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Messages - Samue

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Game Help / Re: Is There A Way to Shape Stuff in GIMP?
« on: February 10, 2020, 12:14:17 pm »
The Warp Transform tool can shape things. Before Gimp version 2.10 it was called iWarp and was in the Filters tab (near the top of the window) under Distorts and worked a little differently. You can use it to move pixels, grow an area, shrink an area, swirl parts of the image, and a few more things (in Gimp 2.10 or greater the place you change those settings is right above where you`d change the size of your brush).
You`d probably want to scale up the image before using the tool, though. You can scale it using the scale tool.

If the dotted yellow border that`s visible on the picture you posted cuts anything off then you can click on the layer it`s on then go to Layer (near the top of the window) and click on Layer to Image Size and it`ll stop cutting things off.

If you select something you can move it by holding down shift-ctrl-alt then hold down left-click and drag it around (only let go of shift-ctrl-alt when you`re done moving it).

Finished Maps / Re: New map(Boreal Forest)
« on: August 08, 2018, 09:09:15 pm »
To change the destination portal: When you open Map Maker look for the words "Destination Position." Then create an object (maybe a fern or something you can run through) and put it where you want the player to appear. Then copy the X, Y, and Z values/numbers of the fern (y`know, the numbers in the boxes right next to X, Y, and Z that aren`t used for changing size?) to the X, Y, and Z boxes of the "Destination Position" part of the "Map" tab. Then delete the fern if ya want.

Maybe you could try making a terrain height map / height map for your next map.

I`m not sure what went wrong to make your texture a solid color, but here are a few things that I think are required for certain textures to work:

The mesh must have been unwrapped. If it wasn`t unwrapped then in edit mode (in blender) you can press a to select the whole mesh then press u and then click one of the options that appears (maybe "Smart UV Project").
     I think that the object can only be exported in object mode, in case you see the export button greyed out after doing this.
     I didn`t change any of the export settings and it turned out ok.

I`m unsure if this is necessary, but I deleted all objects in the blender scene (including the lamp and camera) except the mesh before exporting the file.

Maybe ignore or even delete the scene file that was created by exporting, or just move it to the desktop in case it somehow interferes with the mesh.

I put the XML document that was created from exporting the object in blender, I put it on an application called OgreXMLConverter and got a MESH file out of it.

Then I put the mesh in the my_objects folder and copied (copied, not cut) the rock MATERIAL file from the rocks folder into the my_objects folder.
Then I deleted everything in the new rock file but this
material rockMat
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture rockTex.jpg
And then rename the rockTex.jpg to the name of your texture and rockMat to the name you`ll put into the Material text box under the Mesh tab of FeralHeart`s object maker.
     You can rename the new rock file itself to whatever ya want.


     Note: With the way I make meshes, when I load the mesh into the game is appears pure white. Then, in the Material text box under the Mesh tab of FeralHeart`s object maker, I have to type in the name of the material (rockMat being an example).

     I use Blender 2.59 when working with FH.

Characters / Re: Character Interviews
« on: March 12, 2017, 08:40:00 am »
Yeah! This is cool! I`ll try it with one of my characters... Sorry if this character hurts your feelings.

Shear 8)
What's your name?
Shear: "Shear is mah nickname."

Do you know why you were named that?
Shear: "No..."

Are you a boy or a girl?
Shear: "You can call me female, but genders don`t really matter..."

Are you single or taken?
Shear: *unsheathes claws* "Repeat that question and I`ll *censors words*"

Have any abilities or powers?
Shear: *unsheathes blades throughout her body*

Stop being a mary-sue
Shear: "You stop asking me these questions!"

Uh...if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win?
Shear: "Hah, of course I would..."

Riiiight... Have any family members?
Shear: "What? Are you doubting me?!"

Oh? How about pets?
Shear: "If I had a pet, I`d be torturing it right now."

Cool, I guess. Tell me something that you don't like.
Shear: "You."

Something that you do like?
Shear: "I hate everything."

Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Shear: "Hurting people."

Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before?
Shear: "Duh! Wait... Where`s anyway..?"

Ever...killed anyone before?
Shear: "Yes."

What kind of animal are you?
Shear: "Are you blind?" (Sorry, Shear`s a DragonWolf-Hybrid)

Name your worst habits.
Shear: "?"

Do you look up to anyone at all?
Shear: "Boooooooo..." *makes random noises* "Boooored....."

Gay, straight, or bi?
Shear: *slashes at you*
Darkue: "She doesn`t really get in relationships..."

Do you go to school?
Darkue: "Yeah, Shear went to school before."

Ever wanna marry and have kids one day?
Darkue: *holds Shear back from killing someone*

Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Shear: "Yeah, but I killed her."

What are you most afraid of? I promise I won't laugh.
Shear: "E-everything..."

*snicker* Ok, ok. What color is your hair?
Shear: "You don`t even care about me?! *censors something upsetting*"

Shear: "And yet you talk about eyes..!"

What do you usually wear? Nothing perverted.
Shear: "Even through how I have acted..."
Darkue: *holds Shear back*

Ok. What's your religion?
Shear: "You still don`t know what I`m like!"

Do you wish this quiz is over?
Shear: "Please..!"

Well, it's still not over.
Shear: "Of course. You still have even more insults to inflict upon me.."

