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Messages - starcasteclipse

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Re: Sanctuary of the Equinox Map Pack
« on: April 20, 2019, 02:09:07 am »
Thank you so much to everyone that replied!!!  ;D I really appreciated it, I hope you all enjoy and have a fun time exploring!

Finished Maps / Re: Sanctuary of the Equinox Map Pack
« on: April 19, 2019, 06:07:17 pm »
What a beautiful map! I'll check it out for sure later! :D

Thank you!!!  ;D

Finished Maps / Sanctuary of the Equinox Map Pack
« on: April 19, 2019, 05:40:59 pm »
Hello!! So, a long time ago I created a map pack for my own RP group use, however, they do not play on Feral Heart anymore and no longer use it. I have decided to go ahead and make the map pack public!!

Please treat everyone with respect when OOC
Do not cause drama
Do not force anyone else to Rp with you
Map claiming is allowed IC, but if someone is there OOCly, you cannot tell them to "leave your territory"
If you are to claim an area IC, do not claim an excessive amount
Another group can Rp in your chosen spot if you are not there/have not been using it for a while
Please try to leave another group that is in the process RPing alone
Do not harass others

Images of the Maps:

This Map Pack includes:

Sanctuary of the Equinox (HUB)
The Statera Tree (Parkour)
Beyond Heavens Reach (Warrior Cats Camp)
AutumnSilva (Warrior Cats and Wolf Pack Camp)
Purpurisso Paradiso (Rogue Paradise)
Courgar Creek (Wolf Camp)
Silver Hills (Misc Camp)
Aequinoctium Depths (Nursery and Medic area)

Although I listed what each map contains, they may be used for whatever RP purpose you may have (Apart from Purpurisso Paradiso). I may be seen wandering the maps here and there, so don't be surprised if I stop by to see your RP!

For Purpurisso Paradiso...
The name of the map translates in latin to Rouge Paradise, and it is exactly what it sounds like. No packs or official groups are allowed to claim here. Only rouges or bands of them. Anything can happen here, meaning, if your a loner walking around, a rouge could very well come and attack you if they wished. You may have groups of rouges if you team up with others here, and you can claim larger areas with the more rouges you have. Just note, any other group of rouges can come along and take your claim if they wish. Be prepared to fight here. In the highest part of the map is a place for two groups of rouges. They must be seen as the two top groups in the map to be able to claim the area. For the strongest rouge in the whole map, is the cave at the top of the map in that same area. These spots can be taken at any time from the current holders, if someone is able to kill off the current holder.

So apart from blood shed and such... have fun!!

Please note: When you enter Silver Hills, you will spawn inside an object. You can get out of it by simply spamming E until you're out. The same goes for Beyond Heavens Reach if you decide to enter through the Cape of Distant Worlds. I have lost the files to be able to edit these maps, so I cannot fix this.
Also remember to back up your files before downloading this. Some of the music will be replaced, and if you do not like it it's good to have the backup files to change the music back.




I've had this same problem. What I did is just got new textures from a mod, just replacing the old textures and it was fixed. Something like a texture pack mod type thing could help, like this:

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