Author Topic: How to Create More/Edit Emotes!  (Read 8515 times)

Offline Aviarii

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How to Create More/Edit Emotes!
« on: August 05, 2018, 07:28:03 am »
Hello everyone!
In this small tutorial, I'll be showing you how to create more emotes, or if you'd want to, edit the current ones.

This can be helpful in a wide variety of ways, such as taking a screenshot with a custom emote that expresses yourself, or "fixing" the current ones to your desire.

I hope this guide will help you in some way :>
Now, let's get started, shall we?


First, you need to open up emotes.cfg, as that is the file storing all your emotes. It is recommended to open it up in notepad.

The first thing you should see is this list of code, as that is what you are going to be using to create and edit emotes:


Here is also few more that did not come with the coding, but should work just the same (Which were given to me by FlyingGrass. Thank you!):


And for some crazy emotes, there also also these emotes as well:



Next, below, this code is all of the emotes you should have now. They should look a bit like this (At least "normal" should, anyway):



To be able to edit, for example, "Smile," then you'd have to look over the emote-code once more to see what you'd like to fix about this emote. Whatever emote-code you use, remember to delete the "#" to the left of it and then add "=" to the right of it, then the number of how much that emote should do/etc. I'll add "JawOpen" and "ShowTongue" to its code, which now should look like this:


And here is what it should look like in-game after saving the file:


Pretty easy, right?
Now that you know how to edit the emote coding, now you can learn how to create a brand new one!


To create your own emote, you must first name it something in the way you'd like it to. For example, [Normal]. The name of the emote has to be surrounded with brackets, or else it may not work. You should also place your emote to be the last one in the list, as I've always done it this way. I'm not too sure if it works to be in the middle of the list or etc, so you may have to take my word for it.

As an example, I'll be naming my emote [Test]. This will be it's code:



Now, you must save the file as you have done before, and login to your account in the game.
After you have done that, open up emotes and find your custom emote. Once you have found it, click on it and see how it looks!


(Very Short) FAQ

Are others able to see the edits I've done to an already-existing emote?
I believe not. If you've done any configuration to the emote "Normal," than they are just able to see the normal, un-edited version of that emote.

Are others able to see my custom emote?
I'm not sure, but possibly not. I'm pretty sure others would see you are just doing the emote "Normal." if not, let me now..!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 05:51:19 pm by Aviarii »

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Re: How to Create More/Edit Emotes!
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2018, 06:48:10 am »
I was always wondering how to make custom emotes. Now I can make the most glitched up faces imaginable. Thank you for this tutorial!

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Re: How to Create More/Edit Emotes!
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2018, 06:52:57 am »
Even though I know how to create emotes, this REALLY helps plot out key details. Thank you for making this, awesome work!

Also I gotta have some very cute and pretty presets there x)

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