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Topics - Spottedbears

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Member Bio & Journals / a-happy birthday to me
« on: May 31, 2014, 04:19:23 pm »
spot's journal
update, 7/8/14

title: sick
gee, i'm not feeling well today. i really want to go to my art class that i take every saturday, but my throat hurts a lot! i'm not feeling weak or anything it just.. really hurts and my family's going to be out all day. however, i'm going to my art class anyway. i don't want to talk or anything because i think i'd make everyone else sick.. my art teacher absolutely loves my art though.. but i don't really like the project we're working on atm. cubism is hard! i did do some still life that i'll post later in my art thread maybe. but as i said, i'm not feeling well today and that really sucks! :c

tite: just another update on spot
it's thundering outside! and i'm watching tangled. also i've started updating my art thread (and most of my other threads obv) which you can see here and i have been drawing quite a bit. being in school is EXHAUSTING! i am sooo glad that summer started weeks ago. it feels like every day tomorrow school will start again. which, soon that will happen.
unfortunately i haven't gotten my report card yet! but i think it'll be mailed here soon.

hello all! guess what! it's my birthday tomorrow! i'm so so so so super excited!! i asked for assassin's creed black flag, and possibly a desktop computer but i doubt it. anyway, i hope i get some good stuff! i also can't wait to have my cake, WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT BE A HYLIAN SHIELD IF WE DON'T MESS IT UP!! and my party's gonna be a movie/popcorn/sleepover, which is the best kind. so, yeah. can't wait

Animal & Non Human Roleplays / The Golden Crown [LIONS]
« on: May 19, 2014, 01:57:11 am »
The Golden Crown

Way back, before the era of colonization and the "founding" of America, lions ruled the earth. They terrorized humans and other species alike. Why?

there is only one explanation.

The King. He's a ruthless ruler, and he would not take mercy on any soul that dares oppose him. His name? King Diochtemes. His pelt is as black as night, and on the top of his head, a circle of gold. This is where the concept of the golden crown is from: his mane. Diochtemes was a handsome prince at first, ruling and hunting with beautiful grace and honor. What nobody realized was his ulterior motives: take the crown and rule forever. His heart was as black as his pelt, but he had many supporters. By force, he stole lions of the kingdom and made them search for the Golden Stone, a stone that was supposed to grant eternal life. If the chosen lions aren't searching properly, or refuse to help find the Stone, they are killed by their guards, AKA his supporters.

The supporters are known as Dio-lions. His opponents? The Anties.

your goal? To either be a Diolion and escort the Anties up a rough mountain terrain, or be an Anti and try to escape this hateful land. It's your choice.

Game Discussion / It's almost been 3 years..
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:37:35 am »
hey guys! it's been almost three years since i first joined the game, and wow i feel uncomfortable just saying that! i had joined back in 2011, around august or september with the  username of cara867 (i joined the game not the forum; i never used it in 'the early days').

on my first day out, i learned a LOT on my own. i'm proud of myself, because i made so many friends back then and i just.. love all of them, even though we never talk anymore.

i made mistakes and such, like befriending the wrong people, (one of which just canceled a preset commission because i didn't do one thing right.. ugh), but i am seriously surprised at how much i've changed since i joined..

how about you guys? o:

this goes here.. right?

Presets & Markings / Spot's Presets! [updated 7/7/14]
« on: May 07, 2014, 04:31:08 am »
yep! like all of you, i LOVE making presets!

sO! here are the ones i've created so far (that i have pictures of)

Presets from May
this is Chi! she used to be my main FH character(now it's lizzy) but i go on her from time to time. download

Mirazi! she was my TEC character,, but then i kinda went inactive. i'm sorry guys :c (no download this time!)

this is a preset that is for sale! only 20 deviantArt points. note eggroll-cat on dA for it, and send points if you would like.

THOR preset!! if enough people want it for free i will give it out.

WIP preset for Turaia! attsos's new upcoming RP.

and finally, a preset for a RP i'm making, it's called Quest For Space. I'm really proud of this one. I have yet to upload it.


hooray! c: finally an update. sorry it's small :c

this was made by myself and my friend
duckei. she did the body and i did the rest, because i was having trouble with the tabby stripes. her name is Russetbriar/Russetstar and she's the leader of TimberClan.

made for the pawesome pack v5 so that i could have a cool character that matched the ninetails :] i love it

Poems / a few poems i wrote for school
« on: May 07, 2014, 04:15:36 am »

Discussion Board / the quiet place
« on: May 06, 2014, 11:29:53 pm »
you know, this ought'a be here already, but i was just visiting my "quiet place" for the second time. this website is very nice and soft and sweet, and it helps those, maybe who have had a panic attack, or are in need of some serious stress relief. well, it's the place for you.

visit the quiet place now

trust me, it's really nice.. i feel so calm right now.

(i didn't think this belonged in the other games section)

Request/Find Meshes / meteor?
« on: May 05, 2014, 03:36:52 am »
hello! i am looking for a meteor mesh! preferably one that comes with texture. if anyone happens to find one for me, please comment n.n

Ask Me / ask 'em
« on: May 04, 2014, 11:10:13 pm »

the cheetah is named lizzy, and the pollux(that's her species) is named pinsley. they're my 2 main fursonas; so go ahead and ask away! it's an art ask so i will reply with art

Praise / praise? ? sorta
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:26:43 pm »
well, i'm not a very modest person all the time, so i'd like to praise myself! sorta

where the hecka are you going with this spots

weLL FRIEND! i'd like to congratulate my boastful self on my art! i'm just very happy with my style lately, in 2 YEARS i have evolved from this:

to this


and i can't help but saying oh my, have i improved. actually it's been less than 2 years, but oh boy! ;v;

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / More genders?
« on: May 04, 2014, 05:49:01 pm »
well, this might be a little weird to some people, but why don't we add more genders to the forum information part of your account? or maybe, put an 'other' option. i'm saying this because there are genderfluid people out there/who don't really specifically belong to a certain gender, and some people have other preferred pronouns, so maybe we could do that? or maybe a custom gender option.

just tryna help people out

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