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Topics - Microfloof

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Leaving / Confusing goodbye alert.
« on: November 14, 2013, 07:52:10 am »
I have been here three very long years since FeralHeart first came out; yet only a few months since this account appeared. So, lately my computer has been having issues; breaking and losing connection; (it still is) so that I can't join in with the crowds around here and bleh. I'm deactivating here, and moving forth onto, what it be, another one.. When I do, of course, it won't be one of those 'Hey, she has multi-accounts! Ban ban ban!' ones. I am d e a c t i v a t i n g this. I also haven't played FeralHeart for months now since I've come back, just visited the forums. I don't have much time to go down to the local library computers either. So, if my compie will work properly in the next few months; I will be back.

Not many of youus will notice this departure; but that's OK, haha. I'll probably be making it in the next day or so. 'Microfloof' is now an immature username to me; it doesn't suit me anymore. This may sound strange, but it's just my goodbye (as for Micro) alert.

Love, Sophi

Discussion Board / deviantART
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:02:52 pm »
Hey everyone! 'Tis Microfloof again. I don't think I've seen a thread about deviantART, so here it is. This doesn't only have to be about deviantART, it could be about anything arty, like videos, comics, images, drawing programs, and all that malarky. Have fun here, and respect other peoples opinions. I hope to have this thread going for a long time, so let's try to do just that! Please explain your view clearly so that people understand you properly - you need to get your point across!

deviantART is a nice community where you can share your art and literacy. You can edit your devious profile, add your icons, avatars, and even create stuff for people to use, like linearts and free art. You can sell your art for real money or deviant points, which you can use to upgrade your account to premium, which gives you access to even more features like a more creative profile and critiques. You can chat with people and take part in the forums too.

deviantART also comes with a built-in drawing and sketching program called dA-Muro. It's online, so you don't have to download it, but you may need to have certain Adobe or Flash Players. You can have access to different tools which can make your drawings more attractive. You may need to buy certain brushes with devious points, but they can be cheap. It's well worth it though!

Now, it's a great place to post your art if you can handle copyright. Linearts will always need to copyrighted, and if you don't follow the deviant's rules there will be consequences - whether that be reporting, blocking, or you having to remove it entirely from your gallery. It is recommended to put unremovable copyright on all your art and setting the ''Do not display for public download'' option when uploading. People will always find a way for art theft, but mostly the people are immature and lazy, so they are less likely to steal stuff. You can prove if it is stolen or note by checking out the date the art was posted.

--- Dunno what else to say. Any suggestions? ---

WILL UPDATE THE REST LATER. Please be patient! Post about the above for now.
What do you think about deviantART or anything arty in particular? Is it good, and do you like it?

Game Help / Blank game :c
« on: September 13, 2013, 11:28:58 am »
Okay so I've been trying to go in-game for a while and just after the black setup screen, the game opens and then closes again. I've tried everything suggested on other topics and the problem still persists. It came magically, almost as if someone messed up my FeralHeart folder. I tried checking for duplicate or missing files, I tried downloading/setting up the game again, I tried installing a texture to add any missing files if any were missing.. I also tried leaving it for a while. Everything.

Does anyone know why this problem persists and how to fix it? All help appreciated.
I really need help since this is devastating for me :c

Last Chance is a semi-realistic, soon-to-be-mapped-and-sited warrior cat roleplay. During war of all clans existing, you try to run away yet you encounter a small group of felines like yourself. A young shady tom steps in front of you, staring you right in the eye. It felt like he was staring through your very soul. Suddenly, a warm, husky voice echoed among the ruins. ''Run with us. Let us be gone from this place.'' You had no hesitation within you, you just did the only thing you could do. You ran, and nothing else. You ran with the ones who would change your life forever. You saw him smile at you from ahead, and you knew that you would be safe.

Presets & Markings / Microfloof's Public FeralHeart Markings!
« on: September 10, 2013, 06:27:08 pm »
Heyy guys! This is just a little part of my new FeralHeart project. This is my first marking set, so I hope you like them. The design goes well with any sparkledogs or colorful characters. To make it look its best make sure you set the nose color the exact same as the pelt color, otherwise it goes all weird. Please give me some feedback as to if you like it, the link doesn't work, or anything like that.

