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Messages - Moonchez

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Hey there, I've been playing Feral Heart on my Acer Swift 1 until it broke down.  I've now switched to my dad's older and bigger laptop DELL Vostro.  After downloading Feral Heart and adding my Installations for packs/Fur textures, I launch the game/Login/ and then when I enter the world I can only see my character in a blank space.. As in its just my character and there's nothing there, it's all black. It still shows the icons for emotes/chat/menu and stuff but there isn't anyone talking, it's like I'm in a oblivion of space of some sort and it isn't fun.  I've tried toggling the video settings as well, and keep in mind that I always have the 'Play Game' online on my browser. I'm not sure how to solve this solution anymore, I've tried restarting the laptop/checking my internet connection/re installing Feral Heart and it's files but nothing seems to work.  Does anyone have any solution to this? I'm using quite a old laptop but its fairly good since it was expensive when my father bought it, Intel Core i5 and it had a built in windows 7. I'm currently up to date on Windows 10.  I'm not too keen on the technical stuff, so my bad if I forgot a few details.


In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / ~.:Kibou Huskies:.~
« on: January 01, 2019, 02:32:13 pm »
Hey there! Let's take a moment to appreciate you reading this thread, I'm the owner and founder of the roleplay: Kibou Huskies.  We are currently accepting members as we already have a whopping number at 30+ members are looking forward to welcoming new recruits, now how about you take a second and read all of the information as it's very significant.

Backstory: BOOM! The gunshot was heard from a mile away, giving the signal for the race to start, the Huskies one by one pulled until each restrains of their muscle was at max, the two teams began pimping snow from the ground as they drifted off into the cold, harsh tundra.  From Canada to Alaska, a race to deliver material goods/natural recourses such as beaver pelts were crucial to winning this race, the two dogs in front of the sled, Akita, and Daskar were known as the 'alphas'.  They led their team to accomplish the mission along with their trusty human at the back, controlling the sled.  A few hours past until the dogs realized they were going in circles, had the human forgotten its way? They were stuck of course, as dusk darkened the skies, the temperature began to drop, their sled team would've been there by now...  Akita noticed the unusual behaviors of their fellow two-legged friend, he was coughing...  His voice seemed as it was quenching for water and his skin looked like as if he was literally turning into a snowman! "Hypothermia..." Akita mumbled she knew that he had no chance as her instincts warned her pack-mates.  It was now 5 AM, dawn soon colored the skies a savannah yellow, the pack was on their own from their witnessed death... A few hours of padding through the crunchy snow, they spotted a cave sight... They settled down from there, ignoring the wild-life threats.  From now on Akita and her pack calls this home, as they are now known as feral huskies. While the story progresses, the pack will meet outsiders that are soon to add exciting role-play.

Now that you've read the back story, it's time to discuss the ranks:
Alpha Male (Free Slot)
Alpha Female (Taken): Akita/Female (of course)
Second In Command (Taken): Freddie/Male
Lead Hunter (Taken): Neil/Male
Lead Warrior (Taken): Blizzard/Male
Warrior/Ace (11 members)
Hunting Group (3 members)
Elder(s): Sumo/Male
Young Huskies//Pup//Teen (3 members)
Omega(s) (2 members)
Outsiders (4 members)

Did you take a good peek at the ranks? Now let's discuss on the group information:

This group is MAPPED and is held on DISCORD, in order to join you must be able to download maps and you must have a discord account, the group consists of semi-literate to literate role-players, this is a REALISTIC role-play, therefore I want your character to be realistically designed, colors that you wouldn't see on a dog IRL are forbidden. 

Let's take a good look of your character shall we?

First things first, after you join this group you will be asked to write a 'character-bio' on discord, alright let's move that out of the way and discuss the important things for you; **CHARACTER RULES**

1. If you choose to be a mixed dog breed you MUST be part husky in order to be in the sled team (Inside roleplay)
2. If you choose to be a wolf/wolfdog you will automatically become an outsider.
3. Please do not write anything similar to "Strongest dog in the pack, can eat everything, dodges everytime you attack it, max health, very fast, expert swimmer." PLEASE BE REALISTIC IN YOUR BIO YOUR CHARACTER MUST HAVE WEAKNESSES!
4. When designing any of your characters please take note that for example, if you're making a husky choose realistic pelt colors and eye colors, we don't want a pink husky roaming around.

**That's all for the CHARACTER rules folks! Scroll down to continue**

Here are the **PACK RULES ((inside role-play))

1. It is FORBIDDEN to flirt with a loner/outsider, you can be punished by the alphas!
2. Disobeying the alpha will result in an attack/punishment/eviction (Thrown outside for _ number of days)
3. Challenging the alpha then failing will result in an automatic rank change to 'omega'.
4. Wait for the alpha(s) to finish eating first, a howl will be heard for you to join in.


Now if you'd like to join this magnificent role-play, contact me on discord (Akita The Husky#2858 SPACES ARE INCLUDED) or if you spot me on Feral Heart my username goes by the name of Moonchez, thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope you enjoy our pack as we give out warm welcomes! ^^ ((THERE ARE NO ROLE-PLAY SAMPLES REQUIRED))


In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: weeeooo looking for a RP
« on: December 31, 2018, 01:57:33 pm »
Hey there! We're proud to announce that Kibou Huskies is accepting new recruits! We're growing at a whopping rate of 30+ members! Information will be on discord and the Feral Heart group itself, if you'd like to join contact me on discord: Akita The Husky#2858 SPACES INCLUDED, and if you spot me on FH say hi: Moonchez.  We give you a warm welcome ^^

Hey there! Kibou Huskies is welcoming new-comers! I'll be giving you all the information you need about the role-play, this is a mapped, realistic role-play of huskies/cross-breeds of dogs.  Contact me on discord for more information, or if you see me in game! Discord : Akita The Husky#2858, FH user: Moonchez.  We're growing at a whopping rate of 30+ members, welcome to have you ^^

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Looking for an ACTIVE Pack
« on: December 31, 2018, 01:41:53 pm »
I am but a humble wolf needing a home. I am currently in the Cherika Valley (and lost because I just came back and it's all new to me).

I'm Keira [in-game: Keira F Wolf, KeiraKinover-Mar]

Doesn't matter the level of literacy or anything, I just wanna be able to be with other wolves.

Hey there! My pack is taking in new recruits as we're at a whopping rate of 30+ members! The pack is known as Kibou Huskies as we're discord held, role-play sessions are active, we're happy to take you in ^^, my feral heart user is: Moonchez, if I don't appear to be online contact me on discord: Akita The Husky#2858 SPACES ARE INCLUDED~ Thanks!

Hey guys! Akita here (Aka Moonchez) I'm finally here to announce a new pack that's accepting members! This pack has 30+ members and is looking forward to increasing its numbers.  This is a discord held group, if I'm not online on Feral Heart, contact me on discord: Akita The Husky#2858, the spaces are included.  I'll just tell a brief story of the pack and how things go! Kibou Huskies: A group of Huskies was on their mission to travel from Alaska to Canada, during the trip the snowflakes awoken from the skies and covered half of the earth with glittering snow. Akita, the female head of the sled and her team witnessed a death during the travel, the death of their human you could say.  Left out in the open, no food or water they had to survive on their own in the harsh cold.. This role-play series will consist of you adding your character-bio and rank on discord, role-play sessions are normally active as for right now we're downloading a custom map only for this role-play! Downloads are needed in order for no marsh-mellow people to be seen, we give you a warm welcome and a happy new years! ~Akita The Husky

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