Author Topic: .: Just Some Thoughts :.  (Read 3602 times)

Offline Hakumi

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.: Just Some Thoughts :.
« on: July 23, 2020, 09:23:32 pm »
You know, I haven't really properly thanked this place.. Maybe because I can't help but be lengthy, but, I still want to properly thank this community and even this game in general. Just another user, joining in the year of 2O12... back in May. Another user who didn't think they would accomplish nor achieve so much over the short time they were here.

This game, truly means so much to me. This game alone has sparked my interests and even made me discover things I didn't really know about. My love for Coding, Preset / Map Making, Website Designing, Character Creations, Animations.. and just so much more.

This game is the birthplace of one of my most beloved characters I've ever created... P a n d e e r.

This game itself, created a community.. who all wants what's best for it and want to see it flourish and thrive for many years to come and despite the rockiness that has befallen over this place.. We're still here.
And now, more than ever.. we need the change... we need the passion that we have for this place to shine through. The same passion... that blossomed Friendships that would soon become my My Feral Family.

It's this same family... that gave me the confidence to help those in need whether it be around the forums, in-game.... or even In Real Life.
Because of my passion.. as well as seeing my amazing Feral Family go out of their way and play their part in showing this community in a positive light.. It was what motivated me to do my part.. Step out of that shy box for even just a moment and show how much I cared.

I moved in with an amazing mate ( friend ) I had made over this game.
I did countless requests while furthering my skills in art.
I became MOTS 2 times and continued to show my love and support for the place I called home.
I soon branched out and became a Leader in two communities on an app.
I became a CNA who's now going to go back to school for their LPN.
I'm slowly juggling my online and IRL lives to return to a community and lead a future Group.

And all of this... and so much more, because of a community made up of individuals like Y O U!

So I thank you all... for giving me the voice I needed.. and to stop being an onlooker on things.. to actually come on and post what I'm truly thinking and to once again, thank this game and what all it has brought over the years..

Now, I can't ignore what has happened.. and it shouldn't be ignored as well.
What's done is already done.
And be that as it may, whether it gets brushed aside and never gets spoken about again.... or maybe it'll even get properly addressed by some miracle, in the end, we are allowed to do whatever we wish, respectively.
You are welcomed to continue to support the future of this game whether you choose to walk away or continue to cry out until something gets done.... However, sometimes... things don't always get a happy ending nor is there closure. But that still doesn't make the situation okej, even in the slightest.
For those that are defending the actions that were taken, you can not sit there and disregard the other voices that are opposed to your thoughts and words.. For they too, are fighting for a cause as well.

For those from past or even future moderation teams I want to thank you for all that you have done thus far when it comes to providing what you can for the community. Even though you're currently in the light and there's some things that needs to be addressed, you still took the times out of your lives to do what you do for this game, free of charge and on your own free will.
You m u s t remember that you are the ones running this show and the various members that makes up this platform is what gives you a community to run in the first place. As it has been pointed out numerous times even before now, you're all humans who makes mistakes..
When a mistake is usually made, you have to own up to it.
Or don't.. because one doesn't always have to.. It's completely your choice to do so.
But just know, the trust that you have built between your community and yourself will diminish.. and this is something that even I had to learn the hard way.

Taking action without consulting your team? Not always the best course of action.
Making decisions or just jumping into the fray with little to no discussion or information? Kinda silly..
Letting your emotions get the better of you? Maybe you should step away and breathe..
Needing to crack a joke that doesn't contribute to the conversation at hand? That can go either way.
Jumping to conclusions during the heat of the moment and taking extensive steps to prove a point..? More harm than good..
Sometimes when you think you know what's best.. It isn't always the best.

But again... thank you.

Thank you to all the members here who continue to show their love and passion for a cause when they know something isn't right no matter the situation.
Thank you to the staff who grow from their mistakes and are willing to correct a situation when they know something doesn't sit well with them nor their members..
Thank you for all that shows ambitions and branch out to take that drive, that passion.. and turn it into something memorable.
Thank you for making up this community with talented and thoughtful individuals.
Thank you for those that show great patience and understanding..

Thank you.. from another member.. who started their journey back in 2O12 and jumps on this interesting animal game because it's where it all began... because no matter what, these are the games that seem to pull me in every time and I don't want to see them go ~
So here's to many more memories with you.

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7

Offline DarkLustyHumor

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Re: .: Just Some Thoughts :.
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2020, 10:06:07 pm »
     I just want to say that I agree with this whole heartedly. I know we all make mistakes, some of us can just jump into things without really thinking. (I'm very guilty of this myself) I can very easily forgive people for that as long as they own up to their mistakes and try to be better about things in the future. This behavior has already been seen by one of the staff team and it needs to spread throughout it.