Anyways, where do you live?
Shear: "I`m lost."

What class are you? (Low class, middle class, high class)
Shear: "I`m broke. ..Probably more money than you have..."

How many friends do you have?
Shear: "I have killed all of my friends."

Wow. If you could change anything
what would it be?
Shear: "My creation."

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? And I don't want no cheap answer, ya hear?
Shear: "I would buy torture devices. ...Heheh, cheap answer..."

What is your thoughts on pie?
Shear: "Pie is disgusting."

Alright. What's your favorite food?
Shear: "Food is gross..."

Favorite drink?
Shear: "Blood."

What is your favorite place?
Shear: "I hate everything."

Least favorite?
Shear: "I don`t have a favourite."

Are you still wanting the quiz to end?
Shear: "I could have ended it if only Darkue would not have stopped me..!"

Yeah. Well, it's over.
Shear: "Okay."

Characters / The WolfDragon-Hybrids Shroud, Shaden, and Shear
« on: March 12, 2017, 06:10:19 am »
Note: I wish I could change the poll so that people were able to change their votes because I might change the information about the characters...

And the results of the poll are... Interesting. It seems that everyone chose Shear. However, only 4 people have voted.. I wonder if people are actually reading the descriptions..?

Thank you very much for your compliments! They help to inspire me.

Random words

Nickname: Shroud | Gender: Male | Species: Panimoon DragonWolf-hybrid. | Personality: He might seem friendly most of the time, but has a secret part of his personality that he tries to hide. | Powers: He isn`t born knowing about his powers so if you meet him at different points of his life he might not know about these powers that he has. AestheticPower: No, not anesthetic, aesthetic! As in beauty. He has the power to gain random glowing markings on his body sometimes. The markings don`t stay there forever. HealingPower: He can heal others, but not himself. This power significantly weakens while in a serious fight (as opposed to play fighting) and he can only heal others if they are not resisting the power. IllusionPower: He can mask pain as something else. FlightPower: He has wing-like tendrils on his dress. The tendrils can grow partially transparent orange wings. | OtherInfo.: He is a prince. | RandomQuotes: "Hey, it`s doctor Shroud!" or "Today on Doctor Shroud..." | Backstory: He ran away from home in order to meet new people. He didn`t mind that he got lost; at least he succeeded in his quest of meeting new people! One downside to running away is that he really misses his loving parents.

Here is a picture of Shroud:

Shaden <--That says Shaden
Nickname: Shaden | Gender(I always mean the actual gender of the character, not the orientation or preferred gender): Both | Species: Panimoon sharp-spike (fake) shadow DragonWolf-hybrid. | Personality: Extremely shy, so she tends to get lonely because of that (especially if she is around people). Her loneliness helps her get past her fears. | Power: AestheticPower: This is more of a quality than a power. This power is that the greenish markings on her head glow. These markings do not change or vanish. | Scent: Her actual scent is faint, but smells a lot like blood. | OtherInfo.: She has fur softer than kitten might have! Also, I have a Shaden preset so you might see Shaden walking around in the game. | RandomQuote: "None could hear her, in the colorful land of the desolate." | Backstory: In the beginning she wasn`t so shy until someone traumatized her.
     She ran away from home to go explore, but eventually got lost. She ran around, searching for home, but wasn`t able to ask anyone for directions since she was so shy. She looked until she had reached a new land, a land called The Land of The Desolate. She had grown tired of searching so she settled there. She was the only living thing in that place... Even the trees were dead. She was trapped there until Shroud found her and helped her out.

Here is a picture of Shaden:

Nickname: Shear | Gender(I always mean the actual gender of the character, not the orientation or preferred gender): Both | Species: Panimoon spiky shadow DragonWolf-hybrid. | Personality1: She is a jerk. She insults and attacks people, sometimes even killing them. The scarier someone is, the more likely she will attack them. In her case it would be better to run away from her than it would be to stand your ground or intimidate her. She is like this because she was cursed before she born... If you gave her a chance and really got to know who she is then you might love her. Because of the curse, she lives in suffering.. | Power: HealingPower: She has healing powers that are a lot like Shroud`s, except that she can`t heal others and can only heal herself. AttackPower: Again, I wouldn`t call this a power, but a quality. Shear has the power to sheath blades that are all across her body. The picture of her below shows some of the sheathable blades. | OtherInfo.: None so far? | RandomQuote: "Love and Fear" | Backstory: She loved her loving parents and was never mean to them, but she was a jerk to everyone else. Nobody except Shear`s parents knew why Shear was so mean. Eventually the people of the village became fed up with this bully terrorizing everyone so Shroud caused Shear to run away from home. Shear had chased Shroud until she lost him, so she became lost herself. Shroud was just trying to protect his home.

Here is a moving guide of what Shear looks like:

[2/10/2020 Edit:]
Fixed the broken image links for Shroud and Shaden. Shear`s magic and her image survived somehow.

Game Help / Re: Re-Texture, Re-Texture, Re-Texture.
« on: August 02, 2012, 08:17:04 am »
Maybe you typed the texture in wrong. Sometimes I do that. Object Maker-> Mesh-> Type this under Mesh-> Cave1.mesh or- go to Object Maker-> Mesh-> Under Material type-> Type in crystalMat (Caps and lowercases are important).

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