Author Topic: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming) [Inactive since 14/10/2012]  (Read 11363 times)

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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-one hundred fifty ears after the end of Naruto Shippuden-
Welcome to the Headquarters for the Top Secret S-Rank Mission of the Jinchuuriki! I have called you all here for a very important reason-here's your mission: many of the descendants of the Akatsuki and Orochimaru have come come back together-but now they aren't just looking for the Jinchuuriki-they're looking to take over the Five Great Nations by killing and impersonating the Hokages and destroying the villages from the inside out-at least that's the information I've received..., it could be much worse, but for right now, let's just assume that they have a very....very bad plan. So, we're here to stop them-kill them if we can-before they can do anything bad. I know we're kids, but we've all been training very hard.
Now, I'd like you all to introduce yourselves! Here's what you need to include:

Name (first and last):
Home Village:
Number of Tails:
Special Ancestors?:
Kekkei Genkai (if any):
Level (Academy, Genin, Chuunin, Jounin):
Past (if you wish to share it):
Team Members:
Extra Info:

Yeah, that's pretty much it. You can share any likes or dislikes if you want or anything, but that's really your own business.

You can cuss anyhow you want, but if someone asks you to censor it, please censor.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 11:19:04 am by Scallywag »

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 10:59:23 pm »
Hi~ ((This still Going on?))

Name: Uzumi Kuroko
Home Village: Suna (Doesn't live there)
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Number of Tails: One-Tailed (Shukaku)
Special Ancestors?: None Really
Siblings: None

She has deep black panda like circles around her eyes, like Gaara. Her eyes are a dark purple/blue color. Her hair is currently short though, going down to her chin, and is really shaggy. Also!! She doesn't wear that mask =P
Kekkei Genkai (if any): None
Level (Academy, Genin, Chuunin, Jounin): Genin
Past (if you wish to share it): Kuroko grew up alone, and was actually often mistaken for a boy as she had short hair at that point in time, and she has a boys name. Despite Gaara having been the Kazekage, most people in Suna we're deeply afraid of her.
Teacher: Huzumi Juriko
Team Members: Asuhara Ruiko and Nubuki Mizuri
Extra Info: Kuroko is currently living in Konoha, though the reason why is not currently known. She carries sand around in a seal on both of her wrists. Kuroko is commonly mistaken for a boy, and she isn't currently interested in dating of any kind. She also doesn't like having honorifics added to her name, and her nickname is Kuro.

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2012, 01:00:00 am »
This is so old-

Well, whatever, I'll make a new character and maybe we can jump-start this back to life XD.


Name (first and last): Himitsu Kurami

Home Village: Wandering Ninja-but was born in Kirigakure.  Her parents were from Konoh

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Number of Tails: 9. There's more than one Kyuubi out there, y'know
She also has lines on her face, like Naruto.

Special Ancestors: Nup.

Siblings: No siblings, but she sees fellow Jinchuuriki and her closest friends as sisters and brothers since she was so deprived of anyone her own age as a young children (purposefully bad grammar).


Kekkei Genkai: Nothing known to her. She does have little special senses, though. Sort of like premonitions and moments where she gets insides peoples' heads. But they're fleeting, and Kurami usually makes no note of them.

Level (Academy, Genin, Chuunin, Jounin): Genin

Past: Was born in the Kirigakure Village, but when she was old enough the walk her parents mysteriously disappeared one night. Everywhere she went, people always seemed to whisper about her. Other than that, people didn't seem to acknowledge her presence. When she was four, her aunt Rika-a Jounin-came to escort her from the village. They traveled from village to village, while Rika secretly taught her the ways of the Shinobi.
However, as soon as they seemed to settle in one place, the next thing Kurami knew she was woken up in the middle of the night to go off somewhere else.

Teacher: Himitsu Rika

Team Members: Um...none so far. She has just arrived in Konoha.

Personality: She is a very kind, out-going person who tries to be nice and listen to what other people have to say. However, Kurami gets bored easily and finds it sometimes a pain to listen to everyone's stories about, 'OMG, DID YOU SEE WHAT KONEKO DID ON THE BUS YESTERDAY?' She prefers conversations with a little more....substance to them. Whether that be humourous substance or interesting substance, she doesn't care.
She's a rather easy person to talk to, and it's pretty hard to get on her bad side since she's so tolerant of bullying. Of course, everyone has a pet peeve.... Oh, and I don't mean 'easy person to talk to,' as in she's stupid-I mean it as in, there's really nothing you can say that will get on her nerves.

Extra Info: Kurami's strong points are geography, literature, culture and arts. She's a rather good calligrapher, and knows much about the history and dialect of the villages. Her aunt taught her to be a lady as well as a ninja, but she prefers to just be herself. However, when needed, Kurami can be formal. She has some trouble recognising those times, though.


