Author Topic: Ask Vespian.  (Read 23722 times)

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2014, 01:53:35 pm »
1.) If all of us staff were stuck in the middle of a zombie apocalypse how do you think that would go? Who would die first lol?

2.) What was the scariest thing you ever had to do?

3.) Did you ever get in trouble for doing something really bad and if so what?

4.) How does Vespian feel about pup sitting? lol

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2014, 02:07:51 pm »
1. Fav Drink?
2. Your Charater Vespian Got Stuck in a map that you deleted, what would ya do?
3. What would you do if you went to babysit little kids and they all pulled your hair and tugged on your clothes and came home with many scratches?
4. If you found a kitten that was about to die on the street would you take it home and care for it or let it die?
5. Would you rather be an injured lion left behind the pride or a strong loner wolf that was very ugly and that caused you mateless?
6.If you got to spend the night with any staff that you wanted too who would you pick and what would you do?
7. If someone followed you everywhere in FH sending you friend requests, request after request after request what would you do?
8. If you had to dance in front of everyone at a dance party what would you do, say "I cant dance," and be laughed at or do all the coolest moves you know?
9. Salt or Pepper?
10. Would you rather be a piece of gum that people chew or a shoe that people wear?
11. Would you rather chew a shoe or lick the floor of walmart?

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2014, 02:14:41 pm »
- Let's just pretend for a second that you have a dog. Would you kill a puppy to save that dog?
-What do you do with bread?
-Why are Watermelons round? Why can't they be triangular?
-What's the square-route of 42? *intense staring*
- Let's imagine that dog again. He's about to get hit by a bus. If you try to save him, you could be hit to. Will you do it anyway?
-What if i told you that AlphaEclipse is your daughter? Don'tLookAtMeSheStartedIt
-What's your favourite Gif on the internet?

Offline Vespian

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2014, 02:56:25 pm »
Oh wow. This thread is really old.. I am almost embarrassed by it lookin' at all my old posts from last year. So many questions too. I better get to answerin'.

1:What job do you want to have someday?
2:Favourite lioness!? (includes me ;))

1. An animator, concept designer, graphic novelist. To be honest, I cannot make up my mind. Whatever's easier 'n more enjoyable on my behalf I s'pose.
2. I know not very many lionesses on a personal level. Even if I did, I wouldn't pick favorites but rather treat 'em all the way they treat myself. Hopefully equally.

Moarrr questions.

If you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would you pick?
What your...toothbrush?!
Someone you've never met before turns up on your doorstep and offers you a box a chocolate. What is your reaction?

` If I could live anywhere, it'd have to be in Canada close to a very good friend of mine who's moved there recently. She always tells me how she sees Grey Wolves 'n the like.
` Red.
` I'd probably give an awkward laugh after wrappin' my mind around the scenario then ask 'em if they have the wrong house. If they're persistent, I'd take the box of chocolates only to throw it out afterwards once they're gone (who knows. Those chocolates could have very well been poisoned).

Yes, more questions ;):

What is your pillow cover?
If you have three apples and you take away two, how many apples do you have?
Favorite candy?
Have you ever wanted to be famous?
What would you do if there is no such thing as FH at all?
What would you do if you were stuck in SLENDERMAN'S forest?
Ever have licked your feet before? They are very salty, believe me.
` It's.. merely a pale blue pillow case.
` One.
` Favorite candy... It might be peppermint bark.
` Nein. I'd be that one celebrity who attacks the paparazzi if/when they come around. I cannot stand crowded areas or bein' surrounded.
` I would most likely still be that nub on Xat thinkin' I'm the coolest kindergartner out of the bunch with my almighty jumbo crayon pack 'n goldfish. Or I might have moved on to some Impressive Title server.
` To be honest.. I'd most likely panic on the inside, maybe cry a little, then stare at my feet while dialin' for some help with my cellphone. Assumin' it works that is.
` I have not licked my own feet before. Wait, yes I have, when I was still a wee lad. Though I cannot remember what they tasted like.

