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Messages - Scornhound

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Give me your biggest/craziest idea
« on: August 22, 2019, 03:24:41 am »
Gosh I know this is not a game changing idea for good lord something I've wanted since the game launched was the ability to hide nametags with a hotkey without having go through the menus

Actually game changing ideas? Prey & (Moreso) Pets! I loved that you could tame animals back in IT. I know a lot of FHers don't like the idea of adding prey and pets because itll become "just like IT" but I do still love both ideas. It gave you something to do on IT when you didn't have much else (how many FHers scream IM BORED every second) and it was easy to make friends when you needed help taking down a boss prey.

Whatever the heck Kovu was planning with Movie Maker, I want it. Full out. Can have multiple characters speak, move, do actions, etc.

I also love the idea of seasons; not sure how it could work exactly, even if it's just as simple as every season there being an update to the game that changes the textures in the main map, that would be awesome.

Making scrolling through lots of markings/items easier! I can't stand how hard it is to scroll through mass markings/items lists ;_;

I second these ideas! I also would love to see particles (auras, shards in IT) able to be equipped as an item in FH. Also please, make the item equip limit more than 4 items... That's a pain when you find out that you want another item on your character as well so then you have to sacrifice one item to use the other.

Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Canine Species
« on: April 23, 2019, 03:32:58 pm »
I'd have to say mine would be both wolves and hyena (although hyenas aren't canines)!

Game Help / Re: dark mane
« on: November 05, 2018, 08:58:26 pm »
Hello! I think know what you mean. A way to get your mane to look this way takes a bit of knowledge with an art program such as Gimp or Sai. I use Paint Tool Sai for most of my editing and art needs. However to make things easier, I have the same mane style here:

If the file is not named this already, rename the file to: fmaneLight.jpg
and drop the image file into your textures > masks folder!
When the game asks you if you want to replace the older file, click OK/Yes!

Game Help / Re: Setup Error?
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:57:09 pm »
Ahh, then this is a blank slate for you so that's helpful xD Unfortunately my new laptop came about because the motherboard on my old one fried, the guys who got "everything" off my hard drive and onto an external hard drive took NOTHING from my local disc -.- Soooo none of my FH files were transferred. I gtg go back though because that totally crushes my mesh converting operation.

Anywhom, enough about me haha, here's your download!
Oh my goodness, thank you so so much!!!

And man, I'm sorry that they did that to you. The local disk is like the main part where you keep your stuff at. Makes me wonder why they thought that wasn't an important thing to move over. :/

Game Help / Re: Setup Error?
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:47:16 pm »
Not a problem! I hope you don't mind I have absolute squat in my FH files in terms of mods and such haha New laptop, brand new game xD
Haha, I don't mind at all! That actually makes things easier for me. I'm the opposite with the mods. My current 1.15 is full of them and I gotta carefully transfer them over. Dx

Game Help / Re: Setup Error?
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:40:14 pm »
Okay, so I couldn't find error 2 either when I tried to look it up, however I found this video tutorial that may help you. Please take a look at it and try it out, if it doesn't work I can try packing my entire game into a zip file and sending it your way~
I watched the video and tried what was shown. Same error occurs. ;; I'm sorry for this. If you could make the zip folder I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! ♡

Game Help / Setup Error?
« on: November 04, 2018, 10:34:51 pm »
Hello! Tried to run the FH 1.16 setup for the update and I've come across this error:

I have googled this issue and I've only come up with links referring to what is known as "Error 5: Access Denied" and not "Error 2"

I have tried moving the file to various locations and ran as administrator. I even tried extracting the files from the setup; can't do that either.
So now I'm wondering... What else can be done? I've never had this issue before and it's bummed me.

Reinstalling hasn't helped.

Is it possible for someone to make a zip folder? That would help a ton if this problem isn't solved. Thanks!

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 24, 2018, 10:29:51 pm »
This... I honestly cannot support. My opinion is just the same as everyone's stated in this thread. Did you think before this was implemented? How this could easily be used to take advantage of the innocent users of this community? It doesn't seem that you have, Raz. It's frankly sad that you have even thought of this measure to control a community. You need real live people to moderate a community, not a a system that can easily be exploited such as this. Well there goes my decision of logging on FH this October. I will be letting all of my friends know about this so they can keep their guard up if they decide to log into the game.

Game Discussion / Re: Fluffy Wolves (Tuft Replacements) - Interest Gauge
« on: September 08, 2018, 08:48:54 pm »
Very interested! o;

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Official Item and Marking Pack
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:41:44 pm »
I think, even though new items seem nice, that it would be easier to add the Legendary items & Markings to the official Feral Heart markings. I agree replacing the old MP# markings, they just seem like a waste of space and no one uses them. Some Feral Heart members the FHBR item pack which is a put-together item pack of Legendary, Girlys Item pack, and some other creators' item packs as well. Luckily the FHBR item pack does not mess with the Legendary item pack at all but if the legendary item pack became the *official* FH item pack then adding new items may mess with members who use the FHBR item pack. I'm not sure. I agree totally that we should have an official item pack but maybe not add new items. Re-textures could work though.

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