Author Topic: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively  (Read 7881 times)


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How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« on: September 30, 2018, 04:28:35 am »

(yes I'm using a meme in this tutorial)

Now, in my 7-8 years on this game, I've learned the ups and downs of groups and how they function. I've led groups that have run fairly well, but I've also been in groups as a member where people have really lacked in some effectiveness to make their groups last. I've gone over my mistakes that I've made as someone who has run several role-plays, and hopefully I can rub off on one of you fine pupils in hopes that you can carry this information into your next project.

Where Do You Start?

A good question! No one ever knows where to start, but good ol' me is here to help you. This is the easy part, even if it seems like it's the hardest.

1. Find Social Preference
-by this, I mean, find something that the whole of the community enjoys. Community is into chickens? base your group around chickens. Or, if this is a bit too difficult, find something that lasts a while. Build a plot to your group and how you want it to function. What do you want out of the group? Where do you want it to go? How big or small do you want it to be? Ask yourself these questions to find the best suited idea for you.

Great, now you asked yourself all these questions and you found out what you wanted to do. Now, is onto the harder steps.

Attaining Members

Grabbing members attention is hard, but not as hard as you think! People tend to enjoy an outstandingly simple advertisement. If your group has a lot of information to it, keep the ad simple, and make the community ask for more information. Having a simple ad can really help boost your chances. If people really want to join, they will ask for more information. I've found that most loyal members and active members come from those who ask for extra details about the group. Keep it simple, and don't put too much into it!

Too much information to read on gets really boring for a game, so keeping it simple and fresh is your best bet on grabbing good members who are really interested in what you have in store.

1. The member who asked to join is not what I'm looking for, what do I do?

-Ah yeah, we come across that often, don't we. I find that in literate groups, you sometimes get people wanting to join who are considered 'illiterate' by some degree. I've also seen people in my lifetime who act like the biggest, baddest person and turn down these people in the most belittling way. Do not be this person. If you cannot accept them into the group, be kind about it. I find it better to do it like this.

Calvary: I'm sorry, unfortunately I cannot accept you into the group at this time. However, there are a number of groups you can go to and see if they will let you in! (from here, suggest a few groups you've seen advertising, or perhaps a group you know of).
Person: oh, okay, thank you (:

Do NOT do this -->

Calvary: Sorry, but you don't fit our criteria. Hope you find someone else.
Person: oh, okay...

That is the response you will get, and it is not fun to deal with. When you talk like this, it is more common for people to get angry at you, threaten you, be upset, and possibly make a little kid cry. Do you want to make a little kid cry? Didn't think so.

Running The Group

Well, now you have a few good members that are actively participating. They enjoy the roleplay, but what more can you offer them? You've got a good base going, and now you feel like you can sit back, relax, and let the roleplay go as it is.

Never do this.

If you want a successful roleplay, you have to be active. People like active roleplays. Now, there's two different types of active, and one of them you should avoid.

1.Active --> quality over quantity. You actively engage with your members. Even if there are 2, 5, 10 people online, you as the founder or the staff are helping people engage in whatever is going on. That means initiating roleplay, getting to know people, helping people out, etc. You are engaging actively with your members, regardless how many are online.

2. Active --> quantity over quality. You do not actively engage with your members. You are more worried about how many people are online compared to what they are doing. You worry about the member count, rather than who the members are and how you can get them engaged in your roleplay. This active is the one you should avoid at all costs. Do not treat your members like they are numbers. Always engage as a staff member or founder.

Not engaging with your members leads to no one bothering to stay active. If you aren't active, then why should they be?

As a leader, you need to follow this acronym.

Quality means more than quantity, always.
Utilize your communication skills.
Actively engage with your members.
Care for your members as you put care into creating the roleplay.
Kick out drama-starters/pot stirrers.

Yeah, QUACK sounds like a stupid acronym, but it's helpful. If you remember these key things, you will do outstanding in running your group. Without it, a group will collapse.

Should I Be Feared, Or Liked?

Liked, always. A leadership born out of fear isn't leadership at all. Leadership is taking care of your members as they take care of you. Making someone fear you is not the way to be a leader. When you are a leader, you must think of the betterment of your members. Have a relationship with them, but also learn to be strict in your discipline. If someone acts out, be civil, do not baby them or degrade them.