Nobody ever ask you anymore? I need to nudge you to answer these questions!

1.] I'm all the sudden a mod/admin, and I have a high rank. What do?

2.] Can I woodchuck chuck wood?

3.] Should I praise all the mods/admins by sending them all the parts of the movie "Spirit"?

4.] I ship you with Vask.

5.] Where can I download your present so I can see you better in-game, because you look like a newb without the kickbutt present!
1. I'd congratulate ye' 'n look forward in workin' alongside ye'.
2 Not that I'm aware of.
3. T'is yer choice. I cannot answer that.
4. Op. Okay.
5. Here:
Vespian's Preset

1.) What made you want to make Vespian? Like what made you chose the colors and a wolf shape?
2.) Which do you prefer, crazy or blunt people?
3.) Have you ever been in a relationship? (Dun know if that's too personal....)
4.) How tall are you?
5.) Can you kinda describe what Vesp would look like as a human?
6.) Which would you be, a rock that sinks or a feather that drifts?
7.) Do you like gifs?

That ish all :I *LeBow*
` Vespian's a puppet. A host for The Puppeteer- a parasitic poltergeist. Therefore, naturally I wanted to give him the colour scheme of a wooden puppet with his variety of paints 'n trinkets expressin' his lunacy. He's adopted the wolf-like appearance for I prefer canines over most other species.
` Crazy people. They tend to make me grin.
` I have.
` I have no idea to be honest. I don't pay much attention when it comes to my own height.
` He'd look like this (artwork drawn by CheshireWolf97 via deviantART):

` I'd probably be a feather that drifts due to how enclosed I often am in my own mind.
` Nope. I love GIFs.

East coast or west coast
` East coast?

1.) If all of us staff were stuck in the middle of a zombie apocalypse how do you think that would go? Who would die first lol?

2.) What was the scariest thing you ever had to do?

3.) Did you ever get in trouble for doing something really bad and if so what?

4.) How does Vespian feel about pup sitting? lol
1. The outcome might turn out pretty favorable if ye' think about it. We have someone experienced with medicine (Shallow), a former war dog (Lord Suragaha- ye') who's more than likely familiarized with strategies 'n general survival, one who can fly overhead 'n scout the surroundin' area we're in (Allegra), a leader who keeps us all in check 'n makes sure we don't kill each other (Red), then there's Razmirz, etc. If any of us were to fall, the first would probably be poor Dr. Flob.
2. That's a difficult one.. Not a lot can scare me so it's difficult to say. Let me think on that one.
3. When I was real little, I used to get in trouble all the time for threatenin' to beat up my teachers (and the students) 'n throwin' one heck of an anger-filled tantrum in the classrooms. I won't go into detail about it though but it got to the point I had to visit the principle's office daily where she stuck a radio on my clothes in order to monitor me. That was before I was able to control my temper so I was a time bomb as a kid.
4. Vespian might be all for it though don't expect to actually find the pups there when ye' get back. He might have eaten 'em by then.

1. Fav Drink?
2. Your Charater Vespian Got Stuck in a map that you deleted, what would ya do?
3. What would you do if you went to babysit little kids and they all pulled your hair and tugged on your clothes and came home with many scratches?
4. If you found a kitten that was about to die on the street would you take it home and care for it or let it die?
5. Would you rather be an injured lion left behind the pride or a strong loner wolf that was very ugly and that caused you mateless?
6.If you got to spend the night with any staff that you wanted too who would you pick and what would you do?
7. If someone followed you everywhere in FH sending you friend requests, request after request after request what would you do?
8. If you had to dance in front of everyone at a dance party what would you do, say "I cant dance," and be laughed at or do all the coolest moves you know?
9. Salt or Pepper?
10. Would you rather be a piece of gum that people chew or a shoe that people wear?
11. Would you rather chew a shoe or lick the floor of walmart?
1. Tea.
2. I'd send him back home via the "Reset Character" option in the user panel.
3. I wouldn't kill 'em.. but I would get up 'n just leave 'em/abandon them and go home early. I'll deal with the parents later.
4. Considerin' my love for animals, I'd run right up to it, pick it up, 'n get it to a local vet as soon as possible.
5. I'd rather be the wolf.
6. I'd crawl over to Ms. Allegra's house and camp out in her cabinets hobo style.
7. I'd kick them off the server for spammin' me continuously.
8. Considerin' my shy nature, I would crawl away murmurin', "Nope. I cannot dance".
9. Pepper.
10. I'd rather be a shoe that people wear so I can trip them up and watch with amusement as they fall.
11. I'd rather chew a shoe.

