Author Topic: The Invasion [REMADE] [Inactive since 18/07/2013]  (Read 4851 times)

Offline Star12

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« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2013, 07:03:01 am »
@Thrillex: Beautiful application, accepted!
@Everyone: I have just put up a mini-plot, so if you want to check that out before we start Rping, that would be great! But other than that, you may start roleplaying!   

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3


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« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2013, 09:02:47 am »
Thank you! Also, DarkPetal..Maybe you want to start first? Im terrible of starting >A<))

Offline Star12

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« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2013, 09:16:52 am »

Jessica Sands
Jessica wandered through the ruined deserted streets of what used to be New York City. She was carrying her precious pocket knife in her right hand, in her left was a small backpack she had found earlier in a deserted house. It as small, but was good for carrying things like food and supplies. She was alone, but she wasn't scared as she knew that she could fend for herself. She and Brody had split up to hunt, they would find more food and cover more ground. She raised her arm to check her watch but all she saw was a faint tan line. Oh joy, I left my watch at home. She looked up at the sun, from where it was in the sky, it was roughly 6am. She had one hour to get back to shelter.

Jessica stopped and stood as still as possible, her daydreaming had caused her to run into a pack of the wolves. At the moment, they were feeding on a corpse that lookedout loud, it couldn't be... It can't be... She sighed in relief. It wasn't. Whoever that poor man was, she felt deeply sorry for him to die such a painful death but she was secretly happy that it was him and not Brody

-Sorry, very short-

« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 09:57:25 am by DarkPetal »

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3


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« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2013, 10:25:23 am »

Bordy was somewhere in New York. Bordy couldn't tell what street he was on because everything was cover up with fire or sand that was called a desert. Food was becoming was scare as they move to a random place. Everything was gone. It was terrible. The population was dropping, and fast! Bordy looked up. The sun was beating down at him..It was extremely hot. Bordy hoped Jessica was alright; he hopped noting bad happened to her. If she did get hurt, he would rip their heads off! Anyway, Bordy looked straight up. He saw something crawling in the bushes. The young man shout out his bow arrow, ready to aim for the target and be claim as food. Then suddenly began tiptoeing forward. The swossh! The arrow hit the target. Bordy carefully looked around, checking if any creature was watching. But no.

Bordy quickly went behind the bush, and notice he hit a rabbit..? /A rabbit? Oh well../ he said to himself, as he quickly grabbed and running back to Jessica. Hoping it would last a day or two. A few moments later, he saw Jessica from a distant and a died person that looked like it was eaten up. Bordy felt like he was going to vomit, as he saw flies flying around it. He quickly ran up to Jessica from behind, and kissed her cheek, happily. "Hey, you alright?" he asked, seeing what happened while he was gone.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 10:27:43 am by Thrillex »

Offline Star12

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« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2013, 11:25:07 am »
Here's the app for Jessica and Brody's child.))

Lucas Edward Jenner

Name: Lucas Edward Jenner

Gender: Male

Age: 5 years old

Sexuality: Straight

Personality and character traits: Lucas has the intelligence of his mother, but he has the determination of his father. He is boisterous and innocent, but in a funny way. Sometimes, he will wander off and get lost but he does what he is told. He can be a bit of a handful and quite cheeky, but its worth it because most of the time he is a little ray of sunshine.

Crush: None, too young.

Relationship Status: Too young

Children: Wayyyy too young.

Weapons?: He keeps a net with him, just in case.

Other/Password?: Invasion is Around us. He is Jessica and Brody's son.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3


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« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2013, 04:25:46 pm »
Cool..I was thinking of  a girl, you know? xD But it's alright. :P))
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 04:31:58 pm by Thrillex »

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« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2013, 05:29:47 pm »
@Thrillex: I made it a boy because ?????????'s character's daughter is a girl, and I wanted to even out the genders.
@Everyone: If you want to make a character, just fill in the application and pm it to me. I will then post it on the thread. Also, if you do not post for at least 3 days, a pm will be sent out asking about your absence.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3


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« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2013, 05:32:00 pm »

Bordy looked over at Lucas, his son, he smiled and playfully tickled him. "Hey there, little guy..You alright?" he smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek,too. Bordy placed his arm over Jessica and looked around his surroundings. It shocking to see the sky in a strange color..before it was blue, but now it's just strange. Bordy looked behind him and saw noting. It was pretty quite. "We should probably move" he suggested, trying to protect his family from getting hurt. He didn't want them dead. He looked over at Lucas then looked away. "Okay, lets go find shelter" he said, ready to move out.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 12:17:34 pm by Thrillex »

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« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2013, 02:44:50 am »
Jesse Howard
"The perimeter is secure, haven't seen any hostiles the last few days." Jesse looked away from his clipboard to look at his right hand man, David. David was a skinnier guy, kind geeky looking actually, but he sure could pack a punch, he has blond hair and blue eyes with a hint of green, any woman's dream man. "Thanks a lot pal." He patted David's shoulder "You really are the greatest." Jesse smiled before placing his hands on his clipboard. "How are we doing rations?" David yawned "We have enough for at least a week, maybe a few extra days. It would be a good idea to scavenge and hunt soon." Jesse nodded "Get a hunting party together, a group of at least eight, we don't want to lose anymore people." David nodded then scurried off to gather some willing people. The last hunting party they set up they had lost two men to a pack of mangy dogs "Damn dogs." he shook his head, Emilia always wanted a dog. It was hard to tell her that dogs aren't the same, that they were evil and wouldn't be a good pet 'But daddy, we can get a puppy.' the conversation rolled into his mind 'No hunny, all dogs are sick, you don't want to get sick do you?' Jesse sighed then looked back down at the clipboard. The clipboard had many names written down, everyone who has ever lived in their camp, some had crosses going through them, that meant they were either deceased or left. There had been no sign of any survivors the last few days either, where had everything gone? There had been no lions, wolves, dogs..anything.

Jesse sighed and placed the clipboard back onto the small table, he overlooked the street that once used to be filled with people and cars, mainly taxi cabs. Now it was barren..a wasteland. He sighed then went down the stairs that descended to the ground floor, where many of the population were walking around getting things done. Many people greeted him, offered hugs or something to eat or drink, he declined many of the foods they offered, the food was for them. He walked along the wall of the camp, the wall stood high and strong, made of many things, mainly brick. He had hopes that this camp would last until they had to migrate, food would soon run dry here and they would have to move on. After making sure there were no weak spots he walked over to his room, each room held four people, but it seemed they would need to build a few more for the newer arrivals. Jesse opened the door to see Emilia drawing on her small table "Hey babygirl." he said with a smile "Daddy!" Jesse opened his arms to let his daughter jump into them "Boy, you are getting big!" Emilia giggled then Jesse set her down "Why don't you come out and play with the other kids?" There were at least seven kids at the camp, counting Emilia. "Okay!" Emilia ran to the door then dashed outside, it almost seemed like she didn't know the world had ended, it was like it was the same for her. She didn't know what was out there, he had never let her step foot outside the walls, he never will unless they have to.

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« Reply #19 on: June 27, 2013, 08:10:20 pm »
(Uh..I know were in many rps and stuff, but what's the point of making a roleplay when were not even active? :-/)))