Author Topic: The kingdom of Sakyua (in need of high ranks )  (Read 1791 times)

Offline ArashiAndAme

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The kingdom of Sakyua (in need of high ranks )
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:28:20 pm »

In the hidden valley far away, a secret kingdom lives in harmony with nature and humanity. The residents live under strong rules which allow them to stay as hidden as they are now. Two rival families compete against each other in hopes of gaining the power over the entire kingdom. It all started a long time before either city was created when a two fellow familes were traveling together, they each set their borders but had a bridge built so they could alway vist each other when needed. As the familes ancesters died off their desendents didnt agree with what had been made, saying the other group had more then the other and so forth. It became a slight agruement between familes then, as each city grew because of travlers joining their ranks, the two leaders wanted more power, they believed to gain the ulitmite power they had to take down their neighbors... Thus rivaly begain, the leaders are to proud to say if they had done anything wrong even if they had. 
So there is little to now hope of things returning right..or is there? Can you change the minds of these two stubborn leaders and bring peace to the valley again?

 These are the rival families; choose which one you want to join in alliance with. To help them reach their goal; Total control over Skayua.

Kaji Shuuraku: Meaning Fire Village
This city is well known for being over confident and heading into battle before thinking about it, they are the more agressive of the two groups and are keen on having strong and brave fighters in their rankings.

Mizu Shuuraku: Meaning Water Village
Unlike their neighbors this group tend to stratagize before rushing into anything, quick thinking and well orginized they are the more agreeable of the two.

Ranks and roles:
Lord & Lady
The two leaders of their city they are in charge of everything and anything that happens in their territory. Both each have the same amount of power.

Young Lord/Miss:
The lord & lady's offspring and next to the thrown, often treated kindly and have as much power as the nobles.

Royal Adviser:
They are in charge of taking care of any tasks that the lord or lady says, such as arranging attacks organizing banquets.

Higher ranking citizens they are often invited to the Royal banquets and parties, their offspring are born with the same ranking. Close friends with the Lord and Lady.

The watch the borders and make sure no trespassers invade the city; their watchful eyes are on every corner.

Leader Warrior:
The main warrior, has years of esperance and knowledge of combat fighting and strategy.

The fighters and the head force in a war, they help keep the city safe and sound during a war.

Regular citizens of the city, in charge of shops and keep the city running strong.

Young pups/cubs in training to be one of the ranks up above. Whichever rank their parents are they will become, if they want to be something else, they must ask permission of the Lord and Lady to become a higher rank.

The youngest of the residents they are often playing and racing around the city walls looking for anything to do.

The wise and old, they have seen it all. Born during the time of peace they saw their beloved kind and peaceful allies turn to hate and power hungery rivals.

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Im looking for literate and good roleplayers, who are in search for a long term roleplay! Semi realistic colors!
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