One thing I've seen as a defense and that you have brought up and explained pretty well "we are only human, we make mistakes" and that is true. I'm sure that isn't pulled into question. The issue is more based on self accountability and apologizing and trying to keep a better relationship with the community. That seems to be one of the biggest things that has been asked for, for a very long time. It doesn't seem to be outlandish to ask for transparency or a bridge of trust between the staff and users.
    While you might use the argument that other companies do not do that well either, Feral Heart isn't a corporate entire, it's a place that exists fully by a loyal community. FH isn't the only IT server based place to exist, people could have moved onto other ones without issues. It's the loyalty and memories that keep users here. So with that, a trust between staff and users is necessary. Most if not all of the users aren't hating on staff just to hate on the staff, they're frustrated and feel they need to be as vocal as possible in order to actually be heard. The more things are swept under the rug, the louder people will desperately cry out.
    It's clear to me where a lot of the issues stem from and it's a very unfortunate situation. Even if we had some of the best people in staff ever, there is someone above it all that has a lot of the final decision on things. While my words have been harsh towards this person, they haven't been just for the sole purpose of condemning them, more of hoping they would do some self reflection. Hoping that maybe something could break through and help them realize that there are better ways to go about things. Unlikely when it comes to people that are very stubborn. And stubborness isn't always a bad thing, but it depends on what someone is being stubborn about. If the head could turn a new leaf, if the staff could turn a new leaf, if we could all discuss things more professionally, then FH would finally be run in the way it deserves and the way the loyal users deserve. The staff as well, it's a change that could be beneficial to everyone.

   I'm going to finish this by saying, thank you Haku for posting this and your insight. I really hope the relationships in FH can be repaired. This place...still does mean a lot to me. I mean heck, we met here and then so much went down afterwards and we finally...finally met up. I am forever thankful to FH for that opportunity and I truly hope things turn out for the better.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 10:10:59 pm by DarkLustyHumor »

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Re: .: Just Some Thoughts :.
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2020, 10:27:54 pm »
I have a tear...that was so beautiful.

Offline Hakumi

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Re: .: Just Some Thoughts :.
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2020, 04:03:38 am »
     I just want to say that I agree with this whole heartedly. I know we all make mistakes, some of us can just jump into things without really thinking. (I'm very guilty of this myself) I can very easily forgive people for that as long as they own up to their mistakes and try to be better about things in the future. This behavior has already been seen by one of the staff team and it needs to spread throughout it.

One thing I've seen as a defense and that you have brought up and explained pretty well "we are only human, we make mistakes" and that is true. I'm sure that isn't pulled into question. The issue is more based on self accountability and apologizing and trying to keep a better relationship with the community. That seems to be one of the biggest things that has been asked for, for a very long time. It doesn't seem to be outlandish to ask for transparency or a bridge of trust between the staff and users.
    While you might use the argument that other companies do not do that well either, Feral Heart isn't a corporate entire, it's a place that exists fully by a loyal community. FH isn't the only IT server based place to exist, people could have moved onto other ones without issues. It's the loyalty and memories that keep users here. So with that, a trust between staff and users is necessary. Most if not all of the users aren't hating on staff just to hate on the staff, they're frustrated and feel they need to be as vocal as possible in order to actually be heard. The more things are swept under the rug, the louder people will desperately cry out.
    It's clear to me where a lot of the issues stem from and it's a very unfortunate situation. Even if we had some of the best people in staff ever, there is someone above it all that has a lot of the final decision on things. While my words have been harsh towards this person, they haven't been just for the sole purpose of condemning them, more of hoping they would do some self reflection. Hoping that maybe something could break through and help them realize that there are better ways to go about things. Unlikely when it comes to people that are very stubborn. And stubborness isn't always a bad thing, but it depends on what someone is being stubborn about. If the head could turn a new leaf, if the staff could turn a new leaf, if we could all discuss things more professionally, then FH would finally be run in the way it deserves and the way the loyal users deserve. The staff as well, it's a change that could be beneficial to everyone.

   I'm going to finish this by saying, thank you Haku for posting this and your insight. I really hope the relationships in FH can be repaired. This place...still does mean a lot to me. I mean heck, we met here and then so much went down afterwards and we finally...finally met up. I am forever thankful to FH for that opportunity and I truly hope things turn out for the better.

One can only hope what'll happen next. I'll keep my head up til then. Even if there's no results, I'm still grateful for even being a part of a community with amazing members like you guys <3

I have a tear...that was so beautiful.

//shares tissues with ;;

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7

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Re: .: Just Some Thoughts :.
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2020, 06:43:40 am »

Memories from Impressive Title. From your awesome roleplay group. From your friendships met somewhere in-game. It's passion, and it isn't possible to just leave it by drama. As long game excist as players - and staff - are in. I will support this game as long as I can.
On new account Aiiokia

Offline Hakumi

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Re: .: Just Some Thoughts :.
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2020, 05:35:16 am »

Memories from Impressive Title. From your awesome roleplay group. From your friendships met somewhere in-game. It's passion, and it isn't possible to just leave it by drama. As long game excist as players - and staff - are in. I will support this game as long as I can.

Just have to keep on trekking and doing what's right.
That's all we can do and hope for at this moment in time..

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7