Author Topic: Friend/Character meme!  (Read 1930 times)

Offline Miles101

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Friend/Character meme!
« on: March 27, 2011, 01:01:17 am »
There's this thing where you put in ten names of friends/characters and answer questions. Like this:
Characters: GLaDOS (Portal), Clopin (Hunchback of Notre Dame), Djali (Hunchback of Notre Dame), Chell (Portal), Willow (My dog), jellyfish (favorite animal), Dib (Invader Zim), GIR (Invader Zim), Zim (Invader Zim), Miles (Video game alter-ego)
1. Describe GLaDOS in five words.
Evil, insane, decptive, confusing, edgy

2. Does Jellyfish make you hot?
Heck no :|

3. Super fun fun adventure amusement park marathon with you, Chell and Djali! How will it go?
Chell will shoot portals and Djali will eat cans and headbutt people and we'll ride rides for free because we're all so awesome! :D

4. Do you think Dib is a virgin?
Yes...he's in the fourth grade :|

5. Who does Miles like?
No one! She works ALONE! A-LONE!

6. Have you ever had lunch together with Gir?
Oh how I wish I could!

7. What would Willow not be caught dead in?
Another dog's yard. Not. Ever.

8. What's Zim to you?
And awesome Irken exile who entertains me on my DVD player.

9. Oh no, Clopin got kidnapped by aliens! What do you say once they get back?
Puppet: I was! D:

10. If you could do anything with Djali, what would it be?
Cuddle him :3 Cutest goat EVAR!
