Author Topic: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| [CLOSED]  (Read 19483 times)

Offline Charlie-101

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|? Harley Springs High School RP ?| [CLOSED]
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:33:19 pm »
? Harley Springs High School RP ?

« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 07:44:16 am by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Harley Springs High School RP| (WIP/Accepting)
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2013, 02:33:56 pm »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 07:44:53 am by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: (WIP) Do Not Post Please!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2013, 02:34:36 pm »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 07:45:28 am by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline silverwolf120

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Re: |Harley Springs High School RP| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2013, 04:39:52 pm »
Name: Kate Alexander Monroe
Nick-Name: Wolven
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Height & Weight: 5' 4" she doesn't know her weight
Year: Freshman
Social Group: The artists
House/Dorm: Dorm
Roommate: No one
Occupation: Student
Personality: She is spunky, Rebellious, fearless, brave, kind, funny, and a bit crazy at times.
Traits: Mischievous, Fun-loving, Brave, and courageous strong caring.
Strengths: Having friends by her side to help her
Weaknesses: Being called names. And being bullied
Hobbies: Drawing, painting, sculpting, playing the drums.
Background/History: Before she came to Harley springs she lived someplace else at her old highschool she always got into fights so her parents decided to move to Harley springs.
Relationship Status: single
Crush: No one
Family: nope
Voice:  Selena Gomez
Phone:  IPhone 5
Clothing: Her style is punkish she wears lots of blue and black colored clothing.
Extra: She always wears a Mightyena hat her favorite color is blue she used to have a cat her favorite song is Holiday by green day her favorite band is Paramore her favorite instrument is the drums.
RP Password: Too school for cool
« Last Edit: May 05, 2013, 07:13:57 pm by Matryoshka-lover »

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Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2013, 05:11:43 pm »

Would you be able to expand your app it's a little short and doesn't give to much extra information of your character as it's pretty basic. Could you also find a real picture to represent your character I have stated that in the rules as your picture at the moment looks like something from a video game. My apologies if it's not but it does look very unrealistic.

When you have altered your app i will gladly accept Kate if you wish to respond to this comment please do this via PM. I shall edit this post into an acceptance post once you have addressed the issues stated :)
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2013, 05:12:37 pm »
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 12:14:31 pm by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2013, 06:35:06 pm »
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 01:00:35 am by SoaringAway »

Offline Theobear

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Re: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2013, 07:19:47 pm »

Name: Gwen
Nick-Name: none.
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Height & Weight: 4ft & 90lbs
Year: Junior
Social Group: Nerd/Artist
House/Dorm: She lives in an apartment thats a half an hour away from the school.  She lives on the third floor.
Roommate: She shares her apartment room with her pitbull Sky.
Occupation: She has a part time job at the library and on the occasion she volunteers at the music store.

Appearance: She has light blonde hair that falls at her waist, she commonly wears it in a bread or a messy bun.  She has light blue eyes, and light freckles.  

Personality:  Some may call her sheldon cooper or Dr spencer Reid in female version.  She  is very smart, and enjoys school.  She sometimes wishes she could go into night school.  Gwen is very socially awkward near boys, with girls she's rather more outgoing.  She wants to become either an anthropologist or a criminal physcologist when she gets out of school.  
She can be very stubborn, and hard-headed.  


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  • stubborn
  • socially awkward
  • perfectionist

Strengths: Her problem solving skills can come in handy and her ability to stay calm in 'complicated' situations.  She loves debating and can be very persuasive.  Her determination gives her a gentle helping hand in protesting and/or debating.
Weaknesses: A major weakness would be how she acts in the prescence of boys, and her social status in the school.  She doesn't know how to dance, that's a weakness that can be very embarrassing.  
Hobbies: She enjoys writing, and is actually in the process of writing a novel, though that would probably be major social suicide if anyone ever found out.  She likes music, and can play the piano very well.  Reading is a major hobby of hers, she finnished the Harry potter Series in three days, and sometimes if she puts her mind to it can read over twenty books in a week or less.
Background/History: All of her life she jumped around in foster care.  She actually made her own name up, her foster families called her "youngin or child".  At the age of fourteen, she ran away and somehow landed here.  With the money she had stolen over the years from the various foster families she was able to purchase an apartment, get a part time job, and pay for her schooling though things are still tough.  

Relationship Status: Single and interrested
Crush: no one yet
Family: no one.
Phone:  She doesn't have a cellular device, but has a landline in her apartment room.  
Clothing: She commonly wears a white blouse or a graphic t-shirt.  Patterned pants, or jeans cut into shorts held up by suspenders.  She loves her union jack patterned suspenders, but her favourite ones are her leather ones.  Ties and bow-ties are a signature for her look.  She also wears black geeky glasses, because if you need them why not love them.
Extra: She loves turtles.
RP Password: 'Too school for cool'
After all this time?