- Let's just pretend for a second that you have a dog. Would you kill a puppy to save that dog?
-What do you do with bread?
-Why are Watermelons round? Why can't they be triangular?
-What's the square-route of 42? *intense staring*
- Let's imagine that dog again. He's about to get hit by a bus. If you try to save him, you could be hit to. Will you do it anyway?
-What if i told you that AlphaEclipse is your daughter? Don'tLookAtMeSheStartedIt
-What's your favourite Gif on the internet?
` Depends on how long I've known that dog and my personal connection with it.
` I eat it.
` Hmm. I know not why watermelons are round. I have heard of square watermelons before but I know not as to why they grow like that.
` *Googles it.* 6.48074069841
` I would.
` Where on earth am I gettin' all these fleshlings?! I already have two!
` Difficult to say on that one. A lot of GIFs have amused me quite so.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 03:22:06 pm by Vespian »


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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2014, 03:57:46 pm »
Ohhh :o kewl, now I love his colors even more from the first question!

Okay ummm....moar....

8.) Why do you use such wise language when talking? Like 'ye' and such?
9.) How many creatures has Vespian killed?
10.) Do you play video games? If so, what is your fav and what game do you want? (I lurve me some Nintendur!)
11.) Would Vespian make a good assassian? Stealth wise and such?
12.) Let's say that you started out with something other than FH for Vespian, like you could be ANYTHING in this said game. Would you have still picked a wolf? Or would you have picked like an actual puppet or a human like thing, or just another animal?
13.) Why are you such an awesome person?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 04:02:10 pm by ~Thyme~ »

Offline Vespian

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2014, 04:24:51 pm »
Ohhh :o kewl, now I love his colors even more from the first question!

Okay ummm....moar....

8.) Why do you use such wise language when talking? Like 'ye' and such?
9.) How many creatures has Vespian killed?
10.) Do you play video games? If so, what is your fav and what game do you want? (I lurve me some Nintendur!)
11.) Would Vespian make a good assassian? Stealth wise and such?
12.) Let's say that you started out with something other than FH for Vespian, like you could be ANYTHING in this said game. Would you have still picked a wolf? Or would you have picked like an actual puppet or a human like thing, or just another animal?
13.) Why are you such an awesome person?
8. I know not why I speak/type the way I do. Methinks it began when I wished to speak/type a bit differently than everyone else. Before I knew it, I began adoptin' terms 'n even makin' some of 'em up in order to slowly develop a unique accent to which I use both OOCly and ICly (via when Vespian speaks English). Even today I'm still adoptin' new forms of slang to add to my bizarre vocabulary.
9. He's killed many in his years. I cannot count them all.
10. I do play video games. I'm rather fond of games that allow me to be very stealthy like Dishonored, Skyrim, Outlast, etc but I'll play most everythin' if it has good graphics, blood, and a decent storyline. My favorite game would have to be Dishonored 'n one game that I've been seekin' to possess is Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2.
11. He'd fail so badly at bein' an assassin. He fights similar to a berserk, overwhelmin' his opponent by force and exhaustin' them completely to where one slip up equals injury.
12. He'd most likely still possess a canine-based anatomy at the very least since I'm so used to seein' him as a dog, I cannot picture him as another creature permanently.
13. I know not as to why I am. I'm merely my own self in my eyes. Nothin' very special, ehheh.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 04:26:57 pm by Vespian »

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2014, 05:48:53 pm »
1. Who's eyes are on Vespa's amazing necklace of wonders?

