Author Topic: Markings/items randomly changed /FH running from different folder  (Read 1075 times)

Offline WingedWolf717

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Ok so, on feb..19th? this year, i got FH. i was told to make a backup folder...downloading a marking pack, i think? for my FH in case anything happened, so i did.
a few days later, i noticed my "legendary items+markings" seemed to..un-download themselves. I realized my FH was running from my backup folder, and not my ACTUAL, official FH folder.
i kinda just blew it off, didn't really care, figured it wasn't big enough of a deal to make a post about or it was like that for MONTHS. most of the time i've been playing FH. (which is why my "new" screenshots folder has so many pics...)
But just a bit ago, i go back on FH cause yay fun game w00t, and i immediately notice most of my chars had their markings switched, almost all of them had a random item on they never if i had a char with 1 item, they'd suddenly have 3 or something. It was like this too when i got legendary items but perhaps that's just normal.
I start playing the game and say what had happened to me in the chat, figure i'd get a response cause this community is so nice and helpful, but it's the dead of night, so...XD
Took a screenshot of me saying what happened, realized to check which FH folder it went to, and surprise surprise, it was the one.
ALSO as i logged in, i notice that i begun seeing "____ has arrived/left" messages again, which i'd turned off a while ago...
Figured this was worthy of a forum post and not a random chat complaint, soo...anyone got any idea what's going on, how to fix it? no idea why my FH randomly ran from my other folder in the first place, either...
aLSO, a while ago my friend told me to get legendary markings and not just mass markings, so i did. the markings on my chars would change from what they were to the one right above/below them, which i figure is expected...just thought i should add this little thing here too XD
EDIT: logged on again, things are back to normal, running from my backup folder again...what is going on.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 09:18:26 am by WingedWolf717 »
Icon & char in icon (c) WingedWolf717