How Do I Select My Staff/How Do I Be Competent In Communication?

Selecting staff to help you run your group is the hardest thing there is. However, it's easier having friends or people you trust work with you. Though, don't just pick any friend you get along with.

1. No Yes-Men.
2. No Social Loafers (people who dilly-dally on the job)
3. No immaturity.

Pick someone who you know you can work with well, and get a different opinion from. Someone who will disagree if they disagree with you, but can be civil about it. Picking friends just because you know them will lead to the groups downfall. Selecting strangers without proper knowledge of their abilities will lead to the downfall of the group.

Having people apply, and then dishing out interviews works well, but always make sure they are telling the truth about their experiences. Hand-picking your staff is often the best pick when you see someone who has dedicated themselves to the group.

You also have to be competent in communication when you lead a roleplay group. By this, I mean you must question before you assume. Not being defensive during criticism is another way to be competent. The stand-alone way to be effective in communicating, is to ask directly to your members on what they want to see, and take their opinions to heart. Do not make decisions on your own, because its always great to have a second opinion from the people who are on another standpoint in the group.

How Do I Keep Members Engaged?

So your group is falling slim on activity. That's okay! Groups have ups and downs in activity sometime. As long as there are still people rping and hanging around, you still have hope to engage with them.

1. Change things up a bit. Make changes to the group people will enjoy.
2. Ask members what they want out of the group, where it should go next.
3. Make new plots, give members incentive to interact.
4. Interact with your members, play games and watch movies with them if possible.

Doing this can help members get excited for new things to come. Even putting the group on hiatus to introduce new changes will imply suspense, producing excitement for a new change.

Often times, members are shy when joining groups. If your group gets bigger, some people tend to avoid interacting. Have a system in place where old members become 'helpers', when new members join the group, the helpers become their mentor and friend to help ease them into the group. It works best this way, so even the shyest of people have someone to fall back on if they are intimidated. Even yourself as the leader can pitch in and establish friendships with new members.

It's a lot to read, but I hope everyone can get bits and pieces of information from this! I've learned a lot from a leadership perspective, so this is all the knowledge I can give.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them below! I'm always open to adding more information to the tutorial. I'm also open to answering questions. I hope you all enjoyed, and have fun creating your groups!

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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2018, 04:33:36 am »
This is a very detailed, well done tutorial here Calvary! I bet those looking to start a group can learn a thing or two from this. -Nuzzle-! <3
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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2018, 04:38:35 am »
This is a very detailed, well done tutorial here Calvary! I bet those looking to start a group can learn a thing or two from this. -Nuzzle-! <3

Thank you, Esa. <3 Hopefully everyone can take bits and pieces from it if they wish! I appreciate your commentary.

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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2018, 04:38:48 am »
This is a very well done guide! I certainly have found myself in different positions where I wish the creator of the group would follow some of these tips. I definitely will keep these in mind. Thank you much for making this!

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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2018, 04:39:48 am »
This is a very well done guide! I certainly have found myself in different positions where I wish the creator of the group would follow some of these tips. I definitely will keep these in mind. Thank you much for making this!

Aaa, thank you, Ame! I appreciate it. <3

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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2018, 07:15:16 am »
Lovely tutorial m'dear ~!
Love the way it's written out as well <3
Excellent Job. Hoping this helps a lot of members.

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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2018, 11:55:23 am »
I love how in depth you go, and as someone who's experienced having both types of leaders, you're absolutely spot-on with this whole thing. And it leaves space for stuff to be added on as necessary too! I dig it
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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2018, 12:10:28 pm »
This is splendid! I've always wondered what to do when it comes to things like this, but because of you I don't have too! Thanks for this tutorial, I'm sure it will help many users! Great work! +Floof <3

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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2018, 05:14:46 pm »
Happy to see this, very detailed and always love different perspectives on running things, and some people may struggle in that area and will hopefully find some good use of this!
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Re: How To Run A Roleplay Group Effectively
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2018, 06:43:25 pm »
Thank you all for the kind words! I do hope people can get a bit of help from this <3