Author Topic: Cosmic Tribe Alien RP [Inactive since 18/02/2017]  (Read 2673 times)

Offline moonhowler2

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Cosmic Tribe Alien RP [Inactive since 18/02/2017]
« on: February 13, 2017, 07:12:41 am »
Cosmic Tribe Role-Play

Are you looking for an awesome new role-play to join? Something new and exciting? Well The Cosmic Tribe is an active alien role-play group on Skype. If you wish to join, contact me on Skype. My username is takemydreams. I will reply as soon as I can and give further instructions.


The Cosmic Tribe is a new world set in a galaxy different from ours. What if aliens had human intelligence like ours, but the world they lived in was full of danger? Join a group of aliens, band together by fate in order to survive harsh lands and new threats every day. Who knows where a drone lays, waiting to snatch your leg for a treat. Join us on an epic adventure full of romance, danger, survival, and heartache. Every day is a challenge to survive in an alienated planet alone. Are you fit to survive and stick with your group? Or will you succumb to the offer of surrender of this harsh world?


So as you can tell this is an alien based rp, meaning there are NO humans. Your alien can be more human like, more alien like, or in between, but not completely human. There are no limits to what your character looks like, but be wise about design. Alien character design is tough, so take your time. If you need help I will gladly offer some designing tips. Your alien can also have special abilities and powers, but they can't be God-Modding, or Mary/Gary sues. If your character is any of these, you will be asked to stay out until fixed. You can either create your own character/species, but we ask if you play a character of somebody else's species, respect their creation and DO NOT add your own things to your character's species or the character in general, BEFORE asking the owner. If they say no, play the character how they are.


1.) Skype (most important
                    2.) Literacy (important)
                    3.) Good character development (crucial)
                    4.) RP sample (Important)
                    5.) Respect

NOTICE: This Role-play is mature rated for violents and sexual themes. ALL sexual rps MUST be done in pm. ATTEMPT rape is acceptable ONLY if the scene calls for it, there is a reason for it, and it doesn't actually happen. Meaning the victim escapes or is saved before the actual act. Please no attempt raping or hurting other characters WITHOUT their permission first.

Who are we?

We are a Literate alien tribe RP group. There is NO leader within the rp itself, just a group trying to survive. Outside the RP we have admins you are to listen to or obey. We wan't you to have fun, but be respectful. We are accepting of all sexuality, identification, morals, religion, and race. No discrimination here. We are trying to make a fun, and relaxing rp people can come to in order to have fun, talk with friends, and offer an experience animal and human rps lack or can't offer. If you have a problem with another member, bring it up with an admin or myself, do not cause drama. If you cause unwanted OOC drama, you are immediately kicked.


1.)NO blackmailing, bullying in any form!
                    2.) Listen to the admins, disregard them and you will immediately be kicked!
                    3.) Be kind! I get it we don't all get along, but if you have a problem don't be mean and absolutely NO blocking that person. Instead come to me or an admin, We will handle the problem.
                    4.) No power-playing, God-modding, Mary/Gary sues. In other words GOOD and well thought out characters. First you are asked kindly to develop your character more. Second time warning, third time a freezing period, third a band until you fix it.
                    5.) NO KILLING other characters WITHOUT permission from the owner first. This results in a permanent band!
                    6.) This isn't really a rule more than a request. Character references will be nice. However this is not required just nice to know what character we are interacting with. Don't fear this one it isn't a rule, and you can describe your character to the best of your abilities if you can.
                    7.) No mate begging! Let romance happen ON ITS OWN. If it is forced or you are harassing you will first get a warning, then a freeze, temporary band, permanent band.
                    8.) Activity! Be active this rp is only on Skype so you have no excuse unless you are busy with real life, but please be as active as possible. It isn't fun holding an rp back because you take too long. Once again thos DOESN'T count against you if life is too busy! We are understanding people
                    9.) Have fun!

Wish to join?

Once again if you wish to join contact me on Skype. My username is takemydreams. I will reply AS SOON as I can and give you further instructions, but I ask you be patient. I hope to see you there soon!

Notice! If you can't find me leave your Skype info down below and I will find you!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 01:07:27 pm by Scallywag »

Offline Yamakari

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Re: Cosmic Tribe Alien RP (OPEN!)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2017, 06:45:34 pm »
ayyy what up my skype is velikayadrakosha i'd be down to join