Author Topic: The Bahshunai  (Read 3132 times)

Offline yazoo

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The Bahshunai
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:23:28 am »
Bahshunai (Singular: Bahshuna)

A male Bahshuna is called a Buck
A Female Bahshuna is called a Doe
A young Male Bahshuna is called a Calf
A young Female Bahshuna is called a Chick
Young Bahshuna in general are called Cubs
A group of Bahshunai are called a Clan

The Bahshuna were thought of as a mythical being because they had become more secretive and hidden as more and more creatures came into being. Myth states that they are fantastic felines which have slight mind control ability that works on most beings. It is also said that Bahshunai have a taste for the flesh of other felines, and it is told to bad cubs by their elders(of other feline breeds of course) that if you don't behave, a Bahshuna will sneak out of the shadows, and claim you as a snack. There is part truth in that second myth, they will eat any type of meat other than their own breed.

Bahshunai are quite unusual looking felines, their tails and  ears are quite different from those of 'normal' breeds. Their ears are usually quite large and pointed, and tail thin or short, if even there at all! The Bahshunai's base pelt, underpelt, and markings are NATURAL COLORS, however, their eyes, nose, and tail tip can be any color, but the three MUST be the same on one individual, or that classifies them as a half breed and are instantly killed off. The Bahshunai does are larger than the bucks.

Behavior and Diet:
Bahshunai are a matriarchal society. There is a Lead female, and the male she mates with. With that being stated, all the males are used for in a clan is defense and producing cubs. Bahshunai eat any type of flesh except other Bahshunai. You will NEVER see one eating fruit or grasses unless it is ill.

Average Life Span:
Most Bahshunai only live to see their 400th birthday, though legend has it that there are a few who've lived a thousand years.

Heat and Litter:
A female Bahshunai that is of age will come into heat in the late fall, early winter. The pregnancy lasts only a few months, causing the cubs to be born in the spring. Bahshunai cubs are extremely small, and defenseless when born, so they MUST be guarded at all times. Bahshunai litters consist of three or less cubs, more is a very rare occasion. A typical litter usually consists of two chicks and a calf.

Mating Rituals:
The male Bahshunai will attempt to attract a female through a display of strength. The stronger male gets the female because it is usually a battle to the death scenario

The Bahshunai need a place with lots of wildlife. They can thrive in any environment as long as there is enough food to sustain the clan. They also need massive amount of land to run and get their energy out, as well as their being enough different hunting grounds in their territory so they don't exhaust their food source.

Stages of Life:
0-4 months= Cub
5-12 months= Adolescent
1-2 years= teen (Males become of age to breed at the end of this stage)
2-40 years= young adult (Females become of age to breed at three years of age)
40-150 years= Adult
150-200+ years= Elder

« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 06:37:25 am by Yazoo »