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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2012, 08:55:16 am »

Offline xXKitsuneNinjaXx

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2012, 05:02:23 pm »
((Both of you are accepted. I'll make the first post, because it takes up too much space to decide who goes first =3='))

'Rika-san, are we going to stay here?' Kurami asked, sitting down her bed. She adorned a yukata and kicked her feet leisurely.
   'I'm not sure, but we actually might this time,' Rika replied, brushing her hair.
'Why's that?' the blonde Kunoichi enquired.
   'Well, this village used to host the older Kyuubi, a little over a century ago,' Rika explained absent-mindedly.
'Kyuubi? You mean, like the nine-tailed fox Bijuu? What does that have to do with us?' Kurami wondered.
    Rika realised her mistake. ' It just means they must be tolerant if they let a Jinchuuriki reside here.'
'But didn't all the villages have Jinchuuriki?' she asked, halting her kicking.
   'Well, sometimes, but the Kyuubi was the most feared,' she explained.
'Ah. I don't think it matters. They're all powerful. I wish I could meet a Jinchuuriki.'

Rika winced a little as Kurami leaned over her bed on her stomach, staring wistfully out the window. There was a moment of silence, and she suddenly had another question.

'Who was the last Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?' she asked.
    'Uzumaki Naruto,' Rika replied.
'Wasn't he the Hokage of this village a century and a half ago?' she needed conformation.
   'Why, yes. How did you know?' her aunt wondered, shocked that she knew so much about the Kyuubi.
'I studied some of the scrolls at the library yesterday. They were rather interesting, and I wanted to know more about the Hokages,' she replied, turning over onto her back. 'So....who is the Kyuubi today?'
   'I think that it's still out rampaging,' Rika replied, now applying make-up.
'Did you know that Uzumaki-sama had lines on his face like me?' she probed.
  'No, I didn't,' she lied. 'What a coincidence.'
'It's not a coincidence,' Kurami insisted, her voice dead serious. 'Why won't you tell who the Jinchuuriki is?'
   'Because there isn't one, sweetie. It's still out there somewhere,' Rika sat down beside Kurami.
'The Kyuubi's not an it! He's a HE!' she snapped.
   Rika snickered a little. 'Why do you say that?'
'Maybe he deserves a little respect,' she growled.
   'Sweetie, it's a demon. Demons don't deserve respect.'
Kurami looked at her, eyes stormy. 'Are you saying Jinchuuriki don't deserve respect?'
   'No. You act as if Jinchuuriki are demons. That's as rude as it gets,' Rika scolded. 'Don't come out of your room until you've thought this over.'

Rika just wanted an excuse to get out of there, Kurami knew it. There was something she was hiding from her, she wasn't sure what yet, but it had something to do with Jinchuuriki. She got up out of her bed, changed into her ninja outfit. She slipped out of the window and leapt to the next rooftop, proceeding to locate the tallest building. She identified the Hokage's palace-thingy to have the best vantage point, but an even better one would be above the carved faces of the Hokages. There were seven and they were constructing the eighth. The sixth one was of Uzumaki Naruto-and he definitely had those lines on his cheeks like she had.

Kurami's family did come from Konoha originally, but she knew it was more than a coincidence, contrary to Rika's statement. She made her way towards the Hokage's palace via the rooftops so that she would not get muddled in the thick crowds. Finally, she made it to the ladder of construction where they were building the eighth Hokage.

His name escaped her at the moment, but she didn't really care as she climbed up the ladder and climbed to to the crown of the cliffs. She ended up on top of Uzumaki-sama's head. Konoha was really an amazing place; it was so big! How did people find their way so easily?

She wasn't sure where to go first, but then she noticed someone calling to her from down below...

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2012, 12:20:20 am »
((Indeed it does take alot of time! Just for something funny perhaps, Since Kuroko looks like a boy, and has a boy name, you guys can mistake her for a guy if you want XD))
Elsewhere in Konoha, one very boyish looking person was sitting in a tree, legs swinging back and forth in boredom. His, or hers, had one pale hand supporting them-self as they leaned back on it, while the other was raised forward in the air. A thin trail of sand was wrapping itself around the persons raised arm, gradually becoming thicker. Sighing, the red-head let her arm go limp, and he or she ended up swinging backwards, ending upside down hanging by her legs. However, they looked up when a blonde boy ran into the street below her, which was actually just a side-street towards the outskirts of Konoha. He had big hazel eyes, and was wearing a short-sleeved hoodie with black pants. His hair was flat at the top, and in lairs. He had spiky bangs covering his forehead and as his head snapped back and forth it flew all over the place. "Kuroko!? Where are you!! Sensei's mad MAD at you!!" The blonde called. Suddenly sand swept up underneath him and the boy yelped, rising into the air, stopping in front of the boy or girl, now known as Kuroko. "AH!" The blonde yelled in surprise.
"Yes, Ruiko?" The panda-eyed red-head spoke, in a sort of a question. The blonde sheepishly smiled and scratched his cheek.
"You're late for training again! Juriko-sensei is ticked!"
"Really? I could have sworn it was only 10..." Kuroko commented back.
"Training started at 8." Ruiko sweatdropped, looking at her. The shaggy redhead in front of him, blinked owlishly.
"Whoops." The sand below the blonde gave out, slumping back to the ground, causing him to fall. The teen in the tree brought her hands up, gripping the branch. And unhooked her legs. She or he swung backwards, bending her arms in a seemingly painful way, and then landed on the ground. "Let's go." The dark red and black wearing teen was now standing beside the blonde, who also got up. Turns out Kuroko was taller then Ruiko, which caused the blonde to look annoyed. However, the red-head managed to ignore this and began walking towards the opposite direction Ruiko came from. The blonde sweatdropped, and coughed into his hand to get his teammates attention.
"Thats the wrong way."
"I know that." Kuroko responded, and just...kept...walking.