2. Do you approve of duck on duck violence?

3. If Vespian was an animal other than his own species, what animal would he be?

4. Do you know how to wash blood off your hands?

5. What would happen if Vespian's eye necklace one day- oh- happened to go.. missing? *casually slinks away with eye collar 'round neck*

6. Do you want to go to Candy Mountain? OuO
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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2014, 07:11:16 pm »
1. Who is your favorite character out of all your characters?
2. Other than FeralHeart, what other games do you like playing?
3. I stole your eyes, what do you do?
4. *Gives apple*
5. Who would you want playing you in a movie?
6. Are you prepared for a Zombie apocalypse?
7. *Gives more apples*
8. What is the best .Gif you've ever seen so far?
9. How would you greet santa?
10. Shark, Dragon or Dinosaur

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2014, 08:40:26 pm »
1. Who's eyes are on Vespa's amazing necklace of wonders?

2. Do you approve of duck on duck violence?

3. If Vespian was an animal other than his own species, what animal would he be?

4. Do you know how to wash blood off your hands?

5. What would happen if Vespian's eye necklace one day- oh- happened to go.. missing? *casually slinks away with eye collar 'round neck*

6. Do you want to go to Candy Mountain? OuO
1. The eyes of those Vespian has labelled worthy to be gauged out and shaped into a trinket fit for a Madman. Soon Grinjo's own eyes shall join the collection.
2. Duck on duck violence is a real thriller. Mmm.
3. He'd probably be a- does dragon count?
4. Violently scrub yer hands with soap 'n water 'til yer skin starts to peel, right?
5. Well, the necklace isn't just for Vespian's own amusement. His poltergeist, The Puppeteer, manipulates the collected eyes around his neck in order to see whatever may be around Vespian (since The Puppeteer lacks eyes of its own). If the necklace of flesh were to one day go missin', not only would Vespian be furious but his poltergeist too. I'll let yer imagination do the rest.
6. Oh yes. Time to exact revenge on that thing who stole my kidney.

1. Who is your favorite character out of all your characters?
2. Other than FeralHeart, what other games do you like playing?
3. I stole your eyes, what do you do?
4. *Gives apple*
5. Who would you want playing you in a movie?
6. Are you prepared for a Zombie apocalypse?
7. *Gives more apples*
8. What is the best .Gif you've ever seen so far?
9. How would you greet santa?
10. Shark, Dragon or Dinosaur
1. Vespian Soule Vahlok. Hands down.
2. Well I do play a lot of Xbox games like Outlast, Dishonored, The Darkness, Dead Island, Darksiders II, Red Dead Redemption, etc. Aside from Xbox games, practically nothin'.
3. Uh oh. *Kicks from server. Reason: For stealing Vespian's lovelies.*
4. *Eats apple.*
5. Myself for nobody can act as me better than I.
6. I am so prepared. I got a lifetime supply of Goldfish 'n the safety of my closet. Let's do this.
7. *Eats more apples.*
8. I cannot show it. It has swearin' in it. Actually all the best GIFs I've seen has swearin' in 'em or they're not good for the eyes here to see.
9. "Where's my presents?"
10. Dragon.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 08:42:17 pm by Vespian »

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Re: Ask Vespian.
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2014, 09:14:59 pm »
11. I like questioning you
12. Got any pets at all? Dog, cat, peasant?
13. What is your opinion on animal abuse?
14. *Gives apple cookies*
15. I'm not even sure if these are questions anymore..
16. Why can't we be friends, why can't we be frriieenndds
17. Oh, sorry- back to the questions...
18. What was your first character's name?
19. Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?
20. Whispr Vespian 4 a m8 2day

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