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Messages - SophyTheLioness

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Game Discussion / Re: Old Maps and gatherin around Bonfire Island
« on: March 17, 2018, 05:10:35 pm »
Yeessssss! I'm all up for it <3 But, maybe in an official announcement? Since I know a lot of people don't even read thread titles LOL, an in-game announcement could be done with movieclips too.

Finished Maps / Re: Anakai Desert
« on: March 17, 2018, 08:42:15 am »
This looks p. neat!

Tbh as many as i want. YesIgottalotfreetime.

The only thing that restricts me joining a group is:

1. If i join just because. In essence: "huh. They don't sound very interesting but its what i've got at hand rn..." If I am just bored and I join a group just because i am bored there's a 80% chance I will just dissapear whitin days or maybe the next day even. It's something inside me, thats all lol. I don't mean to do it usually, its just if i don't really enjoy the group I just don't stick around for much.

2. The group's community quality: I will feel super eh or downbeat if on my first days of joining I find myself all lonely or silent because the members don't interact with eachother/new members at all or don't reply in group chat when someone asks something. It's a concept that in general makes me feel angry. New members in rp groups should be treated with a welcoming hue and positive attitude. All-silent groups also hit my nerves (maybe because i am a super chatterbox LMAO).

3. Their rules: If a group requires me to be on 8 days out of a 7 days week there's nearly 0.1% chance i'm staying because i will either be kicked for inactivity on purpose (not connecting on that group's char) because they've become a "chore" (and chores become burdens over time if you don't like to do them) or not meaning it out of forgetfulness or i'm just busy with other groups or IRL projects. It also becomes very tiring if the group has legit over 800 very detailed rules. It is not only a hassle to read, but makes you feel very "eghhhhhhhhhhh." at least in my case. Anything else about the group that is 10 miles long and ISNT a rules thread is okay by me though! I love reading rp lore.

4. The leader's attitude: I'll often stay a long time in a group if the leaders are serious enough, respectful, and smart with their group related decisions, but still fun to talk with. I don't wish to have an army general as my leader in an online animal rp group because i'll end up feeling like i'm walking on a minefield everytime i type in group chat as i said on the pont above. Sorry. An always goofing around, unresponsible, unresponsive and inactive leader is not a very attractive catch either x_x

Woah i didnt realize how long this got until i finished typing LOL
Anyways yeah, thats my criteria. My average is 6-12 groups at once though

Daanggg that looks super neat!! it feels so cozy when a map has small, detailed spaces to "hide" in :O

Meshes / Re: Pizza items. Kuri makes weird items...
« on: March 16, 2018, 07:12:19 pm »
sooftly cries
You're too good for this world
ily and your items too ;;

Discussion Board / Re: #Selfie
« on: March 16, 2018, 07:09:10 pm »
oH MY GOD y'all so fine??? i'm so jelly jfc -cries- <3333

Game Discussion / Re: Harmless Movie Trolling
« on: March 16, 2018, 07:06:33 pm »
LOL its not my fave activity but its p. neat to jump into other people's movieclips in the distance with a face. Like. A super serious movieclip ad about a deathly edgy group, and then b o o m a random thing jumping in the bg with OMG plastered across their face. I don't usually do them myself, but when i do its probs bc i am extremely bored. I started singing let it go with random persons thru movieclips in cherika once.
THAT level of boredom.

Game Help / Re: How to have smooth terrain in maps?
« on: March 16, 2018, 06:49:26 pm »
You could try using a larger heightmap to decrease bumps when rendered (especially if you're resizing the terrain larger in the Map Maker). Contrary to popular belief, you can make heightmaps larger than 513x513. However, they MUST be a power of two plus one, hence (512 + 1, 512 + 1), (1024 + 1, 1024 +1), (2048 + 1, 2048 + 1), et cetra. Note that it will also increase load times significantly, by about the same factor of a power of two used when loading the heightmap and generating terrain.

Ah, adding to what Vili said! I think you need to edit the code of the map for anything bigger than 1024, but i am not certain since i've tried this one months ago and my memory is rather blurry. Don't take that as a fact, just as a note.
What i wanted to say, too, was that lag increases wildly if you decide to hop into a 2048 heightmap (At least in my case) I recommend using 1024, detailed enough and less laggy. 2048 is kind of... An excess? I tried it in a map that was plain except a bunch of random tests and even then it was a little laggy. Imagine how much my computer strained loading when i decided to add mountains, tunnels and other detailed stuff. Not a single object...
Here are black basic files with the heightmap sizes already set, they are all grayscale already.
(1025 px) (read explanation above)
(2049 px) (Yes thats the size it says it has. It works on FH, so don't question me, question the game LOL)

Meshes / Re: Dog agility meshes
« on: March 16, 2018, 06:33:53 pm »
Ohhh these look so neat! If there was ever an "olympics" parody map i think thosewould fit right in lol or just a competitions map would be nice for just chilling with friends or rping show dogs :o I'd def use those if i were making maps of that kind

Sadly, i think shadows are impossible to stick into feralheart due to a lack of access to the source code. I'm not sure if its also because of a (maybe) incompability between water reflections and shadows, but I think its because it would produce a lot of lagging.
A lot of it. You have no idea ;;
Regardings it being a good idea? Hell yeah i'd put that in in a flash!

Forest and wind sounds i think we already have but crickets would be p. neat, especially if there was a way of only turning their sounds on at night time.

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