-- For now this is just for this particular marking set because I'm saving up my stuff to gain a thread in the main FH creations board, no need to tell me, I already know --


Thanks for reading. Please tell me if I did something wrong here or if this thread is a waste of space.. xD
I will add more markings when I get the time to make some more.

Game Help / A few questions
« on: September 10, 2013, 07:51:00 am »
Heyy. So I was wondering how to make items since I'm working on a FH project, which includes public maps, markings, items, meshes, etc. Now I heard you need a Blender software or something, but how do you use it? Is there any other information about it? I'm pretty sure you need to code the names into something like items.cfg like you do for markings, is that right? I'm eager to get this package out for everyone to use but items and meshes are my main problem.

Heightmaps: I know how to make heightmaps, don't worry. But what was the old heightmap generator program called?
Objects: I can only mess around in the Object Maker, which doesn't work for me. I need a blender xD
Markings: Done and dusted.

I made one of the markings last night ;w;

Praise / I know you feel it too
« on: September 07, 2013, 03:35:53 pm »
Hello guys. I'm sorry if a thread like this has already been posted, feel free to lock this if needed. Before you read, this is not a rant, this is more like genuine praise and love. People who have been with the community for a few years now will more than likely also have this special feeling. I certainly feel this way. FeralHeart is a great community with loving members who care about everyone and make people happy. They are also able to help you when needed, and this is just one small example of my love for FH. It's something you can't really explain, a feeling of always needing to return after you've left, a place where you have so many emotional memories that you just can't get rid of. They stay in your mind, good or bad. As if your friends here are your family and you'd do anything to stay forever. I know this may sound really dramatic and all, but it's just my way of saying that I adore FeralHeart. Roleplays here are like real-life, they could either make you cry or make you one of the happiest people on earth. I hope I'm not one of very few that feel this way, but one of many. Not everyone can understand this feeling... Something of loyalty, love and mildness, that as I said before, you can't explain.. I know this is quite short, but let's make it even shorter: I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Art Gallery / The Floofeh Artist (WIP)
« on: September 07, 2013, 08:16:10 am »
Hewoo! So yeah, I know this is an art thread, but I'm a different kind of artist. I can help you with coding, making websites, videos, and more! I am very creative, some people say, but I can't draw. I have tons of OC's and all that, and I'm called Microfloof for a special reason that no one really knows about. Anyways. Feel free to read more below or request something, really, anything at all.

I use a number of drawing and editing programs, which include GIMP and Paint Tool SAI. You can download either of them programs just by looking them up on Google Search, since they are really easy to find. SAI is not free though, unfortunately.

I shall be getting a tablet + photoshop in a few weeks/months now, since my family is really working hard on saving up for my holiday in October. I'll get them both (and more stuff) after I come back. Until then, I will not exactly do digital art, but I will edit and hand-draw stuff. If you really want some digital stuff, though, I can always hand-draw something myself and then trace it in one of my programs. Feel free to ask for an edit, I will do them immediately.

Now, onto some previewsssss! These will mainly be hand-drawn stuff. I hope you like them. This gallery is a WIP, so please be nice about it<33 I appreciate all critiques, and I'll post some more stuff later. For now, that's all I could find.

Ask Me / Ask Microfloof!
« on: September 06, 2013, 03:39:46 pm »
Hewoo people! I just decided to start a Q&A with myself, so feel free to ask me any question, whether it be how to use the game, my hobbies, and stuff like that. Please don't get too personal =3 If there are less than 3 pages please look back and see if your question was already asked.

Here's some stuff about me that it'd be nice for you to know

I'm an Irish potato
I'm an animal lover (not a wolfaboo)
I love music
I'm with directioners, swifties, and other fandoms
I'm used to hate
I'm very good with technology
My favorite subject is art and math
I'm an Iri-Italian youngster
I don't have any pets

Discussion Board / Drawing/editing programs
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:08:17 pm »
Hey guysss! I was really wondering what kind of drawing programs you guys use? See, I'm really bad at drawing with a mouse, and I realized that if I sketched digitally with a mouse it looks... WAAYYYY... better.  So I'm hoping for you to mention some free sketching programs that are like... really good. I'm so desperate. Please make sure they are free and can sketch! Please. Thanks guys! (I'm trying so bad not to spam. Oh and also, I know about GIMP and Paint Tool Sai, which are absolutely terrible for sketching. xD)

So what kind of programs do YOU use?

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