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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2012, 12:31:19 am »
I don't even know if there are Hotels in Konoha, but oh well. Oh and Shika isn't with her team mates right nao. Shika doesn't like the way they treat Anzu. I'm also really tired, i had a competition so my role play is gonna be short. D: Sorry..

Shika was walking around in Konoha looking for somewhere to stay, when Anzu bolted into a large building. She swiftly walked into the building, trying to catch Anzu. Anzu was face to face with an older woman. Shika grabbed Anzu and was walking out the door when the woman said: "Wait! You don't look like you're from around here, maybe you could stay the hotel." Shika turned around, still holding Anzu and said: "This is a hotel? It's larger than the one's I see in Kumogakure." Anzu snorted and the woman smiled. "Yes, it is." the woman said happily. Shika filled out some papers, and went to her room with Anzu to unpack. Anzu was jumping on her bed, making lots of noise. Finally, Shika was done unpacking and tackled Anzu, Anzu and Shika were playing for a while, but Shika got tired and fell asleep.

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2012, 01:26:17 am »

I'm sure that there's a hotel in there somewhere XD))

Kurami sat there for a minute, her pale hair whipped back by the slight autumn breeze. After tiring of the scenery after a while, she made her way back to the ladder and climbed down. She was hassled slightly by some of the construction workers, but she simply ignored them and continued her descent.

As she continued her trek back to the castle to arrive back before her aunt realised she was gone she saw a young boy with a shaggy red hair. Wait no-was that a girl? Maybe a hermaphrodite..Kurami shrugged her shoulders and continued on, meaning to ignore the group of ninjas that she passed.

There was something about the redhead boy that intrigued her, though...She wasn't usually one to hold back, usually.

'Hey, are you new to Konoha? Your headband says you're from Sunagakure in the land of the Wind, right? I really like that village, it's always intrigued me. I used to live there-it was only for a few days though. I can't say I like the weather, but the architecture was cool. I hear it's home to Shukaku-the one-tailed demon. He's a raccoon, right? Or was he a panda? Something with dark rings around his eyes. I'm really interested by Jinchuuriki. Hey, do you know who the current Kyuubi Jinchuuriki is? He's one of the only ones I don't know. I know the Shukaku is a guy named Uzumi Kuroko. Say, speaking of that, what's your name? Mine's Himitsu Kurami. Sorry, I'm not usually this much of a chatterbox, or this annoying. In fact, I'm usually pretty quiet, but something about you really interests me,' she blabbered out suddenly, not knowing she was capable of such stupid-sounding outbursts.

Kurami didn't really care, though. She didn't really care what other people thought of her-she was indifferent to herself.

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2012, 07:13:49 am »
... YUS!
Name: Fuyu ShiroYuki (Sorta more of a title)
Home Village: Yuki no Kuni
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Number of Tails: 1
Special Ancestors?: None any special
Siblings: They're all DEAD! (She kinda had a Sasuke event) 3 brothers and a big sister
Kekkei Genkai: None
Level: Academy ( think)
Past: It started out pleasant. She grew up familiar to snow and the arctic, but somehow her sister went mad and killed them all. Eventually the sister perished from the disease, blah blah blah, so far a happy typical history.
Teacher: Shiro Hokkyokuken
Team Members: None currently
Extra Info: She's going blind yet she can manage otherwise. Don't under-estimate her, she's tough.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 02:08:17 pm by okami129 »

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Re: NARUTO RP! (You knew this was coming)
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2012, 08:15:54 am »
1. Not sure what the YukiKuni Village is. I haven't finished all of Shippuden (probably never will), so I don't know if it's introduced later or what, but if it's not a real village please use an actual canon one.

2. Please announce who your teacher is if she actually has one. You can just make up a name-you won't have the same teachers 150 years later.

Other than that, you're accepted. -Happy fruit loops dance of rainbows and lederhoooooooooooosen~
(I woke up at 4 in the morning to work on project, forgive me =3=')