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2013, 07:33:22 pm »

Gwen Is ? Accepted ? Welcome to the RP :D
I shall add her to the list now ^^
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline silverMarie

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Re: |? Harley Springs High School RP ?| (Accepting!!)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2013, 08:24:43 pm »
(This is a WIP. I had it all done then my laptop shut down T.T
Done ^.^)
Name: Evelyn Mae Woods
Nick-Name: Her friends like to call her Eve, but her close friends call her Mama.
Age: Eighteen years old
Gender: Female
Height & Weight: Eve stands at about 5'6" and weighs about 121 pounds
Year: Senior
Social Group: The Average/Nerd
House/Dorm: She lives alone with her son, well except her dog, in an average sized house 3 blocks away from the school.
Occupation: She works at a veterinary clinic a few blocks away from her house
Appearance: Evelyn has a small frame, standing in at about 5'6'' and only weighing 138 pounds. She has long dark brown hair that is often let down but sometimes she will wear it up in a bun when she is too lazy to mess with it. She has light olive toned skin and dark brown eyes. During the summer months her skin will get a good tan and natural light brown highlights will appear in her hair.
Personality: Evelyn is a sweet girl who loves being around her friends, even though she isn't too great at making new ones since she is so shy. She is also very smart, she has straight A's which is an achievement for her since she never thought she would do that good in school. She can be very funny at times as well, she can almost anyone smile even on the worst of days.
Traits:  ?Smart  ?Funny  ?Caring ?Loves Animals ?Enjoys having fun ?Trustworthy ?Shy ?Can be a little 'nerdy' ?Straightforward ?Claustrophobic
Strengths: ?Being very intelligent she can solve most problems with ease. ?She can hold friendships very well and will cherish them. ?Once she starts a conversation with someone she will be able to keep it going.
Weaknesses: ?She is extremely shy and will never walk up to a person unless she has to. ?She is scared of the dark and claustrophobic, embarrassing as it is she still has a nightlight in her room and the bathroom.
Hobbies: Evelyn enjoys solving problems and drawing. Most days she will sit in her room and draw and some she will challenge herself. Even though she is a bit 'nerdy' she still enjoys to have a good time with her friends when she has time. She also enjoys singing and playing her acoustic guitar, she loves singing to Jace before he goes to bed.
Background/History: When Evelyn was born life was good until she turned six years old, that's when the fighting began. Her parents were constantly fighting for even the smallest things such as taking the dog out or taking Eve to school. It didn't really get to Evelyn until her father became an alcoholic and began to become aggressive towards her mother and Eve. Evelyn remembered her them screaming at each other through the night and the sound of things crashing into the walls. When Eve turned ten it seemed things were getting better, the fighting stopped and they were happy once again. But sadly, a few months after her birthday the fighting and drinking started back up. She always asked her mother why didn't they just leave "Because I love him, now go to your room." Eve spent a lot of time in her room so she had time to study and work on her artistic skills.
Finally, at the age of thirteen her mother decided to leave, leaving Evelyn with her alcoholic father. There was no warning that her mother was leaving, the fighting wasn't as bad as usual and there were a lot of whispers. She just woke up and she was gone. Now her father was really bad, he drank even more and was unpredictable. He never hit Evelyn but he would grab her by the arms and yell at her, he always blamed her "You're the reason she left!" he used to scream at her when he had drank too much. Eve never had that many friends growing up since most of them knew about her father and their parents always told them to stay away from her. So she didn't have much of a social life till high school, where she met Jesse in her sophomore year. She thought he was the perfect guy until she got pregnant, then he left her with the caring of caring for a child. She knew the best thing to do was keep the baby, she could never give up her own child. So in her Junior year she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Jace Woods. She knew being a mother at a young age would be tough but it would also be rewarding.
After giving birth to Jace she got a job and moved out of her father's house, she couldn't let her son be raised in that house. Luckily a veterinary clinic was willing to hire her and a kind woman let her sign a lease on a house. Her landlord was even kind enough to lower the rent by about a hundred dollars. She never contacts her parents even though she sometimes receives letters from her mother, she still wonders how she got her address. Sadly, Jesse never wanted to see his son, sometimes he even jokes about her when she is around.
Relationship Status: Evelyn is looking for a guy who is Smart, Caring, Funny and enjoys staying up late and watching old movies, and likes children.
Crush: None yet.
Family: She was an only child raised in a broken home. She doesn't like to talk about her parents because she was never very fond of them. She has a one year old son named Jace who she loves more than anything in this world.
Voice:  She has a very calm tone to her voice, her voice isn't high pitched nor deep, but in the middle. But when she sings she can hit really high notes with ease and grace. Because her parents were born and raised in Louisiana Evelyn has a slight southern accent, but it's not that noticeable.
Phone: She has a dark blue Samsung Galaxy S3
Clothing: She likes to dress casual, a plain t-shirt and some light blue jeans with some boots. She only wears light makeup, she doesn't want to look like a barbie.
Extra: She has a son, Jace, he is a year old.
RP Password: Too School for Cool

« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 01:18:15 am by ????????? »

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