Author Topic: Priorities  (Read 26550 times)


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Re: Priorities
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2019, 06:12:41 pm »
In the 6-7 years I’ve been here, I have never been more disappointed by the response that was just given.

Let this be a lesson, and I hope something is learned from this. If not, may you reap the unfortunate consequences.


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Re: Priorities
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2019, 06:20:01 pm »
@Raz - I never rejected MOTS because I thought I could do good for something in this community, and I like to think I helped, but apparently my actions have only been in vain. I was not around when MOTS inclusion was established either, but regardless, even now, I am all for it. If you wish to dicuss my personal take on MOTS, message me privately, as that is irrelevant to this thread.

This thread is not asking for much, only simple updates from staff—whether or not a patch is being worked on, etc. Nothing more.


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Re: Priorities
« Reply #52 on: June 25, 2019, 06:29:38 pm »
@Raz - I never rejected MOTS because I thought I could do good for something in this community, and I like to think I helped, but apparently my actions have only been in vain. I was not around when MOTS inclusion was established either, but regardless, even now, I am all for it. If you wish to dicuss my personal take on MOTS, message me privately, as that is irrelevant to this thread.

This thread is not asking for much, only simple updates from staff—whether or not a patch is being worked on, etc. Nothing more.

^^^^ All we want as players is to feel like we're being valued and listened to. Over 85% of users felt like there is a lack of transparency between user and staff, that's an alarming majority?? And I feel like only 1 staff member has really valued what we've had to say. We are at best the foundation of this game and it's crumbling, quicker than any of us would've liked, it isn't a time to point fingers at people, it isn't one big whodonit, it shouldn't be about that.
What this whole thing should really be about is a problem that members addressed and how staff can fix it.

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Re: Priorities
« Reply #53 on: June 25, 2019, 07:27:49 pm »
MOTS this is your one and final warning if you even entertain a situation like this again you will be booted.

Nothing that I or any other current/previous MOTS have said/done anything to warrant this response.
I have done nothing wrong.

I would therefore ask the community what have your MOTS so far done for you? Before you start pointing your fingers at the staff these MOTS are your people you chose and control. Maybe you need to take a much deeper look next time you select about what the person your electing has to offer you as a community. What will they try to achieve for you?

Set up a community oriented by the community for the community podcast where we discuss the game and have an open mic to players about their concerns, ideas, and stories surrounding it.
So far it's been successful in terms of FH activities.
Fighting for added transparency in a community that has always been in the dark about every tiny little thing. This isn't right, and that's exactly why this thread exists in the first place.
Players have been ignored for too long. Whether or not Staff, you, or whoever else admit that won't change anything.

Hell, Esa and Valar dominate the help section on some days, taking time out of their day to help someone in need of assistance. That's not including what they've provided via mods, or just helpful tidbits.
Being warm, welcoming, and genuine. Three things that players believe Staff have failed at being for quite some time.

People might lie, but the numbers do not.
You can call my view heavily opinionated and subjective as you like, and that might be half-true.
But the poll doesn't lie. The responses to that poll don't lie. The continued outcry doesn't lie.

I am not your hero. I am not your messiah. But I am a half-wit ambassador that gives several damns about this community. No matter what's happened I've stuck around, and I've always[Even in my angry days] cared about the people in this game.

Now I have a few questions to pose:
Should we punish people for just asking to be allowed in the know? Having some small idea of what's going on behind the iron curtain?
I say no.

But what say you?

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Re: Priorities
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2019, 07:32:15 pm »
"MOTS have absolutely no assigned tasks"

Perhaps you should re read what you agreed to?

People have chosen not to be MOTS as they did not want such responsibilities.

I'd like to repeat "Actually the moment the MOTS proposal came into we as staff basically lumbered the entire issue on the community to sort for itself."

At no point did the staff become responsible for the MOTS its not for us to tell the MOTS what to do with their time as a MOTS.

I'd also ask if anyone can find anywhere that you as a community rejected the MOTS proposal if you didn't want the MOTS to do this? Perhaps you can find a post where even one person said no we don't want this back when it was proposed?

If nobody rejected the idea I would assume that the community wanted it. Therefore you only have yourselves to answer to.

Yeah yeah double post I'm not going back to edit mine.

It'd be great to have people respond to what MOTS have to say - If we weren't first told my Staff to sit around and wait.
Just about every single idea that I've gotten, whether it be from another MOTS, a community member, or my own mind - Has been either taken out back because of how I write or put on an imaginary backburner.
It's very discouraging

I find your post to be very difficult to read as whatever you're responding to either isn't included or you're being very snappy in your passive aggressive questioning.

I don't see how people not choosing to be MOTS is at all relevant to this case.
We're fine with the responsibility
This is how we are choosing to use our time - Representing the community that elected us so they they might finally be heard.

