Author Topic: Coding. My new character. WIP  (Read 1121 times)

Offline silverwolf120

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Coding. My new character. WIP
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:23:43 am »
  Coding is a special species. She is a Spark wolf.

   Coding is 12 in human years.

 She currently does not have a pack.

Coding dosen' t have an official home yet but you can see her derping around Sky's Rim, Ancension, Cape Fluorite, Ficho and occasionally Bonfire.

WIP till I'm on the computer.

Coding is carefree she doesn't really care about much. She is Funny and Random she usually says the strangest things. She is nice and kind if you are nice and kind to her. She can be Aggressive and Mean if you tick her off.

Coding is deathly allergic to Marshmallows. If she has anything with either some ingredients that are in Marshmallows or if She has Marshmallows she could die.

Coding favorite things are bunnies pie apples and Pizza.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 09:43:29 pm by Matryo-the-wolf »

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