is a nice touch to an already beloved game and it's nice to know there is something else on the way for the FH community as a whole, but I don't think letting the game "die" is the right option. As SpicyDirt said above- new people join everyday. I see returning members hop onto the forums and in game everyday. They ask questions, look around, and tend to get into rping. The amount of active groups I see online is astounding for the amount of complaining I see from people about "empty" maps.

I think both the staff and the community can continue to work on bridging this gap while still letting people enjoy the game while it lasts. As people have stated above- 160 average everyday is a lot of people for a "dead" game.

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2020, 12:03:02 am »
When FHU is done, I feel FH needs to be taken off life support. We'd have no use for it, really. I would like FH to stay open for atleast maybe 1 month before shutting down to make way for FHU, so we can remake some of our fave/main characters.
The staff do want to do things with it, but FHU should be the place for that.
FH is an old game, it's ready to finally be truly dead. Though I love it to bits, I have to agree with you guys (like Cilantro, Dehvina & OP.) that it's past it's death date.

And what if the same thing happens over there? Sooner or later maybe years from now FHU may release an update that angers people. And then perhaps a user might post the exact same thing over there and then perhaps another FH will rise up just for the same mistakes to be repeated again.

My point: history really does repeat itself if nobody is willing to stand up for what they believe in.

And I for one will never give up on this game even if it takes 100 years to get back on track. What we need here is community loyalty and trust. Not an easy way out.

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2020, 12:19:42 am »
Why not just let it die?

Because of the same reason you’re working on FHU?

Because we care about our community and the game. We want to see it thrive, and we want to preserve a place that still means so much to many. A place that after several years of absence you still see old users return to and look fondly upon.

For those that seem to think we don’t care, aren’t listening, and aren’t trying, do you ever just question then why we are still here? Does it really make sense to think that a staff team that has to deal with constant misinformation, doubt, ridicule, trolling, death threats and so forth would stick around for nothing? You’ve got folks here who have busy personal lives, health struggles, relationships, kids, jobs, etc pouring their time and souls into an absolutely free internet game daily for seemingly no reward.

There’s got to be a reason, and that’s because we care. We want to make you all happy. We value the feelings and desires of total strangers enough to stick around for countless years. We keep trying, and you know what? We don’t always succeed. That’s life. That goes for anything you do. You can’t always make everyone happy, even yourself, but heck we sure will try and if that means we have to keep trying then so be it. That’s why we are still here, and that’s why we will not just let it die.

Because to let it die, is to simply give up! To give up on caring... And honestly I think thats more of a failure then any possible unpopular patch or future decision.

Offline BloodWinsAll

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2020, 12:24:30 am »
Why not just let it die?

Because of the same reason you’re working on FHU?

Because we care about our community and the game. We want to see it thrive, and we want to preserve a place that still means so much to many. A place that after several years of absence you still see old users return to and look fondly upon.

For those that seem to think we don’t care, aren’t listening, and aren’t trying, do you ever just question then why we are still here? Does it really make sense to think that a staff team that has to deal with constant misinformation, doubt, ridicule, trolling, death threats and so forth would stick around for nothing? You’ve got folks here who have busy personal lives, health struggles, relationships, kids, jobs, etc pouring their time and souls into an absolutely free internet game daily for seemingly no reward.

There’s got to be a reason, and that’s because we care. We want to make you all happy. We value the feelings and desires of total strangers enough to stick around for countless years. We keep trying, and you know what? We don’t always succeed. That’s life. That goes for anything you do. You can’t always make everyone happy, even yourself, but heck we sure will try and if that means we have to keep trying then so be it. That’s why we are still here, and that’s why we will not just let it die.

Because to let it die, is to simply give up! To give up on caring... And honestly I think thats more of a failure then any possible unpopular patch or future decision.

^^^ Full praise to the staff/dev team for dealing with an influx of these kinds of posts. Not everyone wants the game to go away and some of us are looking forward to whatever new content comes our way.

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Re: This game isn't dying, it's already dead: a proposal
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2020, 12:41:50 am »
I disagree with letting the game die. Of course you will think I am in the positive side because I am a kid but no. I have faith and also know that this game will eventually revive even if it's slowly. I have short time in here but know the community is still there. People don't have to assume things instantly because they see decrease so fast because whenever you less expect it, a twist can come in. Feral Heart is hard work. Would you really like kill your hard work? no. You don't know what the people who manage this game and try to keep the place safe do behind the screen. You don't know right? then why would you think they're lazy or don't want to hear the community? they could be passing some hard times. Every single game can have problems, no matter which is it. There is older games that have still standed still and it's just kinda silly saying this game is old. All I have to say is that we have to do the best to be in peace again, it is like having family issues but they will be solved sometime if they are disposed to.