We are actively doing what little we can with what little we've got. All we're asking is that the Staff try and do the same.

hüvasti i'm going to take a nap.

i don't know nothing about mopeds
have a question? just ask - Rubricae#6972


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Re: Priorities
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2019, 08:02:51 pm »

Not to mention you, Raz, are being quite rude and unforgiving about the manner. We JUST want more transparency and community involvement. The MOTS were not even mentioned to my knowledge. Why punish in the first place when they ONLY replied? The forum is a place for open discussion.

ALSO! Props to the MOTS and Scallywag defending the community.

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Re: Priorities
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2019, 08:03:56 pm »
My village finally got a pc so now i can play feralheart with all my friends praise Emmerson Mnangagwa long may he live

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Re: Priorities
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2019, 08:08:55 pm »
I'm just going to put this image here as a visual reminder of what this topic is all about.

I shall never understand why the ask of little things like transparency is so much for the community to ask for in some Staff's eyes.
Blaming someone else for the Staff's slow/bare minimum performance to improve the transparency or lack thereof, is not going to make the issue go away.

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Re: Priorities
« Reply #58 on: June 25, 2019, 10:27:35 pm »
MOTS this is your one and final warning if you even entertain a situation like this again you will be booted.

You are in breach of the MOTS proposal you agreed to when you became a MOTS.

Personally I’d have you all booted now. But others believe you require a second chance.

First of all, shame on you Raz. You should never openly threaten someone's position publicly like that. That's very unprofessional. Take them into a private chat and discuss this issue away from public eye if you feel the need to.

If the MOTS believe the staff is not adhering to this proposal the MOTS should use the powers they are given under said proposal to challenge this.

This. This thread right here. They are doing everything they possibly can. In fact, it was an ex-MOTS who brought it up. If it's their "duty" to provide more transparency, this is the first step. And quite frankly, the first step is always the hardest, most jarring experience someone has to endure to improve. Why? Because it's a challenge upon their character, what they do, and how they do it. Nobody can improve unless they're told they aren't good enough. What do you think this is?

This is not an attack. This is critique. Getting critiqued is never fun, but is has to be done for any improvement anywhere to ever be made.

Someone has to ask the hard questions and push the system. And that's, again, exactly what this is.

Under these rules the MOTS are supposed to be providing you the community answers. If you are not getting answers Maybe you should elect better MOTS.

How? How could we ever know who would have more access to information that anyone else? If all MOTS get relayed the same information, as little as it is, how can we elect MOST that would get more information? To this, I only reiterate;

Well, why don't you ask the current Members of the Season what they know about what plans we have? Because I can assure you, a lot of the content they have access to inside of the staff room is truly only a discussion that hasn't been concluded on-

They barely have any information on the game and future plans. In fact, they don't even know anything.

-it is not down to the MotS to gather that information themselves. It is down to Staff to ensure information is being relayed to them at a regular/efficient pace.

Do not blame the MOTS or anyone else for something that staff is failing to do. MOTS are not staff. How can they get information to provide more transparency if they cannot even get it in the first place?

If I recall, somewhere in that agreement I read something that went like this;

If a MOTS feels we are not doing our job they can pull us up on it.

Again, this is what they are doing. Perhaps it would have been better if it was brought up and discussed privately, to work out what's being said and not said, but it's inadvertently been placed here.

I'd also ask if anyone can find anywhere that you as a community rejected the MOTS proposal if you didn't want the MOTS to do this? Perhaps you can find a post where even one person said no we don't want this back when it was proposed?

If nobody rejected the idea I would assume that the community wanted it. Therefore you only have yourselves to answer to.

Perhaps the reason it was never rejected was because it sounded like it would fix this issue. In reality, it hasn't. The issue lies with Staff and how they are being transparent about things. If they cannot be transparent with the only other outlet, MOTS, and give a little information about what's going on, then how can anyone ever find out.

I don't know anything that's going on behind the scenes, but I'm certain there are some things that Staff could be more transparent about. Again, we aren't looking for a lot. We're not looking for everything. We just want a little bit of insight of what's to come. What you have planned. Again. Not everything. But something.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 10:32:37 pm by Ame88 »

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Re: Priorities
« Reply #59 on: June 25, 2019, 10:32:39 pm »
Haha, whoa! This is a kids' game based off The Lion King, Raz, not a 16th century monarchy! Remember that before we get all


The idea here is simple, and if regular old stupids like myself who nobody cares about, otherwise known as the general playerbase, have comments on this, I think this is extremely important. Extremely. Important.

Playing this game is like pulling teeth from time to time, and this is speaking as someone who is only a "casual" player, and if I had any other outlet would certainly play this game much less. This games staff is, known by everyone, inapproachable. That is the bottom line, and that alone is a call for something to be done. Absolutely increase transparency between the staff and the playerbase, because right now, having staff status brings you up to an untouchable elite, and i want to believe there are actual humans on that staff list who hate the fact that there is such a terrible divide.

dungeon dungeon dungeon
This game reminds me of the war.